研究生: |
江欣芸 Ciang, Hsing-Yun |
論文名稱: |
個人職涯發展對組織精簡方案選擇之影響 -以C通訊科技公司為例 The Influence of Career Planning on Downsizing Methods– A Case Study of a Highi-tech Company |
指導教授: |
Chu, Yih-Hsien |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 142 |
中文關鍵詞: | 職涯規劃 、職涯發展 、組織精簡 、高科技產業 、高科技人才 |
英文關鍵詞: | career plan, career development, downsize, high-tech industry, high-tech manpower |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:480 下載:19 |
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一、 影響職涯發展因素為:「個人興趣」、「價值觀念」、「家庭支持」、「工作壓力」、「同儕關係」、「工作回饋」等六個因素。
二、 目前高科技產業之組織精簡方式有下列七種方案:「委外派遣」、「常態性裁員」、「樽節福利措施」、「取消年度晉升與調薪」、「無薪假」、「減薪」、「非常態性裁員」。
三、 影響個人職涯發展因素中的家庭支持、同儕關係兩個構面對員工選擇下列組織精簡方案委外派遣、常態性裁員、樽節福利措施、取消年度晉升與調薪、減薪具顯著影響。
四、 在不考慮影響個人職涯發展因素底下對組織精簡方案選擇方案以「不景氣時,同意公司取消年度全體員工調薪,待景氣回升後追溯補足原年度調薪幅度」之方案,是員工最能接受的方案。
The outbreak of the US financial crisis swept around the world at the end of 2008, and almost no country could escape from it. What is more serious is that the national economy of every country has been hit hard and almost every person in every country was affected by this crisis to some degree.
Taiwan's export-oriented high-tech industry was involved in this global financial crisis. This study is to investigate the high-tech industry during 2009. Downsizing in the high-tech industry had a greater impact on employees compared to downsizing in other industries. By allowing employees to freely choose the downsizing methods with reference to their own career plans, we can see which downsizing methods are the most suitable in terms of career development.
This study research data was gained through questionnaires. 160 questionnaires were sent out and 129(80%)were completed and then returned. Two types of questionnaires were used as measurement tools. The first type focused on factors affecting career development, and another allowed employees to focused on seven kinds of downsizing. Based on the descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression analyses, we have four conclusions which are summarized below:
1. First,we have factors affecting career development:‘personal interest’,‘values’,‘family support’,‘work pressure’,‘peer relations’ and ‘work feedback’.
2. Second,the seven downsizing methods that the high-tech industry likely adopted are ‘outsourcing’,‘normal layoffs’,‘cutting welfare’,‘cancelling annual promotions and raising salary’,‘unpaid leave’,‘cutting salary’,and ‘layoffs’.
3. Third,the strongest factors in career development were,‘family support’,‘peer relations’,‘outsourcing’,‘normal layoffs’,‘cutting welfare’,‘cancelling annual promotions and raising salary,and ‘cutting salary’.
4. Fourth, among the organization’s simplified schemes, regardless of the consideration of the person’s career development factor, choosing the scheme that is the most acceptable among the employees which indicates that‘during the recession, shows consensus to the company to cancel the salary adjustment to all the staffers until the booming of the economy to retrace and supplement the salary adjustment margin of the original annual year’.
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