研究生: |
王耀輝 Wang Yao-hui |
論文名稱: |
高一地理資訊單元適性 WebGIS 學習系統之開發 The Development of An Adaptive WebGIS Learning System for Tenth Grade Students to Learn Geographical Information Unit |
指導教授: | 陳哲銘 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
地理學系 Department of Geography |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 154 |
中文關鍵詞: | 地理資訊系統 、網路地理資訊系統 、適性學習系統 、優使化 |
英文關鍵詞: | Geographical Information Systems, WebGIS, Adaptive Learning System, usability test |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:384 下載:28 |
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近來雖然已有許多研究驗證了將地理資訊系統(Geographical Information Systems, GIS)引進中小學體系的重要性,然而其推廣卻始終相當緩慢。台灣隨著九十九年新高中地理課程綱的實施,GIS的教學不但已由高三選修改為高一必修,同時規畫上課時數為5至6小時,如何在有限時間內讓學生有效學習GIS 是個亟具挑戰性的問題。近來以學生為中心的學習已成為教學新典範,結合網路科技與適性學習的「適性數位學習系統」能按照學生的能力與進度輔助個人化學習,具有輔助高中生更有效率地學習GIS的潛力。再加上隨著空間科技的進步,網際網路地理資訊系統(WebGIS)已經可以讓使用者僅透過瀏覽器便直接進行高階的空間分析工作。故本研究目的在於建構一套結合WebGIS的適性地理資訊學習系統,以讓我國高中一年級學生可以充分體驗與學習GIS的潛力。
In the last decade, although applying Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in K-12 classrooms has become a general agreement among many countries, the growing is still far from wide spreading. In Taiwan, as the National Geography Curriculum of Senior High School was applied since 2010, the 10 grade students are compulsory to learn the fundamental GIS concepts and software operation within 5 to 6 classes. Therefore it’s relevant to develop an approach for students to learn about and learn with GIS effectively. Recently, the student-centered learning has become a new learning paradigm. By integrating adaptive learning with Internet technology, an adaptive e-learning system can personalize learning approach, which may help students to learn about and learn with GIS effectively and efficiently. With the significant improvement of spatial technology, it is available for a user to process spatial analysis with WebGIS. The aim of the research is to integrate adaptive learning system with WebGIS.
Based on this innovative approach, an adaptive WebGIS learning system has been developed. Students can learn GIS with a cloud computing environment. After the prototype was developed, two usability tests were conducted to improve the learnability and efficiency of the system. Compared with other educational WebGIS website in Taiwan, the system have two distinct advantages. Firstly, the WebGIS services of the system are reusable. Students can run a chain of geoprocessing services to solve a GIS problem by using this system. Secondly, the system has the capability to deliver adaptive learning. Once students have learning difficulties, the system can provide remedial instructions immediately. Therefore, students can learn GIS in their spare time without occupying the limited class hours.
A quasi-experiment was conducted to evaluate whether the system can help students to learn GIS. The results demonstrate that the learners who use this system achieve better performance both in understanding GIS concepts and gaining hands-on experience than those without using the system. Therefore, the system is quite suitable as a supplementary learning tool for 10 grade students to learn GIS. It is deserveing to promote the system.
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