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研究生: 黃瑞源
Huang, Jui-Yuan
論文名稱: Bank 3.0對銀行從業人員的影響與轉型發展之研究:以T銀行為例
Impact of Bank 3.0 on Bank Personnel and Its Transformation Strategy: A Case Study of T Bank
指導教授: 施人英
Shih, Jen-Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 38
中文關鍵詞: Bank 3.0數位金融轉型
英文關鍵詞: Bank 3.0, Digital Finance, Transformation
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201920
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:336下載:0
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  • 摘要
    在數位科技發達的今日,自從由素有「金融創新之父」布雷特‧金恩所著《銀行轉型未來式之Bank 3.0》這本書問世後,強調「銀行將不再是一個地方,而是一種行為」,並且詳細描述未來銀行將不限於發生在實體銀行,而是隨處皆可進行,所以銀行與客戶的互動方式也將出現重大的變化,因此銀行必須從客戶的角度去思考產品的價值,以及與客戶接觸的情境,因而將使全國17萬多銀行從業人員開始產生危機意識,故從業人員本身應思考著如何加強本身所需的相關能力,而銀行業者也必須協助員工職能轉型。在數位銀行興起之際,衝擊最大的應該就是銀行的分行與個人金融業務,及後檯作業流程相關人員,尤其是櫃檯人員,因此銀行人事單位應積極規劃並重組人力資源,以保障員工的工作權,員工能否轉型是非常重要的。
    目前在銀行業務範圍的擴大下,提供消費者多樣化的產品,來滿足其一次購足所有金融商品的情況下,面對數位科技取代了部分人力功能,如何利用數位金融3.0強化銀行的競爭力,而從業人員如何轉型成功,將是銀行在競爭激烈的環境能否勝出的關鍵。而面對數位金融3.0的挑戰,國內主管機關金融監督管理委員會亦督促公股行庫,要加緊步伐輔導銀行從業人員轉型,創造銀行與從業人員雙贏,並確保在Bank 3.0時代競爭力與優勢。
    本研究是以個案銀行為例,分析其經營業務面對Bank 3.0時代對銀行從業人員的影響,提出對從業人員該如何轉型,避免被淘汰且拖累銀行降低競爭力,而是與銀行共創雙贏的局面策略為:
    3.在Bank 3.0的時代,銀行在人力調整同時,應加強員工教育訓練讓這資產活化,避免讓資產成為不良資產拖累銀行。
    關鍵字:Bank 3.0、數位金融、轉型

    Quoted from “Bank 3.0: Bank is no longer a place, it is a behavior” by renowned BRETT KING, it depicts in details that banking activities will no longer be confined in a physical bank. In other words, they could take place anywhere. Accordingly, the way banks interact with their clients will change significantly. Banks will be forced to contemplate the value of their own products from the clients’ perspective, including the environment surrounding them and such fact makes the nation’s more than one hundred and seventy thousand bank practitioners begin to recognize the crisis they are facing. Not only theses practitioners need to strengthen their own professional knowledge and abilities, but banks are also under obligation to offer support and resources for such transformation. Furthermore, as banking becomes digitized, branches, the consumer financing department, back-office staff and particularly front desk clerks take the greatest impact. Therefore, the HR department should take measures for restructuring more aggressively to protect employees’ right of work.
    Given the recent expansion in banks’ business scope, diversification in financial products offers the convenience of one-stop shopping for banks’ clients. However, as digital technology begins to replace manpower, utilizing Bank 3.0 as a means to enhance competitiveness and transform existing practitioners out of questions becomes a decisive factor to a bank’s success among its competitors. In face of challenge from Bank 3.0, the competent authority has been urging state-run banks and financial institutions to expedite the transformation of bank practitioners in order for creating a win-win solution among one and the other and to ensure the bank’s ability to compete and preserve its advantage.
    This thesis is a case study of bank. By analyzing management encountering impact of Bank 3.0 on its practitioners, this research concludes that the strategies for achieving the transformation of practitioners in order to avoid being shifted out or undermine bank’s competitiveness but, on the contrary, to create a win-win solution are the following:
    1.Adopting financial technology to construct an integrated digital service platform to strengthen customer relationship.
    2.Be a professional bank specializing in offering financing and advisory services for small and medium sized business.
    3.As banks restructuring human resource in the era of Bank 3.0, it is crucial to enhance training and education of their employees for avoiding them becoming Non-Performing Loan and ultimately burdens to the banks.

    Keywords: Bank 3.0, Digital Finance, Transformation

    目錄 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 v 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 vii 第一章、緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與動機 1 第二節、研究問題及目的 2 第三節、研究架構 3 第二章、文獻探討 4 第一節、數位金融 Bank 3.0 4 第二節、數位化金融趨勢對台灣的影響 5 第三節、臺灣業者目前如何強化數位化金融 7 第四節、銀行數位化的演進 9 第五節、銀行數位化的影響 11 第三章、研究方法 17 第一節、研究對象 17 第二節、資料來源 17 第四章、個案研究與分析 19 第一節、T銀行公司簡介 19 第二節、T銀行的經營業務 22 第三節、T銀行業務市場區隔策略 25 第四節、T銀行業務行銷策略 26 第五節、T銀行現有競爭優勢與機會 27 第五章、結論與建議 33 第一節、結論 33 第二節、建議 34 第三節、研究範圍與限制 36 參考文獻 37

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