研究生: |
郭嘉和 |
論文名稱: |
從極小理論談中文的'把' On Mandarin BA: A Minimalist Account |
指導教授: |
Chen, Chun-Yin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 英文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 極小理論 、把字句 |
英文關鍵詞: | Minimalist, BA-construction |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:256 下載:48 |
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這篇論文主要從極小理論來討論中文把字句的處置性質。把字句的處置意味跟處置結果是息息相關的。因此,我認為把字句跟處置、結果、和主題等特性(features)是有關聯的。此外,我把'把'當成一個控制動詞。這樣的動詞有一個名詞片語和一個子句(CP)當作它的補語。另外,'把'是一個蠻特別的動詞,因為它不能給它的名詞補語論角色(thematic role)。這個名詞補語的論旨角色是從子句補語(CP)裡的動詞所賦予的。而這個論旨角色是經由論旨縺狀(thematic chain)的管道來傳送到這個名詞補語。至於子句補語內的零元素(null elements),PRO是受把字句的主要主詞控制(control)的,而pro則是跟'把'的名詞受詞指同樣的東西。這個名詞是受格也是c統制(c-coomand)pro。此外,因為處置和結果這兩個特性是強的特性,所以它們會引起動詞的移位(movement)來把它們消除掉)。除了這兩個特性外,把字句也跟主題特性(topic feature)有關。這個特性會使pro移位到子句指示語的位置(specifier of CP)。最後,本論文可以成功地解釋一些複雜的把字句,例如有的字句的把字字距以及有副詞片語的把字句。
This thesis aims to discuss the disposal property of the
BA-construction in Mandarin within the Minimalist framework
(Chomsky 1995). It is shown that the disposal reading of the BA-construction is closely related to the results of disposal. It is argued that the BA-construction is associated with disposal and resultative features, and that BA is treated like a control verb subcategorizing for an NP and a clausal CP as its internal arguments. Moreover, BA is considered as a peculiar type of verb which doesn’t theta-mark its object, i.e. the BA-NP. The thematic role of the BA-NP is assigned by the verb of the embedded clause, and the thematic role is transmitted via a thematic chain. As for the null elements, i.e. PRO and pro contained in the embedded clause of the BA-construction, PRO is controlled by the matrix subject and pro refers to the BA-NP, a c-commanding NP with Accusative Case. In addition, [+Dipo] and [+Res] features are claimed to be strong features, so the overt verb movements must trigger to check off these features before SPELL-OUT. It is also claimed that the BA-construction consists of a topic feature. The [+Top] feature attracts the pronominal pro, which refers to the BA-NP, to move up to [SPEC, CP]. Finally, it is argued that complex BA-constructions, i.e. BA-sentences with added expressions, such as the extent clause or adverbial phrase, can also be successfully dealt with in the present study.
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