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研究生: 劉志芳
論文名稱: 連接性詞語於五種中文書面文體之使用
指導教授: 鄧守信
Teng, Shou-Hsin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 連貫性、連接性詞語、文體形式、溝通目的、文法內化歷程。
英文關鍵詞: cohesion, cohesive conjunctives, genre variations, communicative purposes, grammaticisation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:326下載:70
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  • 本研究旨在探討漢語連接性詞語於五種書面文體(記敘文、論說文、抒情文、報導文、及廣告文)之使用情形。漢語連接性詞語在此定義為表達被連接篇章成分間邏輯關係之詞語,而根據Halliday的理論架構,此類連接性詞語有三類:elaboration, extension, enhancement。文體在此則定義為語言社群文化中,有階段性及目的性之行為表現。不同的文體有其不同的溝通目的,因而可能使用不同的邏輯關係構成篇章。本研究結果顯示所分析的五種文體在連接性詞語的使用上,有相同的趨勢,即enhancement 的使用多於extension,而extension的使用多於 elaboration,然各文體之間仍有其相異性之存在。就所使用連接性詞語之總數而言,報導文及論說文使用之頻率最高。廣告文使用最少連接性詞語,但子句的平均長度卻是最長。記敘文在連接性詞語extension分類中使用頻率最高,而抒情文因其所蘊含溝通目的之複雜性所致,比起其他文體在連接性詞語的使用上較無特殊性。另一方面,報導文雖使用最多的連接性詞語,但在語料分析中並非如論說文一樣,在每一段落均有連接性詞語之使用,同時報導文在連接性詞語子分類的使用上也不如論說文多樣化。本研究結果顯示含議論性成分越高的文體,連接性詞語的使用頻率也傾向於越高。

    The present study investigates the use of Chinese conjunctives in written texts of five genres: Narrative, Argumentation, Expressive, News report and Advertisement. Chinese conjunctives here are defined as words or expressions used to link clauses, and also indicate the type of relationships operating between the clauses being joined. Following Halliday’s theoretical model, three types of logical relationship are identified: elaboration, extension, and enhancement. On the other hand, genres are defined as staged, goal–oriented, purposeful activities in which speakers engage as members of a culture. Different genres thus carry different communicative purposes, and are assumed to reflect different logical relationships. The results of study show that the five genres have the same preference for using cohesive conjunctives in the following hierarchy: enhancement> extension > elaboration, but each genre does show its own uniqueness from the others. In terms of the total number of conjunctives used, Expressive, Narrative and Advertisement do not rely as much as Argumentation and News report do on conjunctives in constructing a text. Advertisement texts use the fewest conjunctives but have the longest clauses on average. Narrative texts, in the total number of conjunctives used, generate the highest percentage of extension type of conjunctives. Expressive, with its complex purposes of narrating events/ objects/ scenes and commentating on what has been previously said, has less distinctive features than Narrative and Advertisement. On the other hand, News report though utilizes the most conjunctives, but does not always have conjunctives in each paragraph as Argumentation. Besides, as for the diversity of conjunctive subtypes, Argumentation though uses fewer conjunctives than News report, it has more diverse choice of conjunctive subtypes than News report. In addition, if we compare both hierarchies of the total number of used conjunctives and used conjunctive subtypes, we will discover a cline among these five genres. That is, the more argumentative elements of a text are involved, the more conjunctives are required. Finally, some issues generated from the study are raised and proposed to serve as a reminder for teaching a discourse level grammar of Chinese conjunctives.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii ABSTRACT iv LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF CHARTS AND FIGURES vii CHAPTERS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Purposes and assumptions of the study 2 1.3 Organization of the study 4 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Classification of Chinese conjunctive devices 6 2.2 Discourse structure of Chinese 13 2.3 Redefining Chinese cohesive conjunctives 18 2.4 Summary 19 3 METHODOLOGY 21 3.1 Corpus 21 3.2 Analytic framework 28 3.3 Summary 33 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 34 4.1 Results 34 4.1.1 Comparison of conjunctive patterns among different genres 34 4.1.2 Distribution of subtypes in the three cohesive conjunctives 42 Elaboration 42 Extension 44 Enhancement 46 4.2 Discussion 51 4.2.1 Hierarchy of genre preference for cohesive conjunctives 51 4.2.2 Text length in relation to the use of cohesive conjunctives 52 4.2.3 Distribution of cohesive subtypes 55 4.3 Summary 57 5 PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS: ISSUES OF TEACHING A DISCOURSE LEVEL GRAMMAR OF CHINESE CONJUNCTIVES 60 5.1 Communictiave and organic nature of discourse-level grammar teaching 61 5.2 Teaching grammar as grammaticisation 63 5.3 Summary 69 6 CONCLUSION 70 AppendixI Summary of'lianjiechengfen'in Liao's Framework 74 AppendixII Summary of Conjunction in Halliday's Framework 76 AppendixIII Exercise Examples from Liu et al.'s Grammar Book 79 BIBLIOGRAPHY 81

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