研究生: |
鄭楹霖 Cheng In-Lin |
論文名稱: |
以無所不在學習系統降低英語字彙學習焦慮 因素之研究 A study of the ubiquitous English vocabulary learning system based on factors designs which can reduce the English anxiety factors. |
指導教授: |
Hsiao, Hsien-Sheng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 130 |
中文關鍵詞: | 無所不在學習 、英語字彙學習 、英語焦慮 |
英文關鍵詞: | ubiquitous learning, english vocabulary learning, english anxiety |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:487 下載:29 |
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本研究對英語焦慮的成因做分析整理,並根據英語字彙學習的策略,建置一降低英語焦慮成因之無所不在英語字彙學習系統。 本研究以台北縣某一國中一年級4個班級,140位學習者為研究對象,進行教學實驗,採取準實驗研究設計,分成實驗組與對照組。實驗組進行使用「降低英語焦慮成因之無所不在英語字彙學習系統」學習,對照組進行傳統教室教學,實驗共進行四週,而且紀錄實驗組的系統操作行為,並訪談兩組高、中、低英語焦慮程度者數名。實驗結果以二因子共變數及單因子共變數進行分析。 從實驗結果發現,使用本研究的「降低英語焦慮成因之無所不在英語字彙學習系統」的學習者,在英語字彙學習的表現優於對照組。使用本系統學習的中、高英語焦慮程度學習者,其學習成就也顯著優於對照組,顯示出本系統對高英語焦慮程度學習者的幫助。不同英語焦慮程度的學習者,在使用本降低英語焦慮成因之無所不在英語字彙習系統的使用行為上有所不同,高英語焦慮程度者在使用本系統時,使用本系統提供之學習功能輔助的次數較中、低英語焦慮程度學習者來的多,顯示出不同英語焦慮程度學習者行為上的差異。經過訪談也發現系統針對焦慮成因的設計,能降低學生焦慮及幫助學習。
In this study, the causes of English anxiety were analyzed and a “ubiquitous English vocabulary learning system” based on English vocabulary learning strategies which can reduce the English anxiety factors were constructed. This experiment took place in the seventh grade English course with a learning activity model which was composed of PDAs, wireless network and outdoor learning. Experiment participants were centain of four class’ students at 7th of journal high school in Taipei county. 61 students were selected as experiment group to learning English vocabulary by the proposed system, the other 62 students were selected as control group for traditional English classroom teaching. The experiment last four weeks, the learning portfolio of experiment group had been recorded. After experiment, and then several students of different English anxiety class of each group were asked for interview. The experiment results were analyzed by two-way ANCOVA and one–way ANCOVA.
The leaning performance of the experiment group who leaning English vocabulary with “ubiquitous English vocabulary learning system” was significantly better than the control group. And the learning performances of high and medium level English anxiety students’ of the experiment group were significantly better than the same level of control group. These results show that the efforts to high English anxiety level students. from the experiment system. Each level of different English anxiety level showed different learning behaviors when they using the proposed system. The high English anxiety level students used more supported functions to learn English in this system than the other group. After interview, the designs to reduce the English anxiety factors of this system, had been confirmed and the design also could enhance their English learning performance.
Keywords: ubiquitous learning, english vocabulary learning, english anxiety
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