研究生: |
于世青 Yu, Shih-Ching |
論文名稱: |
「KUSO」與閱聽人之關係——以龍之家族樂團為例 The Relationship Between 「KUSO」 and Audiences -- A Case Study of Dragon Family Band |
指導教授: |
Ho, Kang-Kuo |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
表演藝術研究所 Graduate Institute of Performing Arts |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 176 |
中文關鍵詞: | KUSO 、閱聽人 、龍之家族 |
英文關鍵詞: | KUSO, Audience, Dragon Family |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204602 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:235 下載:25 |
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「龍之家族」樂團其團員原為五月天樂團的技師們,主要負責協助五月天處理器材、試音與彩排……等。擁有搖滾樂背景,且熟知彈奏五月天歌曲的團員們,經常於試音、彩排時擅改歌詞、即興接歌,利用工作之時自娛娛人隨性演出。由技師團團員組成的「龍之家族」樂團,於2005年首次舉辦售票演出,並以五月天Final Home 演唱會為文本,篡位擔任五月天五人職位,「KUSO」其演唱會內容。接著在2010年、2013年亦分別「KUSO」五月天「DNA」與「諾亞方舟」演唱會內容,進行售票演出。
“KUSO” is a term originated in Japanese. After the introduction of this word into Taiwan’s internet world and several years of development, the meaning of “KUSO” in Chinese became different from its original meaning in Japanese. In Chinese, “KUSO” means a humorous work making fun of another work by parody or ironic imitation. In other word, “KUSO” is a process or product of re-creating one or more original works by juxtaposition or collage.
Obviously, before the term “KUSO” appears in Chinese, works with similar concept already exist. However, only after this term show up in Chinese, the academic world could finally develop a clearer definition for this kind of works. Previous study shows that the “KUSO” works often appear on the internet as words, images, music, video, etc. in the early days, and then developed into the form of performing art recently.
The members of the rock band “Dragon Family” are former technicians who worked for another band “Mayday.” Their main job was to help “Mayday” with musical instrument adjustment, sound check, rehearsal, etc. Since they have rock music background and are familiar with every song of “Mayday,” they often change the lyrics or randomly mix-up different songs to amuse themselves and others when working. This formed-by-technicians rock band held their first commercial concert in 2005, using one of Mayday’s concerts “Final Home” as the base to KUSO, wherein they mimic Mayday’s five members on the stage. After that, in 2010 and 2013, they held two more commercial concerts which are humorous adaptations of Mayday’s concerts “DNA” and “NOW-HERE World Tour.”
In the present research, the band “Dragon Family” is taken as an example to analyze the performer’s methods and attitude of adaptation, the style of re-creation, and the signs used in the works. In addition, this research also seeks to figure out the meaning potentials between the phenomenon of “KUSO” and the audience.
Keywords: KUSO, Dragon Family, audience
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