研究生: |
周素足 Su-Tsu Chou |
論文名稱: |
技職校院新生入學期望與校園經驗之研究-以北區一所技術學院為例 A Study on the Entrance School Expectations and the Campus Experiences of New Students at Technological Institutes |
指導教授: |
Liu, Hsing-Yuan |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 222 |
中文關鍵詞: | 技職校院 、新生 、新生定向輔導 、入學期望 、校園經驗 、學術投入 、人際投入 、校園活動融入 、校園支持環境 、學校認同 |
英文關鍵詞: | institute, new students, orientation program, entrance school expectation, campus experience, academic involvement, social involvement, campus activity engagement, campus supporting environment, school identification |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:411 下載:21 |
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This research aims at probing into the entrance school expectations and the campus experiences of new students of technological institutes. The research questions include:
(1)What were the entrance school expectations in academic involvement , social involvement, campus activity engagement, campus supporting environment and school identification of the new students?
(2)What were the differences in the entrance school expectations in academic involvement , social involvement, campus activity engagement , campus supporting environment and school identification of different educational system, registered permanent residence, entrance wish, entrance school way, parents' education degree, parents' job, working inside school expectations, working outside school expectations?
(3)What were the campus experiences in academic involvement , social involvement, campus activity engagement, campus supporting environment and school identification of the new students?
(4)What were the differences in the campus experiences in academic involvement , social involvement, campus activity engagement, campus supporting environment and school identification of different educational system, registered permanent residence, entrance wish, entrance school way, parents' education degree, parents' job, working inside school experiences, working outside school experiences?
(5)What is the suggestion that the orientation program is implemented?
This research used quantitative and qualitative methods. By using the institute new student expectations questionnaire and the institute new student experiences questionnaire for instrument. The new students of the technological institute in north Taiwan are chosen as the objects of the study. This research sent out 1066 questionnaires, recover 1040, effective questionnaires were 924, the questionnaire recovery is 86.68%. Then, carry on focus group interview and specific interview in order to probe into new students’ entrance expectations and the campus experiences after new students' orientation programs.
The results of study are as following:
1. The entrance expectations aspect
(1) No matter the new students of different educational programs the expectations of campus supporting environment are the highest, and campus activity engagement are the lowest.
(2) All dimensions of the entrance school expectations of the new students of 4-year technological program are the highest then of 5-year or 2-year technological programs. The campus activity engagement expectations of the new students that expect working inside or outside the school are higher.
(3) In entrance school qualification aspect, the expectations of school identification of the new students entering school by application, or of the new students are not alumnus, or of the new students entering school in the three first wishes are higher.
(4) In the parents of new students aspect, the academic involvement expectations of new students whose mothers of the junior high school education degree or whose fathers are the first kind occupation as non-technical staffs are higher. The school identification expectations of new students whose parents are the first kind occupation as non-technical staffs are higher.
2. The campus experiences aspect
(1) No matter the new students of different educational programs, the campus experiences of campus activity engagement are the lowest.
(2) The campus experiences of academic involvement of the new students of 2-year technological program are the highest than of the new students of 5-year or 2-year technological programs. The campus experiences of campus activity engagement, campus supporting environment, and school identification of the new students of 2-year technological program are the lowest than of the new students of 5-year or 2-year technological programs.
(3) The academic involvement experiences of new students who come from the south district of Taiwan are higher. The school identification experiences of new students who come from the north district of Taiwan are higher. The campus experiences of campus activity engagement of new students whose mothers of the junior high school education degree are higher. The campus experiences of academic involvement, social involvement, campus activity engagement and school identification of new students entering school in the three first wishes are higher.
(4) The academic involvement and social involvement experiences of the new students that worked inside the school are higher. The campus activity engagement experiences of the new students that worked outside the school are higher. All aspects of campus experiences of new students of the highest group of orientation program participating degree are the highest.
The results of study offer staffs of relevant units of the schools to pay attention to understand the expectations of new students of different educational system. To design appropriate orientation programs in order to help new students can have better campus experiences that need to draft, in order to help the adaptation, learning and development of the new stage of the campus life.
Key words: Institute, new students, orientation program, entrance school expectation, campus experience, academic involvement, social involvement, campus activity engagement, campus supporting environment, school identification
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