簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳楷旻
Chen, Kai-Min
論文名稱: 宜蘭縣清水溪集水區崩塌量變化之原因探討
Variance factors of landslides mass in the watershed of Qinshei River, Yilan County
指導教授: 張國楨
Chang, Kuo-Chen
口試委員: 張國楨
Chang, Kuo-Chen
Chen, Jun-Kai
口試日期: 2021/07/25
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 集水區崩塌深度崩塌量體推估
英文關鍵詞: Catchment, Landslides depth, Landslides volume estimation
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101061
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:266下載:0
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  • 近年氣候變遷加劇與臺灣特殊的地理環境,造成了不少的重大土砂災害事件。位居東北區域的宜蘭地區,在一年四季皆有雨的情形下,山區崩塌地更是易受降雨事件的影響,產生崩塌現象。根據相關計畫調查,每年蘭陽溪流域皆有著可觀的崩塌量體從坡面傾瀉至河道中,其中蘭陽溪每年生產的土砂,近四分之一的量體來自清水溪集水區坡面的崩塌地,進而對河道下游地帶一些居民、財產等保全對象上,恐有安全疑慮之虞。

    Given the deteriorating climate change and the unique geographic context of Taiwan, many major landslides crisis occurred in the recent years. Locating at north-eastern area of Taiwan, mountain areas in Yilan is subjects to landslides due to the year-round precipitation events. According to relevant survey, a significant amount of landslide volume was transported from the slope to the channel in the drainage basin of Lanyang River. Among the sediments produced by Lanang river annually, around a quarter of the volume are contributed by the landslides from the slope of Chingshuei River, which threatens the safety of residences and properties downstream of the river.
    Due to the threat of landslides to the drainage, many disaster prevention and academic institutions have been working on to precisely predict the amount of potential landslide volume outcome, and to estimate the distribution of the volumes occurring. Hence, many analytic models are developed. This research targeted the main sources of volume in the drainage basin of Lanyang River, Chingsuei River. Using digital elevation model of two years and several geomorphic factors in combined with the theory of landslides depth research, this research develops a regression model suitable for this research area. From the multiplication of the landslides depth and area, the volume of the landslides in the catchment of Chingshuei River can be estimated.
    The results show that with the regression model of landslides depth, the adjusted coefficient of determination is 0.97, meaning that the model can effectively explain the estimation of landslides volume in the catchment of Chingshuei River. From the distribution of geomorphic factor layers and volume, we know that landslides depth would be affected by geomorphic factors such as slope and terrain wetness index. As for the stratum, due to the influence of rock formation in the topsoil and the form of landslides, shallow layer area with shale bed and sandstone bed are more subject to landslides. It is expected that this research will contribute practical suggestions to the future sediment mitigation project of this area and serve as the reference in order to achieve disaster mitigation.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究限制 3 第貳章 文獻回顧 5 第一節 崩塌量體推估有關研究 5 2-1-1 崩塌面積迴歸式 7 2-1-2 崩塌深度簡易分類法 9 2-1-3 小結 11 第二節 崩塌深度迴歸式模型 12 2-2-1 通用崩塌深度平衡方程式 12 2-2-2 坡度參數 15 2-2-3 距河道距離參數 15 2-2-4 地形曲率參數 16 2-2-5 地形濕度指數(TWI) 18 2-2-6 小結 18 第三節 流域土砂來源有關研究 19 2-3-1 蘭陽溪流域土砂來源有關研究 19 2-3-2 子集水區土砂來源有關研究 20 2-3-3 清水溪集水區崩塌量體驗證資料 21 2-3-4 小結 22 第四節 統計分析與驗證方法 22 2-4-1 相關性分析 22 2-4-2 迴歸分析 23 2-4-3 模型區域驗證 23 2-4-4 小結 24 第參章 研究方法 25 第一節 研究區域概述 27 第二節 研究資料 28 3-2-1 崩塌地圖層 28 3-2-2 環境地文資料 29 第三節 研究流程 32 3-3-1 崩塌深度迴歸式模型 32 3-3-2 坡度、地形曲率與內差分析方法 33 3-3-3 水系劃分及幾何距離分析 35 3-3-4 地形濕度指數分析 36 第四節 崩塌量體推估驗證 37 3-4-1 變數相關性分析與線性迴歸分析 37 3-4-2 區域崩塌量體推估值與對照組 38 第肆章 結果與討論 40 第一節 區域驗證之線性迴歸分析 40 第二節 崩塌深度與地文因子相關性分析 42 4-2-1 坡度與深度 42 4-2-2 距河道距離與深度 44 4-2-3 地形曲率與深度 46 4-2-4 地形濕度指數與深度 48 第三節 次級集水區崩塌量體空間分布探討 50 4-3-1 牛鬥山 51 4-3-2 燒水溪 52 4-3-3 石門溪 53 第伍章 總結 55 第一節 結論 55 第二節 建議 56 5-2-1 空間資料精確度 56 5-2-2 多時期資料尺度 57 參考文獻 58 一、專書 58 二、論文集 58 三、期刊論文 59 附錄 62

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