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研究生: 王美芳
Mej-fang Wang
論文名稱: 走和平發展之道路:中華人民共和國代表在聯大的政治隱喻用法
Walking the Path of Peaceful Development: Metaphor Usage in International Speeches by Chinese Government Representatives in the United Nations (2003-2012)
指導教授: 關弘昌
Kuan, Hung-Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 東亞學系
Department of East Asian Studies
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 隱喻政治話語概念隱喻理論聯大一般性論旅行隱喻戰爭隱喻建築隱喻
英文關鍵詞: metaphor, political discourse, conceptual metaphor theory, United Nations General Debate, journey metaphor, war metaphor, construction metaphor
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:536下載:47
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  • 本論文以Lakoff、Kövecses以及其他學者所發展的概念隱喻理論嘗試探討中文裡面的政治隱喻。分析資料為中華人民共和國代表每年於聯合國大會一般性論上發表的演講,而分析部分針對旅行、戰爭及建築等三種隱喻類別。通過精細的檢查,筆者將辨識的三種隱喻分為最常見的類型,及應用概念隱喻理論來分析結果。分析的意義在於凸顯中文政治隱喻的功能及起底下所存在的認知機制。

    This thesis examines three categories of metaphors used by the Chinese representative in international contexts. It focuses on speeches made at the General Debates of the United Nations General Assembly, and draws on the methods of Conceptual Metaphor Theory, as articulated by scholars including George Lakoff, Zoltan Kövecses and others. Through a systematic examination of the speeches used by the CCP, I identify and sort the metaphors into common types and utilise the aforementioned theory to analyse them. In so doing, I highlight the functions of metaphor usage in Chinese political discourse and its underlying cognitive mechanisms.

    1. Introduction 5 1.1. Research Questions and Methodology 6 1.2. Thesis outline, Limitations and Significance 8 2. Literature Review 9 2.1. Metaphors 10 2.1.1. What Is a Metaphor? 10 2.1.2. Metaphor Identification Methods 16 2.1.3. Close Cousins of the Metaphor 18 Simile 18 Metonymy 19 2.1.4. How the Metaphor Functions 20 2.2. Political Discourse and Discourse Analysis 22 2.3. Metaphors in Political Discourse 25 3. Data Set Description and Metaphor Identification 35 3.1. Data Set Description 35 3.2. Results 36 3.2.1. Journey Metaphors 37 Common Types of Journey Metaphors 38 Less Common Types of Journey Metaphors 39 Manifestations of Journey Metaphors and Their Conceptual Metaphors 40 3.2.2. War Metaphors 43 Common Types of War Metaphors 44 Manifestations of War Metaphors and Their Conceptual Metaphors 44 3.2.3. Construction Metaphors 47 Common Types of Construction Metaphors 48 4 Manifestations of Construction Metaphors and Their Conceptual Metaphors 48 4. Discussion 51 4.1. Metaphor Usage in the Analysed Material 51 4.1.1. Journey Metaphors 51 Meaning and Function of the Conceptual Metaphor in the Journey Category 51 4.1.2. War Metaphors 55 Meaning and Function of the Conceptual Metaphor in the War Category 55 4.1.3. Construction Metaphors 57 Meaning and Function of the Conceptual Metaphor in the Construction Category 57 4.2. Words and Phrases of Unclear Nature 60 5. Conclusion 62 5.1. Suggestions for Improvement and Further Research 63 6. References 65 Appendix: Speeches from Data Set 69

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