研究生: |
梁嘉愉 LIANG, Chia-Yu |
論文名稱: |
時間提示與人格特質會影響疊杯運動表現嗎? Will time prompt and personality traits impact on sport stacking performance? |
指導教授: |
Yang, Chih-Mei |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 56 |
中文關鍵詞: | 聽覺刺激 、時間壓力 、A型人格 |
英文關鍵詞: | auditory stimulation, time stress, Type-A Personality |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204898 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:262 下載:21 |
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在有壓力的情境下運動表現往往會產生變化,然而人類產生許多行為,除了外在環境,內在的人格特質也會影響我們的情境反應,A型人格意指具有成就競爭取向、生氣與敵意、時間緊迫感三個特徵,此種人格特質者積極進取效率較高,但也特別容易感受到時間壓力。過去研究發現聽覺較具有時間知覺性,若提供聽覺不同方式的時間提示是否會影響運動表現?而人格特質的不同是否也會對此產生差異?本研究旨在探討A、B型人格的個體,在時間壓力下透過不同提示方式對運動表現的影響。本研究招募高中女生為實驗參與者,平均年齡16.2±0.9歲,先進行A、B型人格鑑定並平均分配,實驗工作為疊杯計時,實驗過程分別用讀秒、口語提示及不提供時間3種提示方式進行操弄,每組招募24人,共計72位實驗參與者。本研究操弄的自變項為兩種人格特質、三種不同時間提示方式,依變項為四次的成績秒數,以2 × 4混合設計二因子變異數分析進行考驗,並分別比較不同人格特質者在何種時間提示下對運動表現較有助益。結果顯示A型人格特質者在第一次疊杯運動中表現較佳;若在有時間壓力的情境下,A型人格會因時間提示而產生退步。本研究歸結上述發現,人格特質的不同在運動表現上會有差異,而A型人格較不適合接受時間提示。
Performances of athletes make a difference in stressful situations, however not only internal personality traits affect our view of situation but also the external environment. Types-A Personality means people having competitive achievement orientation, anger and hostility, and feel time urgency, such personality traits are motivated and would be more efficient, but also easy to feel the time stress particularly, Type-B is the opposite. Previous studies have found that auditory with more time perceptual, will it affect athletic performance if providing auditory in different ways in time prompt? Different personality traits of whether this will be a difference? This research was designed to investigate the affections of Type-A and Type-B personalities under time stress prompted by the different methods on athletic performance. This research recruited high school girls to be participants, aged 16.2 ± 0.9 years, at first we makes personalities identification for Type-A, B, experimental work for sport stacking, the experiment respectively count the seconds, verbal prompt and not offer three kinds of time prompt manner manipulation, each recruit 24 people, total 72 participants. Manipulation of independent variables in this research of personality into two, three different time prompts, the dependent variable is the number of seconds score four times by mixed-designed two-way ANOVA: 2 × 4 to compare different personality respectively qualities are what time prompt for athletic performance are more helpful. The results showed that Type-A personality traits had better performance in the first time. If there is under time stress situations, Type-A personality would generate backwards because of prompts. This research attributed the above findings, different personality traits vary on athletic performance, Type-A personality is less suited to accept prompts.
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