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研究生: 穆磊
Michael John Mullahy
論文名稱: 臺灣大學生個人傳統性/現代性與對諮商、民俗療法的求助態度之相關及其中介效果探討研究
Taiwanese university students’ individual traditionality-modernity and attitudes towards counseling and indigenous healing
指導教授: 陳秉華
Chen, Ping-Hwa
Lin, Sieh-Hwa
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 134
中文關鍵詞: 求助行爲求助態度民俗療法個人現代性/傳統性
英文關鍵詞: help-seeking, counseling attitudes, indigenous healing, individual traditionality-modernity
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205327
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:304下載:36
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  • 在臺灣本土文化場域,民俗療法已具備完整的體系與規模,且經常用來處遇個人心理方面的困擾。相較之下,臺灣心理諮商專業的發展歷史較短,學者普遍認爲諮商專業內涵深受西方文化的價值觀影響,在臺灣文化脈絡中,顯得格格不入。在臺灣本土發展的個人傳統性/現代性理論常被用來解釋社會層級的現代化與個人層級的傳統性/現代性的雙向關係。本研究旨在探討臺灣大學生的傳統性/現代性在解釋其心理諮商/民俗療法求助態度的適用性,進而探討上述解釋關係可能的中介變項。
    a. 傳統性分數與所知覺求助民俗療法價值分數、所知覺求助民俗療法羞恥分數呈現正相關;與求助心理諮商分數呈現負相關。
    b. 現代性分數與求助心理諮商分數呈現正相關與所知覺求助民俗療法羞恥分數呈現負相關。

    In Taiwan, indigenous healing is frequently utilized for treating physical and psychological distress, is well-integrated into local cultural worlds. In contrast, the field of counseling wasn’t legally established in Taiwan until 2001, and contains Western culture-bound values that may conflict with Taiwanese cultural values. The theory of individual traditionality-modernity was developed to explain the individual-level psychological changes in members of societies undergoing modernization. The purposes of this study were to explore the utility of traditionality-modernity in explaining Taiwanese university students’ attitudes towards counseling and indigenous healing and to investigate possible mediation effects in this relationship. Questionnaire data from 223 Taiwanese university students were analyzed using canonical correlation analysis and latent variable analysis (lavaan).
    The main results were:
    (1) The linear composite of traditionality and modernity had two significant canonical correlations (one large effect and one small effect) with the linear composite of counseling attitudes, indigenous healing value, and indigenous healing stigma.
    (2) The results of the canonical correlation analysis showed:
    a. Traditionality was associated with greater perceived value of indigenous healing, greater perceived stigma of indigenous healing, and more negative counseling attitudes.
    b. Modernity was associated with more positive counseling attitudes and reduced perceived stigma of indigenous healing.
    (3) The relationship between modernity and counseling attitudes was significantly mediated by anticipated utility and self-stigma, and the relationship between traditionality and indigenous healing stigma was significantly mediated by social stigma and self-stigma.
    Theoretical implications of these findings, relevance for counseling practice, suggestions for future research, and limitations of this study are discussed.

    Acknowledgements i Chinese Abstract iii English Abstract v Table of Contents vii List of Tables ix List of Figures xi Chapter 1: Overview 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Purpose of the study 4 1.3 Significance of the study 5 1.4 Research questions 6 1.5 Hypotheses 6 1.6 Definitions 7 Chapter 2: Literature Review 11 2.1 Help-seeking in Taiwan’s socio-cultural context 11 2.2 The theory of individual traditionality-modernity 24 2.3 The relationship between traditionality-modernity and help-seeking 31 Chapter 3: Methodology 45 3.1 Research framework 45 3.2 Participants 45 3.3 Instruments 50 3.4 Procedure 62 3.5 Data analyses 63 3.6 Data screening 65 Chapter 4: Results 67 4.1 Main analyses 67 4.2 Additional analyses 75 Chapter 5: Discussion 77 5.1 Theoretical implications 77 5.2 Relevance for counseling practice 82 5.3 Suggestions for future research 84 5.4 Limitations 87 5.5 Summary and conclusions 89 References 91 Appendices 113 Appendix A: Permissions to use measures 113 Appendix B: Invitation email for permission to distribute questionnaires 119 Appendix C: Script for verbal instructions to participants 120 Appendix D: Pilot Study Questionnaire 121 Appendix E: Main Study Questionnaire 128

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