研究生: |
邵暐茹 Woei-Ru, Shaw |
論文名稱: |
台股技術面、基本面與投資週期交易策略之再探討 Trading strategies revisit---technical-, fundamental- and cycle-trading analysis |
指導教授: |
Chou, De-Wai |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 105 |
中文關鍵詞: | 技術分析 、基本分析 、股市循環 、買入持有 、投資績效 |
英文關鍵詞: | Technical analysis, Fundamental analysis, Cycle, Buy-and-Hold, Investment Performance |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:743 下載:0 |
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一般市場所用的投資工具不外乎為基本分析和技術分析兩種,雖然兩種分析方法的立場不同,但並非為完全互斥。因此,本研究結合兩種分析方法,提出兩種交易策略。第一種策略針對Pruitt and White(1988)所提出的CRISMA交易策略作修正,考慮到四條不同長短的移動平均線具有不同的遞延性,再配合相對強弱指標與雙重移動平均線構成新的技術分析指標交易策略;第二種策略則基於趨勢的概念,找出股市的平均循環期間而形成的股市循環波段斜率策略。
In Taiwan, the stock market is filled with noise information and is prosperous in stock trading. Therefore, it is difficult for investors to make accurate and efficient trading decisions. In the current study, we try to form some trading strategies which are based on fundamental and technical analysis and hope that such strategies can provide investors a systematic stock investing decisions.
This study retrieves relevant information from financial statement which is later used by fundamental analysis and technical analysis. These methods are not mutual exclusive. The first strategy named technical analysis indicator strategy which revises CRISMA trading rules uses several indices, including four moving averages, relative strength index, and double moving average of volume. Second, based on the concept of trend, we find the average cycle period of the stock market and induce the second strategy named cycle strategy.
Our sample period ranges from 2002 to 2011, including all the listed firms. The goal of this paper is to examine whether the two strategies can get excess return. In our empirical finding, with the fundamental analysis and transaction cost, both strategies have excess return. It proves our strategies are useful. Also, fundamental analysis decreases many transaction cost and losses and actually reduces the risk and increase the possibility of earning profit overall. As a result, our strategies can get excess returns. Investors should set different cash-out points according to their risk tolerance and execute it strictly. Also, they should learn more relevant knowledge, make judge on all the information of the market in a rational manner, and find the most suitable investment strategy to generate stable returns.
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