研究生: |
陳睿紳 Chen, Rui-Shen |
論文名稱: |
臺灣師大游泳館顧客流失率之分析研究 An Analytic Study of the Rate of Customer Loss at the National Taiwan Normal University Natatorium |
指導教授: |
Chang, Shao-Hsi |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 58 |
中文關鍵詞: | 游泳 、游泳館 、顧客流失率 |
英文關鍵詞: | swimming, natatorium, rate of customer loss |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100174 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:244 下載:0 |
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隨著國人對於游泳運動需求的增加,游泳館產業市場日趨擴增。政府積極廣布各級學校游泳館之興建,以滿足國人對於游泳運動的需求。臺師大游泳館於民國103年建置顧客資料庫系統,但未進行顧客資料分析。本研究以臺師大游泳館顧客為研究對象,搜集2014-2018年顧客會員資料共2,444筆進行分析,了解顧客流失之特徵分析,以提供游泳館行銷參考之資訊。研究採用描述性統計、卡方檢定進行分析,所得研究結果為:男性顧客 (50.5%) 多於女性顧客 (47.2%);年齡以20歲 (含) 以下 (24.8%) 居多;居住地區以非大安區且非中正區 (85.1%)多於大安區或中正區 (14.9%);顧客類型為次數型 (81.4%) 多於期限型 (18.6%);繳費金額以3,001-6,000元 (33.1%) 所佔比例最多;最常使用時段為晚上 (40.4%) 佔最多。臺師大游泳館顧客流失特徵為男性 (50.2%)流失率最高;年齡20歲 (含) 以下 (26.1%) 流失率最高;居住地區以非大安區且非中正區 (84.5%) 流失率最高;顧客類型以次數型 (85.5%) 流失率最高,;繳費金額以3,001-6,000元 (37.0%) 流失率最高;最常使用時段為晚上 (41.2%) 流失率最高。研究建議降低20歲以下的游泳館顧客流失,並且滿足60歲以上的游泳館顧客之需求。
With the increase demands for swimming, the swimming industry market is expanding gradually . The government promotes the construction of natatorium in schools to meet people’s needs. The National Taiwan Normal University Natatorium setup a customer database system in 2003, but did not conduct data analysis. By the way, the 2,444 customer membership data from 2014 to 2018 of NTNU natatorium were used in this study to explore the reasons of customer loss. This study employed descriptive statistics, chi-square test, binary logistic regression analysis to analysis data. The findings are as follows: (1) male customers (50.5%) are more than female customers (47.2%); the ages of customers were predominantly below 20 (24.8%); in terms of residential districts, customers were predominantly from non-Daan District and non-Zhongzheng District (85.1%), more than those from Daan District or Zhongzheng District (14.9%); in terms of customer category, times used-based customers (81.4%) were more than term-based ones (18.6%); in terms of amounts of fees, they were predominantly 3,001-6,000 NT dollars (33.1%); in terms of time slots most often used, they were predominantly for evening hours (40.4%). (2) The higher rate of customer loss were male (50.2%), the rate of customer loss for customers aged below 20 (26.1%) were the highest, in terms of residential district, the rate of customer loss for non-Daan and non-Zhongzheng districts (84.5%) were the highest, the rate of customer loss for times used-based customers was the highest (85.5%), in terms of amounts of fees, the rate of loss for 3001-6000 NT dollars was the highest (37%), in terms of the time slot most often used, the rate of customer loss for evening hours was the highest (41.2%). In view of the fact that the rate of customer loss for customers aged below 20 was the highest, those aged above 60 was the lowest, therefore, the suggestions were reducing the rate of customer aged below 20, and satisfying the demands of those aged above 60.
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