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研究生: 莊媮茹
Chuang, Yu-Ru
論文名稱: 國中教師對於〈十二年國民基本教育英語文課程綱要〉國中學習階段學習表現條目的看法
Teachers’ Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items in the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines for Junior High School English
指導教授: 程玉秀
Cheng, Yuh-Show
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 203
中文關鍵詞: 國中英語十二年基本國民教育英語課程綱要學習表現條目
英文關鍵詞: Junior High School English, the 12-year Basic Education, English Curriculum Guidelines, Learning Performance Items
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202734
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:334下載:22
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  • 十二年國民基本教育已於103學年度實施,因應此教育制度而生的新課程綱要也即將在108學年度正式施行。〈十二年國民基本教育英語文課程綱要〉國中學習階段的特色在於加進了邏輯思考、判斷與創造力的培養以及加強策略學習。教師對於新課綱學習表現條目的看法會影響之後課程實施的效益,因此本研究旨在探討國中英語教師對於新課綱中的學習表現條目的看法。
    來自台灣各縣市的163位國中英文教師參與問卷調查研究,其中17位教師願意接受事後訪談。教師針對五點量表問卷中的學習表現條目,分別圈選其重要性與可行性程度。事後訪談題目主要探討教師勾選相對之下較不重要或較不可行的學習表現條目的想法、實行上的困難和挑戰與對新課綱的建議。研究者使用了描述性數據、t檢定以及ANOVA 來分析教師對於每個學習表現條目之重要性與可行性的看法以及不同背景教師對於學校表現條目之重要性與可行性看法的差異。訪談資料則採用內容分析。

    The 12-year Basic Education has officially launched in the academic year 103. The new Guidelines will take effect in the academic year 108. The 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines for Junior High School English features an inclusion of cultivating students’ critical thinking skills and an emphasis on language learning strategies. Teachers’ perceptions of the learning performance items may affect the effectiveness of the curriculum implementation. Thus, the present study aims to investigate teachers’ perceptions of the learning performance items in the new Guidelines.
    A total of 163 junior high school English teachers participated in the survey study. Seventeen of them accepted the invitation for follow-up interviews. Teachers rated the importance as well as the feasibility of each learning performance item on a five-point Likert scale. The follow-up interview questions explored teachers’ opinions of the learning performance items that received relatively low scores on importance and feasibility level, difficulties and challenges of implementing the items, and suggestions for the new Guidelines. The researcher used descriptive statistics, t-tests, and AVOVA to reveal teachers’ perceived importance and feasibility of the learning performance items and the effects of teachers’ backgrounds on their perceived importance and feasibility of the learning performance items. Interview data was analyzed by content analysis.
    The present study found that teachers generally perceived the importance level of the learning performance items higher than the feasibility level. Mostly, teachers with different backgrounds did not differ significantly in their perceptions of the learning performance items. The interview results showed that on the whole, teachers considered the learning performance items were comprehensive, but limited class periods, students’ low proficiency level, life experience, and learning habits might cause difficulties in realizing the goals. Teachers further suggested that the authorities concerned should hold related workshops and seminars, and provide classroom teaching demonstrations. Based on the major findings of the present study, the researcher provided suggestions to the authorities concerned, junior high school English teachers, and future researchers.

    Keywords: Junior High School English, the 12-year Basic Education, English Curriculum Guidelines, Learning Performance Items

    TABLE OF CONTENTS CHINESE ABSTRACT i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Research Background 1 Significance of the Study 5 Research Questions 6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 8 The General Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education 8 The 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines for Junior High School English 10 Factors Influencing Curriculum Implementation 17 The Importance of Teachers’ Perception in Curriculum Implementation 19 CHAPTER THREE METHOD 24 Participants 24 Instruments 31 Data Collection Procedures 32 Data Analysis Procedures 32 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 34 Questionnaire Results 34 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items on Listening 35 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items on Speaking 37 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items on Reading 41 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items on Writing 44 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items on Integrated Skills 46 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items on Interests in and Attitudes Toward Learning English 49 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items on Methods and Strategies in Learning English 52 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items on Culture and Custom 54 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items on Logical Thinking, Judgement, and Creativity 56 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items on Different Learning Categories 58 Effects of Teachers’ Background Information on Their Perceptions of the Learning Performance Items 65 Effects of Teachers’ Background Information on Their Perceptions of Learning Performance Items on Listening 66 Effects of Teachers’ Background Information on Their Perceptions of Learning Performance Items on Speaking 76 Effects of Teachers’ Background Information on Their Perceptions of Learning Performance Items on Reading 87 Effects of Teachers’ Background Information on Their Perceptions of Learning Performance Items on Writing 100 Effects of Teachers’ Background Information on Their Perceptions of Learning Performance Items on Integrated Skills 108 Effects of Teachers’ Background Information on Their Perceptions of Learning Performance Items on Interests in and Attitudes Toward Learning English 119 Effects of Teachers’ Background Information on Their Perceptions of Learning Performance Items on Methods and Strategies in Learning English 128 Effects of Teachers’ Background Information on Their Perceptions of Learning Performance Items on Culture and Custom 135 Effects of Teachers’ Background Information on Their Perceptions of Learning Performance Items on Logical Thinking, Judgement, and Creativity 144 Interview Results 150 Teachers’ Unfamiliarity with the New Curriculum Guidelines and the Learning Performance Items 150 Teachers’ Difficulty in Understanding the Statements or Concepts of the Learning Performance Items 151 Teachers’ Worries About Insufficient Instruction Time 153 Teachers’ Worries About the Achievability of the Learning Performance Items (With Reference to Students’ Proficiency Level, Experience, and Habits) 155 A Need for Professional Development in Certain Areas 160 A Need for More Supplementary Materials and Teaching Resources 162 A Need for Support from the Government 163 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 165 Discussion of Major Findings 166 Teachers’ Perceived Importance and Feasibility of the Learning Performance Items 166 Teachers’ Opinions of the Learning Performance Items 170 Implications of the Present Study 172 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 173 REFERENCES 175 Appendix A 185 Appendix B 193 Appendix C 194

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