研究生: |
黃宣霈 Haung, Syuan-Pei |
論文名稱: |
愈綠化,越療癒嗎? 以臺北市生態公園景觀異質性探討文化生態系統服務與注意力恢復之關聯 More green, More healing? Exploring the Relationship between Cultural Ecosystem Services and Attention Restoration Based on Landscape Heterogeneity of Taipei Ecological Parks |
指導教授: |
Lee, Su-Hsin |
口試委員: |
Hou, Jing-Shoung 郭乃文 Kuo, Nae-Wen 李素馨 Lee, Su-Hsin |
口試日期: | 2023/06/15 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地理學系 Department of Geography |
論文出版年: | 2023 |
畢業學年度: | 111 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 141 |
中文關鍵詞: | 生態公園 、景觀異質性 、景觀指數 、文化生態系統服務 、注意力恢復 |
英文關鍵詞: | ecological park, landscape heterogeneity, landscape index, cultural ecosystem services, attention restoration |
研究方法: | 參與觀察法 、 調查研究 、 觀察研究 、 田野調查法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300580 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:231 下載:9 |
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自聯合國於2015推動永續發展目標(SDGs)後,強調人與自然和諧共存的「生態城市」理念,逐漸成為各國都市計劃的核心目標。都市綠地不僅為都市空間的重要組成,更為民眾親近自然及心理復癒的首要場所;然而越綠化的都市公園,是否帶給民眾愈療癒的感受? 近期研究表明,不同景觀結構的都市公園,能帶給使用者不同的感知與心理感受。本研究目為探討: 1. 生態公園異質性差異與使用者景觀異質性感知的關聯;2. 不同社會背景使用者對於異質性感知與文化服務感知的差異3. 使用者異質性感知與文化生態系統服務感知之影響;4. 使用者異質性感知對注意力恢復的影響;5. 使用者文化生態系統服務感知對注意力恢復之影響。以臺北市12座生態公園為研究範圍,共發放426份問卷進行量化統計分析;公園異質性測量部分,首先利用Arc GIS進行地圖數化,接著採用Fragstats軟體測量不同公園間的景觀指數差異。
研究結果表明:(1) 民眾能夠感知公園異質性的差異;測量的異質性與民眾異質性感知有所關聯;(2) 不同年齡、職業以及公園停留時間長短對民眾異質性感知有所差異;(3) 民眾公園異質性感知對「社會價值」、「教育價值」、「精神與靈感價值」以及「審美價值」之文化生態系統服務感知具有正向解釋力;(4) 民眾公園異質性感知對「遠離性」、「魅力性」、「延展性」以及「相容性」之注意力恢復感受具有正向解釋力;(5) 民眾的文化生態系統服務感知會影響他們的注意力恢復。(6) 文化生態系統服務感知為異質性感知對注意力恢復的影響的中介變數。本研究建議,若能加強生態公園內部景觀上的的差異性,並提升園內環境教育價值,有助都市規劃者打造更完善的都市綠色空間,為使用者帶來更佳的環境與心理效益。
Since the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were promoted by the United Nations in 2015, the concept of "eco-city", which emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of people and nature, has gradually become the core goal of urban planning in various countries. Urban green space is not only an important component of urban space, but also the primary place for people to get close to nature and psychological healing. However, will the greening of urban parks bring people a sense of healing? Recent studies have shown that urban parks with different landscape structures can bring users different perceptions and psychological feelings. The purpose of this study is to explore: 1. The relationship between ecological park heterogeneity and users' perception of landscape heterogeneity; 2. Differences in users' perceptions of heterogeneity and cultural services from different social backgrounds The impact of user heterogeneity perception and cultural ecosystem service perception; 4. The influence of user heterogeneity perception on attention restoration; 5. The impact of users' cultural ecosystem service perception on attention restoration. Taking 12 ecological parks in Taipei city as the research scope, a total of 426 questionnaires were distributed for quantitative statistical analysis. In the part of park heterogeneity measurement, Arc GIS was first used for map digitization, and then Fragstats software was used to measure the difference of landscape index between different parks.
The results show that :(1) people can perceive the heterogeneity of parks; The heterogeneity measured was correlated with people's perception of heterogeneity. (2) Different age, occupation and length of park stay have different perceptions of heterogeneity; (3) The heterogeneity perception of public parks has positive explanatory power to the cultural ecosystem service perception of "social value", "educational value", "spiritual and inspiration value" and "aesthetic value"; (4) The heterogeneity perception of the public park has a positive explanatory power on the attention restoration feelings of "distancing", "charm", "extensibility" and "compatibility"; (5) People's perception of cultural ecosystem services will affect their attention restoration. (6) Cultural ecosystem service perception is the mediating variable of the impact of heterogeneous perception on attention restoration. This study suggests that if we can strengthen the difference in the internal landscape of the ecological park and enhance the value of environmental education in the park, it will help urban planners to create a better urban green space and bring better environmental and psychological benefits to users.
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