研究生: |
鄢如平 Yen, Ru-Ping |
論文名稱: |
探討成人健康檢查族群其健康促進生活型態之相關因素研究-以台北市某醫學中心為例 Health-Promoting Lifestyles and related factors in adult health check-up group with different risk factors |
指導教授: |
Hu, Yih-Jin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 127 |
中文關鍵詞: | 健康檢查 、自覺健康狀況 、健康概念 、健康促進生活型態 |
英文關鍵詞: | Health examination, Perceived health status, Concept of health, Health-promoting lifestyles |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:433 下載:121 |
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此研究之收案對象為台北市某一醫學中心接受健康檢查的民眾,以結構式問卷進行資料收集, SPSS for Windows 17.0版統計套裝軟體程式進行統計分析,結果如下:
一、 有效問卷為435份(98.8%),男性為 265人(60.9%),女性為170人(39.1%),平均年齡51.6歲。
二、 研究對象在自覺健康狀態量表部分,題目共3題,平均數9.89分,結果趨於偏好的情況。男性得分較女性受檢者高;教育程度在「研究所以上」其平均數是優於「專科大學」。
三、 健康概念部分,題目共18題,平均數為73.37分,整體得分高於平均值,趨於正向概念;四個分量表以「角色功能」健康概念得分為最高,依序為「調適性」健康概念、「安寧幸福」健康概念,得分最低的是「臨床性」健康概念。年齡層「41~50歲」是優於「61歲以上」;教育程度在「研究所以上」是優於「高中職以下」及「高中高職」。
四、 健康促進生活型態量表共24題,平均得分63.45,整體得分高於平均值趨於正向,六個分量表中以「自我實現」得分最高、其依序為「營養」、「人際支持」、「壓力處理」、「運動」,而「健康責任」得分最低。年齡層在「51~60歲」及「61歲以上」是優於「40歲(含)以下」。
五、 以皮爾森積差相關對自覺健康狀況、健康概念與健康促進生活型態進行分析,研究對象的健康概念、自覺健康狀態及健康促進生活型態之間,均為顯著正相關。
六、 「性別」、「年齡」、「職業」、「教育程度」、「代謝症候群」、「自覺健康狀況」及「健康概念」等七個預測變項來預測研究對象的「健康促進生活型態」時,可以解釋「健康促進生活型態」總變異量的28.0%。
The objective of this study was to analyze the relationships among the concept of health, perceived health condition and health-promoting lifestyles of an adult population in Taipei, Taiwan. The data were collected through a survey with samples recruited from custurmers who signed up for a health examination at the Health Management Center (HMC) department of a medical center in Taipei. Then the results were analyzed by independent samples t test , one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression.
1. The valid data came from a total of 435(98%) participants, consisted of 265 males(60.9%), and 170 females(39.1%), with an average age at 51.6 years.
2. The participants’ perceived health condition was measured with three questions, with an average score of 9.89. The male participants had higher scores than the females ones, while participants with educational level above graduate school had higher score than those above college.
3. Eighteen questions were used to measure the participants’ health conception. The average score was 73.37. Participants at age group 41-50 had higher score than those above 61, while participants with educational level above graduate school had better health conception than those with high school or below. Among the four factors of health conception, Function/Role Performance Health Conception had the highest score, followed by Adaptive Health Conception, Eudemonistic Health Conception, and Clinic Health Conception respectively.
4. Last, twenty-four questions were used to measure the participants’ health promoting lifestyles. The average score was 63.45. Participants at age group 51-60 and above had higher scores than those below 40. Among the six factors, Self-actualization had the highest score, followed by Nutrition, Interpersonal Support, Stress Management, Exercise, and Health Responsibility.
5. These results showed that there were positive relationships between the participants’ health conception, perceived health condition, and health promoting lifestyles. In other words, the more accurate people’s health conception was, the more positive their perceived health condition would be.
6. The health-promoting lifestyles could be predicted by the variables of sex, age, profession, education, metabolic syndrome, perceived health status and concept of health explained 28.0% of variance of health-promoting lifestyles.
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