研究生: |
陳淑娟 Shu-Chuan Chen |
論文名稱: |
機場附近居民對航空噪音防制補助措施之滿意度及相關因素研究 Satisfaction on the Protections of Aircraft Noise among Residents Who Live near Airports |
指導教授: |
Tung, Chen-Yin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 131 |
中文關鍵詞: | 航空噪音 、防制補助 、滿意度 、機場附近 、認知 、期望 、風險覺知 |
英文關鍵詞: | aircraft noise, satisfaction, protecation |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:632 下載:0 |
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一、 研究對象自覺受到航空噪音的影響非常嚴重。
二、 研究對象對航空噪音防制補助措施的滿意度普遍偏向不滿意,對施政認知普遍偏向不清楚,對施政期待普遍表示有需要。
三、 航空噪音防制補助措施的滿意度會受施政認知、施政期望的直接影響。認知愈高、期望愈低則滿意度愈高。
四、 航空噪音防制補助措施的期望會受機場損益評估的影響。在損益評估中利益覺知愈高、風險覺知愈低、風險認知愈低者,對施政期望較小。
五、 航空噪音防制補助措施的認知會受機場損益評估中利益覺知的影響。利益覺知愈高者對施政認知愈大。
六、 對航空噪音施政滿意度會反應在陳情、遷居行為的意圖,特別是對音源防制相關措施的滿意度為最主要因素。
七、 損益評估可以間接影響施政滿意度,其中又以風險覺知的影響力最大。
八、 人口學變項對各個主要變項的影響可達統計上的水準,但影響力都很低。
九、 整體防制補助措施中,音源防制的政策才是最重要的,因為音源導致風險覺知,風險覺知對各種防制補助措施的期望有主要的影響;音源防制的期望又對各種防制補助措施的滿意度有主要影響,音源防制的滿意度才是滿意度模式中預估陳情、遷居行為的主要因素。
十、 本研究所建構的居民對航空噪音防制補助措施的滿意度模式是適合解釋機場附近居民對施政的滿意度。
The purposes of this study are to establish a model for understanding satisfaction of residents and its relative factors about the protections of aircraft noise, and to give suggestions for administrative authorities.
The sample elements are drawn from those households where located in the third and the second aircraft noise control areas of Taipei Song Shan airport and the second aircraft noise control area of Kaohsiung Hsiao Kang airport. By using simple random sampling, 300 samples were selected among each area. The data were collected via interview with the total 879 valid questionnaire. Frequency distribution, correlation, multiple regression, and path analysis are used in the data analysis. The major results of this study are as follows:
1. The residents were influenced severely by aircraft noise.
2. Most of the residents are unsatisfied with those protections, and misunderstand what those protections are, and have many needs of the protection.
3. Policy awareness and expectation directly influence residents' satisfaction. The more awareness and less expectation, the more satisfaction.
4. The expectation of airport noise protection is influenced by cost-benefit assessment. People who have higher benefit perception, lower risk perception, and lower knowledge have lower policy expectation.
5. The knowledge of airport noise protection is influenced by benefit perception. The higher benefit perception, the more awareness of the protection policy.
6. The satisfaction of protections will be reflected on the political statement activity and residents' moving. It is found that the satisfaction of noise control is the primary cause.
7. The cost-benefit assessment can influence the satisfaction indirectly. Risk perception is the most influential factor.
8. Demographic factors have significant but low influence on major variables.
9. The most important protection is policy of noise resource control because of a causal chain from noise resource to the political statement activity and residents' moving. This causal chain includes noise resource influences risk perception, risk perception has major impact on expectation of protections, expectation has important influence on satisfaction of protections, and the satisfaction is the major reason of the political statement activity and residents' moving.
10. The model is designed to explain the residents' satisfaction of the protections on aircraft noise and fits well.
To conclusion, follows are some suggestions for political authorities including: to effectively reduce the noise resources, to increase benefit perception, to communicate well with residents, to set the noise control areas properly, to soundproof the house, to do what residents need, to improve the quality of policy, and to give information about noise.
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