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研究生: 牛玉珍
Yu-Zhen Niu
論文名稱: 健康促進學校家庭夥伴關係之建立及其影響因素研究—以國民小學為例
The Influences Factors of school involvement in family partnership of all Health-Promoting Elementary Schools in Taiwan
指導教授: 劉潔心
Liu, Chieh-Hsing
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 181
中文關鍵詞: 學校家庭夥伴關係建立PRECEDE- PROCEED Model階層迴歸分析
英文關鍵詞: school family partnership involvement, PRECEDE- PROCEED Model, hierarchy regression
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:367下載:0
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  • 目的:本研究目的在於瞭解國小健康促進學校主要承辦人背景因素、素質因素、增強因素及使能因素對學校家庭夥伴關係建立的影響。方法:本研究以99學年度全國2675個國民小學健康促進學校主要承辦人為研究對象,採橫斷性研究設計,以縣市分區與學校規模作分層隨機抽樣,共收集584位,有效問卷391份,達67%有效回收率。以結構式問卷包括背景資料、素質因素、增強因素、使能因素及學校家庭夥伴關係建立收集資料。收集的資料以描述性、階層迴歸分析及結構方程模式進行統計分析,P<.05為具統計顯著意義。以PRECEDE- PROCEED Model理論架構模式為本研究之主要研究架構。結果: 1.健康促進學校推動年數、行動研究學校、素質因素、增強因素、使能因素可以解釋學校家庭夥伴關係建立43.3%的總變異量,在控制了背景因素的影響下,素質因素、增強因素、使能因素能對學校家庭夥伴關係建立產生顯著的影響,解釋力為39.4%。其中以素質因素的影響性最大(β=.366)。2.增強因素、素質因素、使能因素均能對學校家庭夥伴關係建立產生顯著的總效果值,各為.48、.37及.16。3.健康促進學校推動年數、行動研究學校亦能透過素質因素、增強因素、使能因素之中介變項產生顯著的總效果值,各為.14及.11。結論: 健康促進學校主要承辦人知覺推動家庭夥伴關係的重要性,應扮演的角色及具備推動的能力(素質因素),最能增進學校推動家庭夥伴關係;如果加上學校校長、同仁及家長的支持(增強因素);資源的幫助,主管的重視(使能因素)可加強學校家庭夥伴關係的建立,亦即使同仁間有更好的團隊結盟,學校家長間有更多的參與合作。

    Objectives: The main purposes of this study is to explore the effect of the main undertaker of health promoting school’s Predisposing factors、 Reinforcing factors and Enabling factors on school family partnership involvement in Taiwan elementary school.
    Methods: The study design was cross-sectional. According to the size of the districts and individual schools, a stratified random sample was used to select subjects from 2675 elementary school in Taiwan. Five hundred and eight-four subjects were recruited and response rate was 67% (n=391). Structured questionnaires including demographics, Predisposing factors、 Reinforcing factors 、 Enabling factors and school family partnership involvement were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Hierarchy regression and SEM. P<.05 was considered as statistically significant. The research framework was based on PRECEDE -PROCEED Model theoretical framwork.
    Results:1.The number of years of health promoting school, action research school, predisposing factors、 reinforcing factors and enabling factors were the major predicts as they accounted for 43.3% of the total variance for school family partnership involvement. Exclude background factors, the predisposing factors、 reinforcing factors and enabling factors were significant predict for 39.4% of the total variance for school family partnership involvement.2. The reinforcing factors 、predisposing factors、 and enabling factors had significant total effect on school family partnership involvement, there are .48, .37 and .16.3. The number of years of health promoting school, action research school had significant total direct on school family partnership involvement through predisposing factors、 reinforcing factors and enabling factors, there are .14 & .11.
    Conclusions: Perceived important, the role and efficacy of school and family partnership (predisposing factors) can affect school family partnership involvement most. Better resource helpful, policy maker support (enabling factors), principal, colleagues and parents support (reinforcing factors), reinforce the perceived important, the role and efficacy of school and family partnership, and better school family partnership involvement.

    第一章 緒論 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 第一節 研究動機與重要性 --------------------------------------------------------- 1 第二節 研究目的 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 第三節 待答問題 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 第四節 名詞界定 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 第二章 文獻探討 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 第一節 學校家庭夥伴關係意涵 ------------------------------------------------- 11 第二節 學校與家長夥伴關係發展的現況及困境 ---------------------------- 22 第三節 健康促進學校與家長夥伴關係的關聯性------------------------------ 28 第四節 學校在健康議題上與家長建立夥伴關係實施現況 ---------------- 32 第五節 學校家庭夥伴關係建立的影響因素 ---------------------------------- 37 第六節 PRECEDE- PROCEED Model在推動家長夥伴關係的應用------ 48 第三章 研究方法 -------------------------------------------------------------------55 第一節 研究架構 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 第二節 研究對象與抽樣方法 ---------------------------------------------------- 56 第三節 研究工具 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 第四節 研究實施程序--------------------------------------------------------------- 64 第五節 資料處理分析-------------------------------------------------------------- 65 第四章 研究結果 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67 第一節 背景因素現況分析 ------------------------------------------------------- 67 第二節 素質因素、使能因素、增強因素、學校家庭夥伴關係建立之現況 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 第三節 研究對象背景因素在素質因素、使能因素、增強因素、學校家庭 夥伴關係建立的差異- 83 第四節 學校家庭夥伴關係建立之影響因素分析 --------------------------- 97 第五節 質性各別訪談結果 --------------------------------------------------- 105 第五章 討論 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112 第一節 研究對象之背景因素、素質因素、使能因素、增強因素及學校家庭夥伴關係建立的現況分析 ---------------------------------------- 112 第二節 研究對象之背景因素在素質因素、使能因素、增強因素、及學校家庭夥伴關係建立的差異性 ---------------------------------------- 118 第三節 學校家庭夥伴關係建立之影響因素分析 ------------------------- 121 第四節 質性各別訪談結果 -----------------------------------------------------133 第六章 結論與建議 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 136 第一節 結論 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 136 第二節 建議 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 138 第三節 研究限制------------------------------------------------------------------142 參考資料---------------------------------------------------------------------- 143 附錄---------------------------------------------------------------------- 173

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