研究生: |
陳惠姿 Chen,Hui-Tzu |
論文名稱: |
績效檢視與規劃策略對餐飲業員工工作表現之影響 The Performance Review and Planning Strategy and its Impacts on Job Performance in Food Beverage Industry |
指導教授: |
Kang, Min-Ping |
口試委員: |
Kang, Min-Ping 張朝清 Chang, Chao-ching 陳怡靜 Chen, Yi-ching |
口試日期: | 2024/05/20 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 72 |
中文關鍵詞: | 績效檢視與規劃計畫(PRP) 、餐飲業 、心理契約 |
英文關鍵詞: | Performance Review and Planning (PRP), Food and Berverage, Psychological Contract |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400510 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:329 下載:14 |
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本研究旨在探討餐飲業員工的人格特質表在職能與績效檢視與規劃 (Performance Review and Planning, 以下簡稱 PRP)中的應用與影響。具體 目標包括:首先,分析餐飲業員工的人格特質與其職能表現及績效之間的關 係;其次,評估 PRP 在餐飲業中的適用性及需要的調整;最後,了解員工 對 PRP 的態度及其實際成效,並觀察其對員工與企業間心理契約的影響。 本研究希望能夠為餐飲業提供一個有效激勵員工的策略,同時也提供成功 應用 PRP 的實際案例分析,促進企業營造友善的職場環境,增強員工對組 織的認同感,並達成心理共識,實現員工與企業共同成長的雙贏策略。
因此,本研究為餐飲業提供一個有效激勵員的策略,同時也為餐飲業提 供一個成功應用 PRP 的實際案例分析,以促進企業給予員工職場友善環境, 並對組織產生認同感,甚至與組織達成心理上的共識,以研析出員工與餐飲 業共同成長、共創未來的雙贏策略。透過實際案例研究發現:
1. 健康和福祉的關注:企業在保障員工福利方面的投入,可增強了雙 方的心理契約。
2. 強化心理契約:企業應透過明確的溝通和實際行動來確保員工對其 角色和職業發展的期望得到滿足。
3. 個人與專業發展的平衡:鼓勵員工追求個人興趣和職業發展。企業 可以提供靈活的工作安排或支持員工參加與工作相關的興趣活動。
4. 主管的角色:主管不僅是技術和管理的指導者,也是心理契約的重 要維護者。應定期與員工進行一對一會談,了解員工的需求和職業 目標,並提供相應的支持。
綜上,心理契約在維繫員工與企業之間的良好關係中起著核心作用。通 過強化心理契約,企業能夠有效提升員工工作表現。
The National Development Council (2022) population estimation report indicates that the decline in Taiwan's working-age population (ages 15 to 64) has surpassed that of other major countries. It is projected that by 2028, Taiwan will no longer benefit from the demographic dividend. This study also highlights the severe labor shortage in the food and beverage industry in Taiwan, where many restaurants face challenges due to a lack of service staff, and some areas struggle to hire enough waitstaff to meet customer ordering demands.
Therefore, this study provides effective strategies for motivating employees and retaining staff in the food and beverage industry, along with a practical case study on the successful application of Performance-Related Pay (PRP) to create a worker-friendly environment. This encourages employee identification with the organization, achieving a psychological consensus, and devising strategies for mutual growth and shared future benefits between employees and the industry.
Key findings from the case study include:
1. Health and Welfare Attention: Investments by businesses in employee welfare enhance the psychological contract between the parties.
2. Strengthening Psychological Contracts: Businesses should ensure employees' expectations regarding their roles and career development are met through clear communication and concrete actions.
3. Balance Between Personal and Professional Development: Employees should be encouraged to pursue personal interests and professional growth. Businesses can offer flexible work arrangements or support for employees to engage in work-related interests.
4. The Role of Supervisors: Supervisors are not only leaders in technical and managerial aspects but also key maintainers of psychological contracts. Regular one-on-one meetings with employees to understand their needs and career goals, providing appropriate support, are essential.
Overall, the psychological contract plays a central role in maintaining healthy relationships between employees and businesses. By strengthening these contracts, businesses can significantly improve job satisfaction and retention rates, especially in the labor-intensive food and beverage industry.
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