簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 朱娟宜
Chu, chuan-i
論文名稱: 女性服裝師徒的生活世界
The female clothes mentor and protege life story
指導教授: 洪久賢
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 167
中文關鍵詞: 服裝師徒女性質性研究
英文關鍵詞: clothes; female; apprenticeship; qualitative research
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:481下載:42
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  • 本研究是以台灣本土特有的專門技能傳承模式 -- 師徒制中的女性服裝師徒為主要研究對象,探討女性服裝師徒傳藝,收徒,習藝與拜師之動機分析與其生活中人事物之影響作用並就其生活歷程了解女性師徒的內心世界.

    This thesis focuses on continuity of the local expertise in Taiwanese society. The author places the female and their apprentices as the main researched characters, investigating their tutorship, skills teaching and learning, the motive and effect on different prospects in life, in order to understand both the female tailor masters and their apprentices through their life experience.
    The choice of researched characters in this thesis is based on the author’s working environment¸ which reflects the Taiwanese traditional; and it consists of three experienced female tailors and their apprentices, each representing her own generation. Three of them are connecter as tutor and apprentice directly. Through their expertise and experience indicates their own ability.
    This thesis lays the emphasis on the article’s quality itself. The author uses more private interviews and document analysis as the main information source.
    There are two analyzing prospects in the interviews. First part indicates the specific moments of the characters in the thesis by using first person description. Second part sums up the life experience of the female tailors and her apprentices into six paragraphs and eleven topics by pointing out the deeper meaning of the characters’ life.
    On the discussion part of this thesis, based on the female tailor tutorship, the author concludes the various issues such as female issues, public and private territory, labor, rewards, family interest and individual development, etc.
    The author also places the most concern on the local Taiwanese women in this thesis. Through the characters’ daily life and self-development, the author tries to surface the difficulties the characters face, and hope the female consciousness will play an important role in Taiwanese society, in order to achieve the real “sexual equality”.
    Key words: clothes; female; apprenticeship; qualitative research.

    目錄 第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究緣起………………………………………………………1 第二節 研究背景………………………………………………………5 第三節 研究目的…………………………………………………….14 第四節 名詞釋義…………………………………………………….14 第二章 研究設計……………………………………………………….17 第一節 研究方法…………………………………………………….17 第二節 研究步驟…………………………………………………….21 第三節 研究資料的整理與分析……………………………………..47 第四節 研究工具……………………………………………………..56 第三章 研究結果……………………………………………………….59 第一節 女性服裝師徒的生活故事………………………………….59 第二節 由紮根理論之資料分析模式進行分析…………………….76 第三節 受訪者參與本研究之感想………………………………126 第四章 討論與建議……………………………………………………..129 第一節 討論…………………………………………………………129 主題一、婦女的研究……………………………………………129 主題二、橫跨公、私領域……………………………………….131 主題三、介於「生產勞動力」與「非生產勞動力」之間…..132 主題四、介於「有酬償」與「無酬償」之間………………..133 主題五、介於「家庭利益」與「個人發展」之間…………..135 主題六、師徒經驗對服裝師徒的利益…………………………136 主題七、女性參與師徒制訓練,其生涯發展的意涵………….138 第二節 建議…………………………………………………………140 第五章 研究者省思…………………………………………………143 參考文獻……………………………………………………………………149 附錄…………………………………………………………………………157 附錄一、服裝裁縫師資料調查表………………………………………..158 附錄二、訪談說明書……………………………………………………..164 附錄三、訪談日誌紀錄表…………………………………………………165 附錄四、訪談檢核函……………………………………………………..166 附錄五、基本資料表………………………………………………………167 圖表目錄 表 次 表1.2—1 師徒制的功能……………………………………………………7 表2.2—1 受訪者基本資料表…………………………………………….35 表2.2—2 師太—秀太師傅訪問過程一覽表…………………………….37 表2.2—3 心桂師傅訪問過程一覽表…………………………………….40 表2.2—4 幼里徒弟訪問過程一覽表…………………………………….43 表2.3—1 受訪者之相關人士訪談一覽表……………………………….54 圖 次 圖2.2—1 研究步驟流程圖……………………………………………….21 圖 2.2—2 研究者研究活動步驟流程圖…………………………………22

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