簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李雨靜
Lee, Yu-Ching
論文名稱: 普羅科菲夫《瞬間幻影》之分析詮釋
An Analysis and Interpretation of Prokofiev’s Visions Fugitives
指導教授: 王穎
Wang, Ying
Lin, Chia-Wei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系碩士在職專班
Department of Music_Continuing Education Master's Program of Music
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 普羅科菲夫瞬間幻影五種風格走向
英文關鍵詞: Prokofiev, Vision Fugitives, five lines
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100071
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:233下載:13
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  • 普羅科菲夫 (Sergey Sergeyevich Prokofiev, 1891-1953) 為俄國極具個人色彩的一位作曲家,他遵循傳統古典曲式並融合獨特的普氏音樂語彙,使其音樂展現出強烈的原創性。1915至1917年間,普羅科菲夫因受到社會主義的影響,推崇俄國臨時政府散佈的藝術大眾化理念而產出大量淺白親民的作品;其中《瞬間幻影》(Visions Fugitives, Op. 22) 即為此時期的創作。此作品中雖各曲結構精簡,但曲中卻充分展示普氏自述的「五種風格走向」,時而專注於單一走向、時而以多元組合的面向表現,使得音樂的樣貌豐富有趣。本論文以《瞬間幻影》為研究核心,分析並歸納普氏常用的鋼琴創作技巧與風格特色,並探究「五種風格走向」於《瞬間幻影》中的體現與運用。

    Sergey Sergeyevich Prokofiev (1891-1953) is a renowned Russian composer with strong personal characteristics. He inherits traditional forms but blends them into his individualized musical materials and brand new elements to create an original style. Between 1915 and 1917, Prokofiev was affected by socialism and composed a number of approachable works, which respond to the art popularization movement promoted by the Russian Provisional Government. Although the structure of each piece in Vision Fugitives is short and streamlined, Prokofiev’s“five lines”(meaning five compositional styles ) are clearly present. This thesis focuses on Vision Fugitives, investigating Prokofiev’s compositional techniques and musical styles and analyzing how Prokofiev“five lines”are treated in the present work.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iii 表目錄 iv 譜例目錄 vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與方法 3 第二章 作曲家概述與風格探究 5 第一節 生平背景 5 第二節 創作風格與特色 18 第三章 《瞬間幻影》作曲手法與創作背景 23 第一節 瞬間幻影之作曲手法 23 第二節 創作背景 38 第四章 《瞬間幻影》之分析詮釋 43 第一節 單一風格走向 44 第二節 兩種風格走向 53 第三節 三種風格走向 82 第五章 結語 105 參考文獻 108

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    Burge, David. Twentieth-Century Music. New York: Schirmer Books, 1990.

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    Chasins, Abraham. Speaking of Pianists. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1957.

    Donohoe, Peter. Serge Prokofieff Piano Sonatas, vol. 2, Sonatas 6-9, Authentic Edition. London: Boosey&Hawkes, 1958.

    Eugene Kirby, Frank. A Short History of Keyboard Music. New York: Schirmer Books, 1966.

    Minturn, Neil. The Music of Sergei Prokofiev. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984.

    Morgan, Robert. Twentieth-Century Music. New York: W. W. & North, 1991.

    Nice, David. Prokofiev: From Russia to the West, 1891-1935. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003.

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    Ronison, Harlow. Sergei Prokofiev: A Biography Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2002.



    Moellering, Steven Edward. Visions Fugitives: Insights into Prokofiev's Compositional Vision. Student Research, Creative Activity, and Performance-School of Music, 2007.

    Nestyev, Israel Vladimirovich. Prokofiev. Translated from the Russian by Florence Jones, with a foreword by Nicholas Slonimsky. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1960.

    Patricia Ruth, Ashley. Prokofiev’s Piano Music: Line, Chord, Key. Rochester University Dissertation, 1963.

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    蔡松琦。〈普羅科菲夫早期鋼琴小品創作的“嘲諷”風格〉。《星海音樂學院學報》第2008卷第3期 (九月號,2008 ):50-52。2019年3月21日檢索自華藝線上圖書館。

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    http://www.sprkfv.net/journal/three13/autobio2.html (2019年4月22日檢索自普羅科菲夫基金會檔案庫資料)

    Domenico, Scarlatti. Keyboard Sonata in B Minor, K. 27 Leipzig: D. Rahter, n.d., 1897. Plate 862), 63.

    Prokofiev, Sergey Sergeyevich. Visions fugitives, Op. 22. Moscow: Muzgiz, 1955. Plate M. 23404.

    Scarlatti, Domenico. Keyboard Sonata in D Major, K. 118 Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2013.

    Scriabin, Alexander Nikolayevich. Symphony No. 4, Op. 54 “The Poem of Ecstasy” Leipzig: M.P. Belaieff, 1922. Plate 3212.
