研究生: |
金惠琳 |
論文名稱: |
學習動機課程方案應用於國中音樂教學之研究 Apply curriculum project of learning motivation to junior high school music teaching |
指導教授: |
Wu, Shun-Wen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
音樂學系 Department of Music |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 143 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學習動機 、音樂課程設計 、國中音樂教學 |
英文關鍵詞: | learning motivation, music curriculum design, junior high school music teaching |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:646 下載:146 |
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一、 學習動機認知論可具體應運用於音樂課程設計。
(一) 學習動機認知論與音樂課程設計理念能相互結合運用。
(二) 提昇學習動機的原則可歸納為教師行為、教學情境、學習特徵三大層面,並可做為課程方案規劃的準則。
(三) Eccles的「價值-期望模式」可做為教師觀察學生學習動機反應的依據。
二、 運用提昇學習動機原則的課程方案能夠有效提昇學生的學習動機。
(一) 課程方案實施後,學生的整體學習動機有顯著提昇。
(二) 課程方案實施後,學生在價值成份、期望成份、提昇學習動機教學技巧方面的動機反應有顯著提昇。
(三) 學習動機的整體反應與其價值成份、期望成份、提昇學習動機教學技巧的相關性高。
三、 研究者的省思
(一) 運用適當的教學技巧,如:教學時間掌控、適當分組、增加實作課程與多媒體素材的運用,有助於學習動機的提昇。
(二) 課程有趣程度、成就感的獲得、師生同儕互動良好,也會對學生學習動機產生影響。
(三) 音樂學習動機不會因為音樂教學內容(如:創作、欣賞)的不同有所改變。
(四) 教學活動宜採異質性的分組,避免學生因自由分組而產生動機在性別方面的差異。
(五) 影音多媒體能促進音樂學習動機,但播放時間過長則會降低學生的專注力。
The main purpose of the study was to explore the effects of learning motivation curriculum project on music teaching for eighth graders. Case study method was adopted, and the study carried out for eight weeks.
The research tools were “learning motivation scale”, “reflective teaching journal”, and “interview records”. The researcher used “T-test” and ”Correlate test” for the quantitative data analysis, and ”document analysis method”; “constant comparison method” and “triangulation method” for qualitative data analysis. The results of this study were listed as following:
1. The learning motivation theory based on cognitive psychology can be integrated into music curriculum design.
a. The angles of music curriculum design can link up with learning motivation theory cognitive psychology.
b. Principles of improving learning motivation can categorize into three domains, including “teacher behavior”,” teaching situation”, “learning characteristic” for curriculum design.
c. Teachers can observe and judge the reaction of students’ learning motivation by Eccles’s “expectancy-value” model.
2. This curriculum project can promote the learning motivation.
a. After the curriculum project, the students’ motivation developed evidently.
b. After the curriculum project, the students’ motivation of “value components”,” expectancy components” and “the teaching skill of improving learning motivation” were encouraged appreciably.
c. The students’ learning motivation has high correlation between “value components”,” expectancy components” and “the teaching skill of improving learning motivation”.
3. Reflections on this research:
a. We can use appropriately teaching skill to arouse the learning motivation, e.g.: controlling the teaching time appositely, dividing into groups adequately, augmenting the proportion of implementation activities,; using the multimedia materials.
b. The enjoyment and acquirement of courses, the interaction between the teacher and students, have influences on the learning motivation.
c. Learning motivation won’t affected by different activities of music teaching.
d. Heterogeneous grouping should be used to avert the gender influence for learning motivation.
e. Multimedia materials can inspire the learning motivation, but the playing time should be controlled deliberately.
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