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研究生: 傅如尉
論文名稱: 結合印紋之點矩陣全像片設計及其品牌保護應用之研究
Dot Matrix Hologram with Designed Patterns and the Application to Brand Protection
指導教授: 王希俊
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 點矩陣全像片品牌保護防偽科技
英文關鍵詞: Dot matrix hologram, Brand protection, Anti-counterfeiting technology
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:184下載:12
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  • 由於科技蓬勃發展,偽造情況日益增加,近年來世界各國在發行新版證件與鈔券等安全文件時,均廣泛運用具有抵抗影印及掃描功能之全像科技。然而全像片的光影變化效果必須在點光源及特定角度之下才可清楚顯示。為改善不易觀察情形,本研究欲整合全像科技與印刷科技,以「師大大師」點矩陣全像片為品牌保護之主題,設計不同濃度之「師大大師」印紋與點矩陣全像片結合,使其在漫射光源與各種角度觀察時,品牌名稱與字樣依然清晰可見,提升品牌識別程度,讓使用者對品牌印象加深,減少混淆與誤認情形,進而達到品牌保護的效果。本研究以Matlab程式語言軟體開發全像影像電腦輔助設計程式之除錯模組、合成模組及預覽模組;其中,預覽模組能夠預覽全像片的光影變化效果。接著,分別計算全像片與結合印紋之全像片的數位模擬影像之色彩值與灰階對比值,並與真實影像比較兩者差異性;同時,以印紋作為遮罩的方式可彰顯全像片內容識別程度。研究結果顯示,利用全像影像電腦輔助設計程式之預覽模組,能夠準確預覽全像片與結合印紋之全像片的光影變化效果;此外,全像片與結合印紋之全像片的數位模擬影像之色彩值與灰階對比值,其數據呈現較佳之區塊,也確實與真實影像的結果相互呼應;而印紋全像片之數位模擬影像與人眼觀察結果,兩者也具有一致性。最後,本研究將「師大大師」點矩陣全像片搭配輸出之印紋遮罩與客製化文字,製作成防偽加值產品---「師大大師」點矩陣全像片胸針,兼具視覺美感與防偽效果,成功地整合全像科技與印刷科技,除了增進品牌的附加價值,更能達到品牌保護之功效。

    With the rapid advance of digital technology, counterfeiters can easier fabricate unauthorized copy of security document. In view of this situation, more and more countries have added OVD (Optically Variable Device), which can prevent from copying and scanning, into legal documents, passport and banknote. Dot matrix hologram, as a kind of OVD, has played an important role in this trend. However, the iridescent (Rainbow-like) feature of hologram can only be clearly observed at specific angles and under pointed light sources. To improve the observing situation, this research aimed to implement the idea of integrating hologram technology with printing technology, designed "NTNU Master" patterns with different densities as the subject of the research, and integrated with hologram to enhance the recognition of brand content. With the enhancement of brand content, the users would have less difficulties in confusing and misunderstanding about the brand. To achieve the purpose of brand protection, this research used Matlab to develop Matlab-based computer assisted program for the design of dot matrix hologram which includes three modules: a) error locating module, b) composition module, and c) preview module. Among these modules, preview module can preview the iridescent feature of hologram. Besides, this research calculated the color values and grayscale values of digital simulated image of hologram and those with designed patterns, then compared these data with the virtual ones. Moreover, integrating designed patterns with hologram as masks can highlight the content of hologram. The results showed that Matlab-based computer assisted program could accurately preview the iridescent features of hologram and thus reduce the failure rate of to outputting a dot matrix hologram. Furthermore, the data of color values and grayscale values of both digital simulated images of hologram and those with designed patterns were matched. Therefore, to dig out the best combination of hologram and designed pattern that conforms to real-world observing circumstances, this research outputted 121 sets of designed patterns to integrate with hologram and compared the outcomes of digital simulated images with that of hologram without designed patterns, and found out that the two outcomes went equally. Finally, this research produced an anti-counterfeiting value-added product --- "NTNU Master dot matrix hologram pin" which combined the "NTNU Master" dot matrix hologram with designed pattern and customized texts. Thus, the product had both aesthetics and anti-counterfeiting features to achieve the idea of brand protection.

    圖目錄 ii 表目錄 v 中文摘要 vi Abstract vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究問題 3 第四節 研究範圍與限制 4 第五節 名詞釋義 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 全像術的起源與發展 6 第二節 品牌保護 20 第三節 文獻探討小結 28 第三章 研究方法 29 第一節 研究流程 29 第二節 研究設備與工具 31 第三節 研究設計 38 第四章 研究結果與討論 49 第一節 結果分析與討論 49 第二節 防偽加值產品之品牌保護 58 第五章 研究結論與建議 61 第一節 研究結論 61 第二節 研究建議 63 參考文獻 64

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