簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李詠萱
Lee, Yung-Hsaun
論文名稱: 羅伯特・舒曼《聯篇歌曲集,作品二十四》之樂曲分析與鋼琴合作詮釋探討
The Analysis and Collaborative Piano Performance Interpretation of Robert Schumann’s Liederkreis, Op.24
指導教授: 張詩欣
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 225
中文關鍵詞: 舒曼海涅《聯篇歌曲集,作品二十四》浪漫樂派德文藝術歌曲鋼琴合作
英文關鍵詞: Robert Schumann, Heinrich Heine, Liederkreis, Op.24, Romantic music, Lieder, Collaborative Piano
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900371
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:429下載:3
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  • 羅伯特・舒曼(Robert Schumann, 1810-1856)為十九世紀德國浪漫派作曲家, 以德文藝術歌曲與鋼琴曲留名音樂史。本文之研究主題為舒曼的第一部聯篇歌曲 作品《聯篇歌曲集,作品二十四》,此作品完成於 1840 年,舒曼將九首詩作按照 原序譜曲,由於各詩中講述詩人對愛慕對象的思念與等待,並藉由與其他人物如 小鳥、船夫對話,表露其深切情感,舒曼於是透過不同調性及動機變換來強化詩 人情緒、建立氛圍。此部作品寫於 1839 至 1840 年,期間舒曼與克拉拉正準備要 結婚,原詩中對於愛人的思念與渴望皆透過舒曼真摯的音樂表露無遺。


    Robert Schumann (1810-1856) was one of the famous Romantic German Lieder composers in the 19th century. His first song cycle, "Liederkreis, Op.24", was composed in 1840. Schumann chose nine poems in the original order and composed this song cycle. All poems are love poems telling the poet's yearning and waiting for his lover, revealing his yearning by talking with other characters such as birds and boatmen. Schumann extended the poet's mood and established poetry’s atmosphere through different tonal and motivic changes. Since this work was written between 1839 and 1840, while Schumann and Clara were preparing for marriage, all longings and desires for love were thus also clearly revealed in Schumann's sincere writing.

    There are five chapters in total: Chapter One is the introduction, revealing the motivation and the purpose of the author as well as explaining the methodology of this research; Chapter Two which is literature review, focuses on the composer Schumann’s background and the characteristics of his art songs, and Chapter Three reviews the poet Heine’s background summarizing his life experiences, then introducing his representative works, Chapter Four comes to the music-analysis and collaborative-piano performance interpretation of "Liederkreis, Op.24", firstly introducing the composing background of the poetry and music, then from the actual experience of collaborating with singer, the author analyzes all songs in details, and give recommendations for the pianist to collaborate efficiently; the final chapter is the conclusion for the whole thesis.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與架構 4 第二章 作曲家羅伯特・舒曼 9 第一節 生平概述 9 第二節 舒曼藝術歌曲之創作特質 21 第三章 詩人海因利希・海涅 39 第一節 生平概述 39 第二節 代表詩作與創作風格 50 第四章《聯篇歌曲集,作品二十四》之樂曲分析與鋼琴合作詮釋探討 58 第一節〈青春的煩惱〉創作歷程 58 第二節《聯篇歌曲集,作品二十四》創作歷程 60 第三節 樂曲分析與合作詮釋探討 62 第一首〈早晨醒來時〉 (Morgens steh' ich und frage) 62 第二首〈我不安地走來走去〉(Es treibt mich hin) 73 第三首〈我在樹林間徘徊〉(Ich wandelte unter dem Baümen) 88 第四首〈親愛的,將妳那小手放在我心上〉 (Lieb Liebchen, leg's Händchen aufs Herze mein) 99 第五首〈美麗搖籃,我的憂傷〉(Schöne Wiege meiner Leiden) 111 第六首〈等等,粗野的船夫〉(Warte, warte wilder Schiffman) 134 第七首〈山脈與城堡凝視向下〉(Berg' und Burgen schaun herunter) 159 第八首〈起初我幾乎想要絕望〉(Anfangs wollt' ich fast verzagen) 177 第九首〈以桃金孃與玫瑰〉(Mit Myrten und Rosen) 185 第五章 結語 208 第一節 作曲手法 208 第二節 鋼琴合作寫作特色 218 參考文獻 222

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