簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 戴詠家
Tai, Yung-Chia
論文名稱: TRIZ法應用於設計造形發想-以有效動 作連續性為例
Applying the TRIZ Method in the design thinking of Appearances: Using Continuity of Useful Action as an Example
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
Liang, Kuei-Chia
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 154
中文關鍵詞: TRIZ法設計思考工業設計
英文關鍵詞: TRIZ Method, Design Thinking, Industrial Design
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DD.008.2018.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:287下載:7
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  • 設計需要不斷地創新思考才衍生新的概念,為了激發設計思考,如今發展出許 多設計方法。TRIZ 法為其中一種,本研究選擇 TRIZ 法其中一創新原則-有效動 作連續性深入探討,採用案例分析作為研究方法,挑選近年來國際設計比賽中獲 獎作品作為研究案例。經過兩階段的案例分析,符合本次研究的共有 55 項案例, 由案例研究的結果歸納出:1.有效動作連續性中的部分參數(例如耐久度、效率) 屬於不可見參數,根據研究結果,較不適合應用於設計領域中。2.根據研究,原 先有效動作連續性的三項特性屬於工業工程,應用於設計發想必須經過調整。3. 研究過程裏,55 項案例在矛盾矩陣的應用比例中,以適應度/力(35/10)應用比 例最高,因此建議未來欲使用有效動作連續性的學生或設計師,可優先從適應度 /力的參數進行設計發想。4.研究結果指出 TRIZ 法矛盾矩陣與創新原則進行工業 設計的可行性相當高,然而並非不能完全的套用,必須將矛盾矩陣的參數與創新 原則的特性與詞彙重新調整得以適用工業設計中,思考流程也能更流暢完整。

    Designers need to constantly conduct innovative thinking so as to come up with new ideas, so many designing methods have been developed to inspire design thinking. TRIZ method is one of these methods, and in this research, I used one of the creative principles in the TRIZ method: the Continuity of Useful Action to conduct further discussion, with case studies as the research method, in which I chose prize winners in recent international designing competitions as the cases. After two stages of case studies, I found out that 55 cases met the requirements in this research, and from the result I concluded the following: 1. Some parameters in the Continuity of Useful Action, such as degree of durability and efficiency, are invisible parameters, so based on the result it is not quite suitable to apply them in the designing field; 2. Based on this research, three characteristics within the Continuity of Useful Action actually originated from the Industrial Engineering field, so when applying in design thinking they need to be adjusted in advance; 3. During the course of this research, I discovered that among all the parameters, “Adaptability/Force” has the highest application percentage in the Contradiction Matrix, so I suggested that in the future students or designers who wish to apply the Continuity of Useful Action can conduct your design thinking with the parameter of “Adaptability/Force” as the first priority; 4. The research result shows that the feasibility of applying the Contradiction Matrix and the creating principle within the TRIZ method to conduct industrial design is really high, but they cannot be directly applied: the parameters in the Contradiction Matrix and the characteristics and phrases in the creative principle need to be adjusted so as to fit in industrial design, which will make the thinking process more smooth and intact.

    誌謝 I 摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究範圍 2 1.4 研究流程研究架構 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 2.1 創造力 4 2.2 工業設計 6 2.3 TRIZ 法 11 2.4 造形 15 2.5 文獻小結 18 第三章 研究設計與實施 19 3.1 研究說明與設定 19 3.2 執行研究 26 3.3 案例彙整與分析 84 3.4 研究小結 89 第四章 設計創作 91 4.1 創作(一) 91 4.2 創作(二) 95 4.3 創作(三) 100 第五章 研究結論 106 5.1 研究結論與討論 106 5.2 研究後續與建議 108 參考文獻 110 附錄一 113 附錄二 114

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