研究生: |
楊渡歌 Yang, Duge |
論文名稱: |
初探昆策與萊維「戲劇音樂劇」:以《伊麗莎白》、《莫扎特!》音樂與文本為例 The Primary Study on the “Drama Musical” of Michael Kunze and Sylvester Levay: A Case Study of the Music and Text in Elizabeth and Mozart! |
指導教授: |
Liang, Wen-Ching |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
表演藝術研究所 Graduate Institute of Performing Arts |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 179 |
中文關鍵詞: | 戲劇音樂劇 、間離效果 、命運悲劇 、《伊麗莎白》 、《莫扎特!》 、米歇爾.昆策 、西爾維斯特.萊維 |
英文關鍵詞: | Drama musical, Alienation, Fate tragedy, Elizabeth, Mozart!, Michael Kunze, Sylvester Levay |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000373 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:521 下載:23 |
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相對於百老匯與西區音樂劇創作的商業傾向,歐陸音樂劇尤其是德語音樂劇的創作展現了其非常強烈的經典化意願和趨向,其中最具代表性的當屬米歇爾.昆策(Michael Kunze)及西爾維斯特.萊維(Sylvester Levay)的一系列人物傳記劇。德語音樂劇以嚴肅而詭譎、衝突強烈卻浪漫入骨的風格,在世界舞台上獨樹一幟,昆策與萊維創作的一系列人物傳記劇傑作可謂功不可沒。
於理查.羅傑斯(Richard Rodgers)和奥斯卡.漢默斯坦二世(Oscar Hammerstein II)之後,音樂劇逐漸從「音樂本位」移至「戲劇本位」,而在這個階段中,昆策與萊維是很重要的推動者和發展者。他們在其創作中形成了音樂劇經典化的三個體現:間離性、命運感、整體觀。
Compared with the commercial tendency of Broadway and West End musicals, the creation of continental musicals, especially German musicals, shows a very strong desire and tendency of canonization. The most representative one is a series of biographical plays by Michael Kunze and Sylvester Levay. German musicals stand out on the world stage for their serious, whimsical, conflicted but romantic styles, thanks largely to a series of biographical masterpieces by Kunze and Levay.
Elizabeth and Mozart! are the most famous works of Kunze and Levay. Their artistic characteristics can also represent the author's own concepts of dramas. The alienation and sense of destiny of Elizabeth and Mozart! are the prominent characteristics, which enhance the seriousness and artistry of musicals in terms of form and content. When the concept of musicals that "music is king" was very popular then, Kunze put forward that "drama is king", believing that drama was the most important part in musicals. This point of view has shown important implications for us.
After Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, musicals gradually developed from the "music-based" to the "theatrical-based" stage. During this period, Kunze and Levay were significant promoters and developers. They have formed three embodiment of the classicalization of musicals through their works: alienation, sense of destiny and the holistic view.
For the staff of Chinese musicals, there are few studies on Kunze and Levay, which reflects the insufficient attention and research on musicals in minority languages. Therefore, to a large extent, it causes the bottleneck in the development of the research on the creation of Chinese musicals.
The studies on the works of Kunze and Levay can give us broader vision and greater imagination, and give us more inspiration and enlightenment on creation.
一、 中文資料
Aristotle. 《詩學》,陳中梅譯。大陸:商務印書館,1996。
Brecht, Bertolt.《布萊希特論戲劇》,劉國彬、金雄暉譯。大陸:中國戲劇出版社,1992。
David, Crystal.主編《劍橋百科全書 The Cambridge Encyclopedia》。台北:貓頭鷹,1997。
Field, Syd.《電影劇本寫作基礎》,鮑玉珩、鐘大豐譯。大陸:中國電影出版社,2002。
Hamann, Brigitte.《茜茜公主:伊麗莎白——一位不情願的皇后》,王泰智譯。大陸:商務印書館,2001。
Huch, Felix.《莫扎特》,高中甫譯。大陸:人民文學出版社,2006。
Jameson, Fredric.《布萊希特與方法》,陳永國譯。大陸:中國社會科學出版社,1998。
Jung, Carl.《心理學與文學》,馮川、蘇克譯。大陸:譯林,1987。
Pflicht, Stephan.《音樂劇指南》,楊祖群譯。大陸:湖南文藝,2008。
Schumacher, Ernst.〈論布萊希特戲劇情與理的辯證關係〉,《布萊希特研究》。大陸:中國社會科學出版社,1984。
Shklovsky, Viktor.《俄國形式主義文論選》,方珊譯。大陸:三聯書店,1989。
二、 外文資料
Green, Stanley. " Encyclopedia of the Musical Theatre". New York: Da Capo Press, 1976.
Sadie, Stanley. " the New Grove Dictionary of American Music". Oxford University Press,2001.
Vogler, Christopher. " The Writers Journey : Mythic Structure for Writers " ,Michael Wiese Productions,2007.
Woolford, Julian . "How Musicals Work" .Nick Hern Books, 2012.
三、 期刊、論文資料
劉永屹。〈「R. and H.」——美國百老匯音樂劇歷史上的黃金組合〉。中國藝術研究院,2000。
Kunze, Michael.; Levay, Sylvester. "Elizabeth".Edition Butterfly,1992。
Kunze, Michael.; Levay, Sylvester. "Mozart!".Edition Butterfly,1999。
Michael Kunze。〈漢堡演藝學校大師講座〉。https://www.bilibili.com/video/av9603127?from=search&seid=11043410374513507879.2017;摘錄於6 July 2019。
Michael Kunze。〈從設想到首演1〉。https://www.bilibili.com/video/av14418117?from=search&seid=17012487318875944172;摘錄於18 January 2020。
Michael Kunze。〈從設想到首演4〉。https://www.bilibili.com/video/av14418167?from=search&seid=7530039578089381424;摘錄於18 January 2020。
Michael Kunze介紹。https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Kunze_(Librettist). 摘錄於6 July 2019。
銀色公約。https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Convention. 摘錄於6 July 2019。
Sylvester Levay介紹。https://hu.wikipedia.org /wiki/ Lévay_Szilveszter. 摘錄於6 July 2019。