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研究生: 陳儀芳
Chen, Yi-Fang
論文名稱: 輕症自閉症者大專校院離校後就業情況分析
Investigation of Employment Situation for Individuals with Mild Autism Spectrum Disorder after Leaving University
指導教授: 佘永吉
Sher, Yung-Ji
口試委員: 張正芬
Chang, Cheng-Fen
Chao, Pen-Chiang
Sher, Yung-Ji
口試日期: 2023/07/17
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 自閉症輕症自閉症大專校院離校後就業
英文關鍵詞: autism spectrum disorder, mild autism spectrum disorder, leaving university, employment
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300836
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:436下載:29
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  • 近年來大專校院的自閉症學生人數逐年攀升,但有些研究指出,無論自閉症者的智力或教育程度如何,在就業的表現均不理想。本研究旨在了解輕症自閉症者大學離校後的就業經驗與現況,並以自編的「大學離校後自閉症青年就業情況追蹤調查」為工具,採方便取樣,共收回81份有效問卷。輕症自閉症者的就業與未就業情況約為3.3:1,輕症自閉症者的樣本以公立大學為主,可能因此平均薪資較一般青年佳,但他們仍較一般學歷相當的青年更容易從事低技術性的職類,或是計時、零工等非典型工作,且半數以上的在職者年資未滿一年,顯示他們多處於就業未穩定的狀態。輕症自閉症者有頻繁地更換工作的現象,且離職原因與其自閉症特質有關聯,包括因面臨職場人際困難、難以適應工作而有壓力等。輕症自閉症者在尋職時常面臨經歷不足、對自己或工作不了解、缺少求職技巧等各樣困難,且失業時間更長、更少獲得錄取機會。但儘管有就業方面的困難,輕症自閉症者卻鮮少使用身心障礙者的職業重建資源,原因包括對相關資訊不了解、服務不適用等。關於輕症自閉症個體與環境適配性不佳的原因,以及如何透過職業重建流程給予輕症自閉症者協助,是未來可進一步研究的方向。

    In recent years, the number of students with autism in higher education institutions has been increasing. However, some studies indicate that regardless of the intellectual or educational levels of individuals with autism, their employment outcomes are generally unsatisfactory. This study aims to understand the employment experiences and current situations of individuals with mild autism spectrum disorder (ASD) after leaving university. A self-developed questionnaire, Survey on Employment Status of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder after College, was used for data collection through convenience sampling, resulting in 81 valid responses. The ratio of employed to unemployed individuals with mild ASD was approximately 3.3:1. The sample primarily consisted of individuals who attended public universities, which may contribute to a higher average salary compared to typical young adults. However, they were still more likely to engage in low-skilled occupations or non-typical jobs such as part-time or temporary work, compared to young adults with similar educational backgrounds. Moreover, over half of the employed participants had less than one year of work experience, indicating a high level of employment instability. Individuals with mild ASD exhibited a frequent job turnover, and the reasons for leaving were associated with their autism traits, including difficulties in interpersonal relationships and challenges in adapting to work, resulting in stress. During job searching, individuals with mild ASD faced various difficulties, such as insufficient work experience, lack of self-awareness or understanding of job requirements, and a lack of job-seeking skills. They also experienced longer periods of unemployment and had fewer job opportunities. Despite these employment difficulties, individuals with mild ASD rarely utilized vocational rehabilitation resources designed for individuals with disabilities. Reasons for this underutilization included a lack of awareness regarding available resources and services that may not cater specifically to their needs. The factors contributing to poor fit between individuals with mild ASD and their environments, as well as how to provide assistance to individuals with mild ASD through the vocational rehabilitation process, are areas that warrant further research in the future.

    第一章緒論1 第一節動機與重要性1 第二節目的與問題4 第三節名詞解釋5 第二章文獻回顧7 第一節自閉症者的核心症狀7 第二節青年勞工的就業情形17 第三節自閉症者的就業情形29 第三章研究方法37 第一節研究架構37 第二節研究對象38 第三節研究工具43 第四節研究程序44 第五節資料處理47 第四章結果與討論49 第一節正在就業者之分析49 第二節目前未就業者之分析62 第三節轉換工作經驗之分析66 第四節尋職歷程之分析73 第五章結論與建議81 第一節結論81 第二節研究限制83 第三節研究建議84 參考文獻87 附錄103

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