研究生: |
黃凡甄 Huang, Fan-chen |
論文名稱: |
技術與潛勢:魔術中的物我動態關係 Technics and Potentiality: The Man-Matter Dynamics in Magic |
指導教授: |
Huang, Han-Yu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 69 |
中文關鍵詞: | 魔術 、技術 、生成 、感知 、潛勢 、詭異 、物件導向本體論 、斯蒂格勒 、德勒茲 、西蒙棟 |
英文關鍵詞: | magic, technics, becoming, perception, potentiality, uncanny, object-oriented ontology, Stiegler, Deleuze, Simondon |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203359 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:279 下載:10 |
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本論文由緒論與三個篇章所組成。緒論部分概述魔術包含理性設計與人們對於奇蹟的渴望,並指出魔術之所以引人入勝,在於人類對於物的自主性的矛盾感知。第一章簡述現代魔術歷史並著重於技術的探討,強調設計與製造的原理應獲得重視,並從人與物之間的「共同生成」面向來解釋魔術。第二章著眼於觀眾的感知,論述觀眾對於魔術的詭異體驗使得物質世界的生命力得以被觸及。第三章則採用德勒茲與西蒙棟的生成 (becoming) 與潛勢 (potentiality) 概念來闡述物我動態關係中潛能互相磨合、消解的物質樣貌。最後,我轉向物件導向本體論 (object-oriented ontology),指出其中以去主體化角度所展現的對於世界的美學與倫理思考使我們得以重新審視魔術。
This thesis conducts a reading of magic in consideration of technics and potentiality. Conventionally, magic is seen as illusive play on the audience’s perception to create amusement; in light of the mechanical maneuver of objects and attention, magic is degraded as fools’ pleasure. Predetermined to invert the real, the performance of magic actually derives its appeal from the potentiality in objects as well as in magic events. On this ground, I point out that magic bridges our sensual experiences of the objective world with metaphysical thought.
The thesis consists of an introduction and three chapters. In the introduction, I sketch out the co-existence of reasonable schemes and secret hope for wonder that serves as the foundation of magic. Embedded in this paradoxical combination that brings about enchantment, I argue, is the autonomy of things. Chapter One provides an overview of the history of modern magic and emphasizes on the aspect of technics. I suggest that the principles of design and making be valued and that magic be illustrated in terms of the “co-possibility” between man and things. Chapter Two centers on the spectator’s perception, whose uncanny experience of magic permits the touch of vitality of the material world. Chapter Three refers to the conception of becoming and potentiality by Deleuze and Simondon and focuses on the resolution of potential energies in the man-matter dynamics. I conclude this thesis by directing it to object-oriented ontology, in which our ethical and aesthetical consideration of the world is discussed in desubjectification, to expect a possible re-evaluation of magic.
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