研究生: |
李美珠 LEE MEI-JU |
論文名稱: |
自然體驗方案對國中生正向情緒之影響 Effects of a Nature Experience Program on Positive Emotions of |
指導教授: | 呂建政 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 209 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自然體驗 、正向情緒 |
英文關鍵詞: | nature experience, positive emotions |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:297 下載:60 |
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一、 自然體驗方案能夠提升學生之正向情緒。
二、 自然體驗之正向情緒並無性別之差異。
三、 自然體驗與性別並無交互作用。
四、 學生對自然體驗方案持正面評價。
五、 自然體驗之正向情緒進步者與退步者在體驗、視野、自信及情緒有 所差異。
六、 自然體驗之正向情緒可以擴展建立學生之智慧、身體、社會、心理的資源。
七、 影響自然體驗產生正向情緒之因素依次為環境狀態、活動效果、夥伴表現、個人心態、事物情境等五種。
八、 阻礙自然體驗之因素包括環境因素及課業因素。
九、 規畫自然體驗活動應注意活動準備、活動引導及活動善後。
This study aims to explore the effects of a nature experience program on junior high students’ positive emotions. The five main purposes were: (1) to test the influence of Nature Experience Program on positive emotions for junior high students. (2) to compare boys with girls on positive emotions of nature experience. (3) to explore the interaction effects between nature experience and sexes. (4) to understand the students’ appraisal. (5) according to the findings of the study, bring up some suggestions for the educational authorities and the other units.
This study adopted quasi-experimental design. Purposive sample of the eighth grade students into experimental (N=34) and control (N=32) groups, from a junior high school in Taipei city. Students in the experimental group went through Nature Experience Program for 10 weeks, 70 minutes per week mainly. While those in the control group had only integrative activity learning field scout curriculum. The quantitative instrument was “The Positive Emotions of Nature Experience Scale”. A pre-test measure and a post- test measure were administered. The collected data were analyzed with independent samples two-way ANCOVA. The qualitative data including “total activity feedback questionnaires”, “focus group interviews ”, “teacher’s reflective journals”, and“personal learning sheets”were also analyzed to examine the effects of the program. The findings were presented as the following.
1. Nature Experience Program can promote students’ positive emotions.
2. There was no significant difference betweens boys and girls on the positive emotions of nature experience.
3. There was no significant interaction effects between nature experience and sexes.
4. The students in the experimental group took positive appraisal toward Nature Experience Program.
5. There were differences betweens progressive students and regressive students on experience, view, confidence and emotions.
6. The positive emotions of nature experience can broaden and build students’ intelligent, physical, social and psychological resources.
7. Factors to affect the positive emotions of nature experience sequently were environmental conditions, activity effects, partners’ expression, personal sentiments and situation of things.
8. The factors to hinder nature experience were environment and lessons.
9. Planning nature experience activity should notice preparation, direction and rehabilitation.
Finally, based on the findings of this study, the researchers also provided some suggestions on implementing nature experience and future research for the educational authorities and the other units.
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