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研究生: 林巧玲
Chiao-Ling Lin
Work Motivational Preference of Employees in Taiwan NPOs
指導教授: 蔡錫濤
Tsai, Shir-Tau
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 97
英文關鍵詞: NPOs, Work Motivation, Personality Traits, Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:280下載:8
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  • In this study, the major purpose is to explore the work motivational preference of employees in non-profit organizations by applying the two dimensions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Besides, personality traits and organizational culture are being concerned as factors affecting the work motivational preference of employees; Moreover, the second purpose of this study is to test whether the extent of work motivational preference may influence employees’ commitment and may mediate the relationship between personality traits, organizational culture and organizational commitment.
    The target of this study is the paid-workers of the NPOs in Taiwan and the quantitative method approach was employed. The statistical method includes the description analysis, reliability analysis, one-way ANOVA analysis, the correlation analysis and the multiple regression analysis. The research results are concluded as follows: 1. After analyzing the general characteristics of NPOs’ employees, this study found that gender, age, marital status, education, salary, job position and employee numbers of the organization are significantly related to their work motivational preference. Besides, it’s also found that Taiwan NPOs’ employees tend towards higher intrinsic motivation than extrinsic motivation. 2. Personality traits of paid-workers in NPOs are significantly related to their organizational commitment. 3. Organizational culture is significantly related to the organizational commitment. 4. Work motivational preference of NPOs’ paid-workers is found to have the significantly impact on the organizational commitment. 5. WMP partly plays the mediated role between personality and the organizational commitment. 6. WMP partly plays the mediated role between organizational culture and the organizational commitment.

    Abstract I Table of Contents II List of Tables IV List of Figures VI CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter Overview 1 Background of the Study 1 Purposes of the Study 3 Questions of the Study 3 Significance of the Study 4 Delimitations 4 Definition of Terms 5 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Chapter Overview 7 Non-Profit Organizations 7 Work Motivation 13 Personality Traits 23 Organizational Culture 29 Organizational Commitment 37 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY 39 Chapter Overview 39 Research Framework 39 Research Hypotheses 40 Instrumentation 42 Research Subjects and Data Collection 48 Data Analysis 49 Reliability of Scales 49 Research Procedure 51 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 53 Chapter Overview 53 General Characteristics of the Sample 53 One-way ANOVA Analysis of Sample 55 Correlation Analysis of Variables 58 Regression Analysis of Variables 62 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 73 Chapter Overview 73 Conclusions 73 Limitations 77 Recommendations REFERENCES 79 APPENDIX: QUESTIONNAIRE (Chinese) 85 APPENDIX: QUESTIONNAIRE (English) 91

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