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研究生: 劉子平
Liu, Zi-Ping
論文名稱: 動物形象的再現與詮釋:論動物與人類之間的「權力與支配」和「情感與依賴」
Representations and Interpretations of Animal Images: A Study of “Power and Domination” and “Affection and Dependency” Between Humans and Animals
指導教授: 陳淑華
Chen, Shu-Hwa
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 224
中文關鍵詞: 動物形象人類中心主義動物權動物解放擬人化人性動物性
英文關鍵詞: animal images, anthropocentrism, animal rights, animal liberation movements, anthropomorphized, humanity, animality
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/DIS.NTNU.DFA.013.2018.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:597下載:25
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  • 本論文旨在透過動物形象的象徵、圖像與文本研究,對於「動物與人類」之間的「權力與支配」以及「情感與依賴」的雙重關係進行更進一步的探討,以分析動物形象的意義被不同的文明、時代、宗教、哲學與文化轉譯為多重且多元的詮釋,進而透過當代視野建構藝術家本身與動物之間微妙的互動關係。故,本論文探討的內容與議題涉及:動物形象在人類的日常生活中如何被表現?動物形象在科學研究與自然史的圖像中如何被再現?動物形象如何在文學中被詮釋?動物形象在西方的宗教與神話中象徵的意涵?繪畫中的動物形象扮演的角色是象徵、點景、人類財產;抑或是主體?
    本文主要的研究方法從問題意識的產生,採取視覺文化分析、圖像學、圖像分析、比較文學等研究方法,得以讓動物圖像相關的藝術作品連結到多元與跨領域的文本,同時對於動物形象主題進行探討,重新審視基督教的創世紀(Genesis)、亞里斯多德的創造論(Creationism)以來的人類中心主義價值觀,並理解自18世紀的哲學家邊沁(Jeremy Bentham, 1748-1832)至20世紀的動物權學者彼得.辛格(Peter Singer, 1946-)與湯姆.雷根(Tom Regan, 1938-2017)所推動的動物權與動物解放運動,進而對於繪畫中動物形象與人類文明再現動物形象的表現進行更進一步的分析與省思。


    This dissertation aims to discover how animal images were produced to represent the power-domination and affection-dependency relationships between animals and humans. It looks at how animal subjects are visualized and given multiple interpretations by different cultures, eras, religions and philosophies. The dissertation focuses on several key issues. How are animals represented in the daily life of humans? How are animals represented in images of scientific research and natural history? How are animals and their images interpreted in literature? What symbolic roles do animals play in Western religions and mythologies? How do animals in paintings function to represent human characteristics, or to stand for individual human subjects?
    In order to answer these key questions, this study applies methods of visual cultural analysis, such as iconology and iconography, in conjunction with a study of comparative literature, to discover the connections between the multiple texts and visual art works that portray animals.
    By analyzing the production of animal images this study allows us to re-consider the value of animal anthropomorphization, a trait which has been profoundly embedded in historical human cultures, as demonstrated for example in the writing of Aristotle, or the Christian narrative of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3.1-6). The thesis also looks at theories of animal rights and animal liberation movements that were advocated by figures such as Jeremy Bentham (English philosopher, 1748-1832), Peter Singer (Australian philosopher, 1946-) and Tom Regan (American philosopher, 1938-2017) which offer further angles for the analysis and re-consideration of visual and textual representations of animal subjects.
    In addition, as the representations and interpretations of animal subjects profoundly reflect artists’ gazes and personal attitudes towards animals, this paper therefore incorporates a self-reflexive consideration of my individual life experiences – as an artist and a field observer – of critical animal issues. My art works of animal subjects, which range from imagined and humanized images to realistic representations, aim to offer a view of the built-in intertextuality between humanity and animality in modern society.

    Key words: animal images, anthropocentrism, animal rights, animal liberation movements, anthropomorphized, humanity, animality

    謝誌 iii 摘要 iv Abstract v 緒論1 研究動機與目的 1 研究方法與架構 6 文獻探索 8 第一章 動物形象在視覺文化與文學中的脈絡探討 18 第一節 人類生活與動物形象的形成 18 第二節 科學與自然史觀中動物形象的再現 25 第三節 動物形象在文學中的詮釋脈絡 35 小結 44 第二章 繪畫中動物形象的象徵與再現概念46 第一節 意義的符碼:神話與象徵符號 47 第二節 真實與想像:類動物形象的圖像幻想 56 第三節 客體與主體:從寵伴(companion)形象到肖像主體 64 小結 82 第三章 人性與動物性:動物形象中的類人類再現 83 第一節 動物與人的演化關係:從創造論(Creationism)到達爾文物種起源論(The Origin of Species)探討人類位階與動物位階的關係 84 第二節 動物倫理學(animal Ethics)的理論探討:從人類中心主義(Anthropocentrism)到動物權(Animal Rights)的爭議 89 第三節 動物性與人性的互置 99 小結 111 第四章 動物形象在繪畫中的應用 113 第一節 動物與人類 116 第二節 動物的肖像畫 129 第三節 人造動物 147 第四節 動物、空間與環境 156 小結 183 結論 185 參考書目 199 圖錄 213

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