研究生: |
張素貞 Chang Su-Jen |
論文名稱: |
國民小學身心障礙資源班教師專業成長之研究-以知能分析和方案規劃為例 Professional Growth of Resource Room Teacher for the Students with Disabilities in Elementary Schools |
指導教授: |
Jang, Shiunn-Gaw 王文科 Wang, Wen-Ke |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 419 |
中文關鍵詞: | 身心障礙資源班 、專業知能 、專業成長 、方案規劃 |
英文關鍵詞: | disabilities resource room, professional expertise, professional growth, program planning |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:481 下載:70 |
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摘 要
本研究首先以文獻探討特殊教師的專業知能、表現標準、專業成長的基本概念、分析身心障礙資源班教師的角色任務與專業知能以及專業成長方案實例與相關研究等,作為本研究之理論基礎的依據。再綜合相關文獻以二十位德懷小組專家三回合問卷往返,建構國民小學身心障礙資源班教師的重要專業知能,包括十個向度,76個項目。以此為架構,編製「國民小學身心障礙資源班教師專業知能問卷」,研究對象為全國國民小學之204位身心障礙資源班教師和102位學校行政人員,資料分析以算數平均數及t考驗處理。對於所探求的專業成長需求內涵如何實施之意見,再編製「國民小學身心障礙資源班教師專業成長規劃問卷」進行調查,研究對象同前,資料分析以百分比次數、t考驗、百分比同質性卡方( )檢定、肯德爾等級相關(Kendall’s tau-b)、肯德爾和諧係數(Kendall’W)進行。最後以三場次的焦點團體訪談深入探討專業成長方案規劃之意見,使方案內容更趨於周延和完善。
Professional Growth of Resource Room Teacher for the Students with Disabilities in Elementary Schools
---Model of Expertise Analysis and Program Planning
The purpose of this research was to explore the professional growth of resource room teachers for the students with disabilities in elementary schools. The importance of professional expertise and its readiness were explored and evaluated by resource room teachers. Resource room teachers’ opinions on professional growth program planning was further investigated in terms of its purpose, needs, contents, types, curriculum, time, funding, resources, seminars and administrative.
The research first investigated special educators’ basic concepts of expertise, standard of performance, and professional growth; Then analyzed the role and expertise of resource room teachers, professional growth case studies and related researches. Based on literature review and questionnaire survey with 20 experts in Delphi technique Group, the important expertise elements for the resource room teachers were summarized to construct the “Questionnaire of the Expertise of Resource Room Teachers for Students with Disabilities in Elementary Schools”, which include 10 dimensions and 76 items. Further, the “Questionnaire of Professional Growth Planning for the Resource Room Teachers for Students with Disabilities in Elementary Schools” was constructed to investigate the opinions of how to implement the contents of professional growth needs. Both questionnaires were administered to 204 resource room teachers and 102 school staffs in elementary schools. Statistics used to analyze the obtained data included mean score, percentage, t-test, x2, Kendall’s tau-b, and Kendall’W. In addition, three focused group interviews were conducted to make the program contents more attentive and thorough.
The major findings of this study were as the following:
I. There were 10 dimensions and 76 items as required expertise for resource room teachers for students with disabilities in elementary schools according to experts’ opinions. As for the level of importance, the resource room teachers regarded “level of acquisition” the most; data showed that the resource room teachers had lower expertise level of acquisition than expected. This indicated that there is a great need of professional growth and expertise for the resource room teachers. In which, the E dimension “Coordinating with regular class teachers, profession team members and holding expertise of supporting service” was the grteatest.
II. The evaluation of level of importance within expertise for resource room teachers has no significant differences because of factors of backgrounds and qualifications. However, the evaluation of level of acquisition for expertise and factors of backgrounds and qualifications did have connections among partial dimensions.
III. The present effectiveness of resource room teachers was “fair”, mainly due to the contents of in-service did not meet the needs, over loading in teaching, and system shortages.
IV. Complete opinions toward contents of professional growth for school staffs and resource room teachers were submitted through four stages, preparation, designing, executing, and evaluating. It is better to understand the subjects’ backgrounds, years of service, and scales of different schools with different methods to regulate the importance of opinions with different program planning items.
(1) Preparation Stage: Teachers’ professional growth should be set up goals and unite with the needs. The development of expertise items for resource room teachers in this study could be used to offer the need of inspection.
(2) Designing Stage: In terms of learning methods for individuals and colleagues, methods and types included: inviting seminars, long-term and/or short-term workshops, and in-service activities toward practical teaching. Appropriateness of in-service time and expectation should include the assistance from schools, counties and cities and government. In school level, the assistance included “Designing in service activities which meet the needs”, “Offering in service information”, and “Investigating of professional growth expertise needs”; in counties and cities level the assistance included “Scheduling funding for professional growth”, “In service information on net”, “ Establishing complete regulations of professional growth”; and in government: “Scheduling funding for professional growth”.
(3) Executing Stage: It is better to clearly specify the school year minimal hours for teachers’ workshops, and encourage teachers’ continuous service with rewarding systems. Various in-service programs for expertise needs should be planned based on the “categories of disabilities students”, “evaluations of students’ problem needs”, and “ evaluations of special teachers’ expertise needs”. For the learning types within 10 dimensions, complete evaluations should include case studies, hands-on workshops, sharing of teaching experiences, seminars, reading information and specific books.
(4) Evaluating Stage: By means of “understanding students’ learning progress and problems solving”, “acquisition from real teaching improvement”, and “ scheduling into yearly school special education evaluation”, to evaluate the appropriateness of methods for resource room teachers’ expertise effectiveness.
Based on the research findings, suggestions regarding professional growth program planning for resource room teachers for students with disabilities and further studies were made.
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