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研究生: 劉育雯
Yu-Wen Liu
論文名稱: 在觀看與被觀看之間:高中女學生身體意象之研究
Between observing and being observed: A study on senior high girls' body image
指導教授: 潘慧玲
Pan, Hui-Ling
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 160
中文關鍵詞: 身體意象身體政治男性凝視女性身體
英文關鍵詞: body image, body politics, male gaze, female body
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:609下載:189
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  • 摘要
    有鑒於此,本研究採用質性研究的取徑,邀請大橋高中十位女學生為研究參與者,以訪談及觀察為蒐集田野資料的主要方法。訪談內容主要在瞭解女學生所抱持的身體意象內涵、在充滿男性凝視氛圍的校園中感受到的身體經驗以及在校園之外評價自己身體時受到哪些影響因素。觀察部分則包括男女學生的互動以及學校氣氛。本研究除了瞭解女學生對自己身體外表的想法之外,也將從身體政治(body politics)的觀點出發,解析青少女在社會文化脈絡底下所呈現的身體觀。因此,「身體」與「性別」為本研究的二個基本主軸。

    In modern society, where slender, symmetric and attractive appearances are highly valued, reports and messages crammed with diet and weight loss are seen everywhere, resulting in an ideology which leads to females’ dissatisfaction of their own bodies. Among the theses conducted domestically, the conclusions are too often founded upon analyses of considerable data collected from questionnaires, in which gender is merely a variable. In this way, the conclusions only tell stories of what differences gender may cause instead of why there are gender-related differences in the first place and what implications may be inferred. Gender is a social construction; in other words, every individual’s concept of gender will be influenced by his or her society all through his or her life. However, the most obvious influence may take place in adolescence, a period when most people are attending junior or senior high school. Educators have been paying close attention to adolescents’ behaviors at school for a long time, but they pay comparatively less attention to the reactions that appearances may evoke from adolescents. Understanding adolescent girls’ view of their bodies and its influence may enable educators not only to help them take more positive attitudes toward their appearances but also to find their misled body image in order to avoid negative behavior.
    In view of this situation, a qualitative approach was adopted in this study. Ten girls in Great Bridge High School were invited as subjects in this study, and the main methods to collect field data were interview and observation. The main purpose of interview was to comprehend their body images, their body experiences in a school full of male gaze, and the factors which might hold sway when they assessed their own bodies outside school. Besides, the purpose of observation was to have better understanding of the atmosphere in school and interactions between male and female students. In addition to understanding how adolescent female students thought of their own appearances, this study also attempted to analyze adolescent girls’ ideas of body under the context of social culture with regard to body politics. In a word, “body” and “gender” were the two motifs in this study.
    To sum up, the conclusions were as follows:
    1.Female students were deeply trapped in the “Thinness is beauty” quagmire and endless weight-losing anxiety.
    2.The image of chaste young girls were the ideal body image of female students
    3.Female students examined female bodies in terms of the strict standards of male gaze.
    4.Female students had to gain peer recognition in self-deprecating ways.
    5.Female students encountered ubiquitous verbal sexual harassment at school.
    6.In a cultural context of diploma-obsession, senior high female students didn’t pay as much attention to appearances as their counterparts in America.
    7.Torn between accommodation and resistance: female students swang from retaining selves to succumbing to social pressure.
    8.Female adults’ well-intentioned monitoring became female body disciplines generation after generation.
    The following are suggestions drawn from conclusions listed above:
    1.Suggestions for gender equity education:
    a.To integrate relevant courses to help female adolescents construct a positive body image.
    b.To build a school atmosphere of gender equity.
    2.Suggestions for future studies:
    a.Related body researches can aim to survey female adolescents in different school types.
    b.The composition of interviewees can be expanded to include parents, teachers and male peers.
    c.Studies of male student’s view of machismo and body image can also be conducted.

    目 錄 第一章 緒論---------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機-------------------------------2 第二節 研究目的與問題-------------------------8 第二章 文獻探討----------------------------------11 第一節 身體意象的相關概念--------------------11 第二節 性別化身體的建構----------------------17 第三節 校園空間中的女體----------------------28 第三章 研究設計與實施----------------------------35 第一節 研究方法------------------------------35 第二節 研究參與者----------------------------38 第三節 研究實施程序--------------------------42 第四節 資料的處理與分析----------------------47 第五節 研究信實度----------------------------49 第六節 研究者角色與研究倫理------------------50 第四章 身體與我:女學生的身體意象觀--------------53 第一節 青少女對身體的關注--------------------53 第二節 女學生在校園中感受到的身體經驗--------82 第三節 女學生在校園外感受到的身體經驗-------118 第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------133 第一節 結論---------------------------------133 第二節 建議---------------------------------139 後記:研究者省思---------------------------------145 參考文獻-----------------------------------------149 附錄:訪談大綱-----------------------------------159

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