研究生: |
林瑞吉 Lin Ray-Chi |
論文名稱: |
國小教師諮詢之行動研究:一位輔導工作者的實踐故事 The Action Research of Teacher Consultation in the elementary School: A School Counselor’s Practical Story |
指導教授: |
Lin, Sieh-Hwa |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 310 |
中文關鍵詞: | 教師諮詢 、行動研究 、實踐故事 、主體性 |
英文關鍵詞: | teacher consultation, action research, practical story, subjective |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:309 下載:30 |
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The Action Research of Teacher Consultation in the elementary School: A School Counselor’s Practical Story
Ray-Chi Lin
The study is a practical story of a counselor, for a long time having worked in the elementary schools, on his very realistic experience of teacher consultation. The main research questions in mind include how a counselor may start his service of teacher consultation, and how his work influences teacher’s teaching work. Giving teacher consultation, the researcher has introduced communication, self-reflection, mutual sharing and dialogue to teachers, and has further provided professional support for the teachers in helping their students solve problems and develop themselves in class.
The action inquiry process is telling the experience to illustrate the realistic consulting work and the tacit knowledge, by reflecting on the experience and action the researcher seek the path of inquiry to break through difficulties. Stories are told to reveal the authenticity, complexity, and context of the real counseling work. By sharing the stories, we also hope to call for more concern on the counseling work in elementary schools.
The knowledge produced by this action research is:
1. That understanding “teachers’ difficulties on their teaching spots”, “teachers’ needs when seeking professional resources their psychological processes” make up importance basis for counselors and teachers to develop cooperation in the consulting relationship and thus assure the effect of the consulting service.
2. Subjectivity awareness and display is the source of an educator’s strength in acting. Their awareness of subjectivity as professionals on an educational situation will help them perceive the difficulties, resist them and find a way out of them.
3. Since communication problems between parents and teachers have become quite a common phenomenon, the counselors have to help teachers see the situation and difficulties when communicating with parents, be aware of and accept their own concerns and emotions during the process of communicating with parents, and if necessary, the counselors can directly participate in the communication process to facilitate the cooperation and communication, in hope to bridge the gap of viewpoints and help reach the common ground in dealing with the children’s problems.
4. When starting the service of teacher consultation, a counselor not only has to have knowledge of his client’s situation and difficulties, but should recognize his both anticipation and hesitation. With active concern and invitation, a counselor enables the teacher to have confidence in himself and the teaching profession, before their consulting relationship can really start. With constant contacts and discussions following, the consulting relationship is maintained and its effect is enhanced.
5. In the process of discussion and cooperation, a counselor has to assist the teacher understand the psychological significance behind children’s misbehaving performance. He also needs to grasp the principles of effective participation, providing appropriate counseling strategies. Further, he raises the teacher’s awareness and fosters his self-reflection on the real work experience, so that he accepts difficulties in reality, and recognizes his own effort and improvement.
6. By providing the service of teacher consultation, a counselor not only helps his clients solve practical problems in teaching, but facilitates their awareness and reflection, raises their professional competence as well as confidence, and finally their own counseling skills and abilities.
In the study the researcher has described his understanding, self-reflection and acts during his work providing school teacher consultation. Expectation and suggestions for elementary school counseling work and teacher training institutions are then provided, based on the researcher’s experience and his discovery.
Key words: teacher consultation, action research, practical story, subjective.
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