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研究生: 陳媛
論文名稱: 故宮‧導覽‧志工-從志工經驗反思故宮導覽願景
The National Palace Museum; Guided Tour; Museum Docent- From the experience of museum docent to introspect the vision of the National Palace Museum guided tour
指導教授: 黃光男
Huang, Kuang-Nan
Chen, Sheue-Yun
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 201
中文關鍵詞: 故宮導覽志工服務學習成人在博物館學習
英文關鍵詞: National Palace Museum, museum docent, service learning, adult museum learning
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:424下載:15
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  • 本研究試圖從「人本」觀點,就志工在國立故宮博物院(以下簡稱故宮)的服務學習經驗,以成人在博物館學習的理論,探討三代導覽志工如何通過一條「自利而利他」的學習曲線,在博物館場域中追求她/他們認為有意義的學習經驗。同時,本研究以「場論」視野把現在與過去兩相扣連,以見故宮從「樹立傳統」階段,全力配合國家外交政策的需求,提供多國語文的解說服務為接待「國之上賓」的導覽任務。及至八O年代以後,故宮爲因應國家社會教育政策,而於1971年3月開始招待學生團體免費參觀,並由展覽室的管理員提供「學生團體」導覽服務,因而形成一項對應教育政策的「配套」措施。這項措施,雖然較之外語服務員導覽國家上賓有所分別,但可以視為故宮開始對本地觀眾予以較多關注的一項具體作為。


    The investigation advances from the “person oriented” perspective, by using the service learning experience of the volunteers in the National Palace Museum. From the adult museum learning theory, to discuss how three quinquennial generations of the museum docent goes through a learning curve of “benefiting self and others”, searching the learning experience that is meaningful in the museum field. At the same time, the investigation uses the vision of “field theory” to connect the present and the past, in order to see that the National Palace Museum ever since the “establishing tradition” stage, has been giving its full support to the governmental diplomatic policy, providing a multi-language commentate service in order to receive the “national distinguished guests.” Until after the 80’s, the National Palace Museum because of the social education policy, started to provide a Free Student group tour since March 1971 by the staffs of the gallery. This forms a set of measures to cooperate with the above-mentioned educational policy. This measure differs from the multi-language tour for our national distinguished guests, but it is an act of the National Palace Museum starting to give more attention to the local audiences.

    During the term of Director H.Y. Chin (1982-2000), due to the maturity of the encouragement of volunteer service during the 90’s, also the head of exhibition department, Dr. K.H. Chou, of that time was an extraordinary foreign language commentator, therefore with her skillful tour experience, since 1988~1989, the National Palace Museum has been eagerly promoting training classes for museum docent. On the one side to expand the guided tour service for the student group, and on the other side to recruit adult learner who are interested in the National Palace Museum collection, in order to open up the experience of “benefiting self and others.” The subjects of this study focus on four perspectives based on the exhibition of the National Palace Museum, the development of the museum docent, and the learning experience of the museum volunteers, also propose three suggestions that should fulfill the “person oriented” demand for the museum audiences.

    第一章 緒論............................................................................................................... 1 壹、研究之動機、目的與方法 ................................................................................1 一、研究動機 ................................................................................................1 二、研究目的 ................................................................................................3 三、研究方法 ................................................................................................5 貳、研究之理論 ........................................................................................................6 一、社會秀異理論 ........................................................................................7 二、博物館溝通模式 ......................................................................................13 三、自由選擇學習之理念 ..............................................................................17 参、相關文獻之探討 ..............................................................................................19 一、志工參與服務的動機 ..............................................................................21 二、志工長期服務的動力 ..............................................................................21 三、國內志工服務的趨勢 ..............................................................................22 肆、志工在博物館學習之面向 ..............................................................................24 一、成人在博物館學習的特性 ......................................................................25 二、關於中年婦女的學習心態 ......................................................................26 伍、故宮導覽志工之學習社群 ..............................................................................29 一、志工社群的有形/無形價值 ......................................................................30 二、故宮文物的內隱/外顯知識 ......................................................................30 小結 ......................................................................................................................31 第二章 故宮的展覽與導覽 ..............................................................................33 壹、故宮的博物館性格 ......................................................................................33 一、皇室收藏的特質 ......................................................................................33 二、研究精英的養成 ......................................................................................35 三、故宮四十年的發展取向 ......................................................................37 貳、故宮展覽的今昔 ..............................................................................................41 一、展覽書寫的「說教」系統 ......................................................................42 二、<古色>的展覽導論 ..............................................................................44 三、<杜堇 玩古圖>的展品說明 ..............................................................46 四、<台灣的誕生:十七世紀的福爾摩沙>展覽導論 ..............................47 参、借鏡Denver Art Museum展覽導論 ..............................................................49 肆、故宮的展覽呈現 ..............................................................................................51 一、典藏文物的展覽 ......................................................................................53 二、借展文物的展覽呈現 ..............................................................................55 三、故宮展覽的政治性 ..............................................................................58 伍、故宮文物的導覽 ..............................................................................................60 一、與過去連結-以翠玉白菜為例 ..............................................................61 二、「樹立傳統」階段的文物導覽 ..............................................................63 三、「茁壯」階段的文物導覽 ......................................................................72 陸、故宮觀眾的改變 ..............................................................................................74 一、觀眾的參觀習性 ......................................................................................75 二、學生團體的參觀問題 ..............................................................................77 三、成人觀眾的不同樣態 ..............................................................................78 小結..............................................................................................................................81 第三章 故宮發展導覽志工......................................................................................83 壹、引言 ..............................................................................................................83 貳、故宮發展三代志工 ......................................................................................84 一、「導覽」志工的含意 ..............................................................................85 二、招募第一代導覽志工(1989-1993) ......................................................85 三、招募第二代導覽志工(1995-1998) ......................................................91 四、招募第三代導覽志工(2000-2004) ......................................................93 参、故宮對於志工的考核 ......................................................................................98 一、關於志工的培訓課程 ..............................................................................98 二、關於志工的服務考核 ..............................................................................99 三、關於志工的導覽考核 ..............................................................................99 肆、志工所應具備的導覽核心能力 ....................................................................102 一、導覽的有機性 ....................................................................................102 二、導覽是溝通 ............................................................................................103 三、關於導覽的核心能力 ............................................................................104 四、展現導覽KSAs能力 ............................................................................106 伍、故宮志工的管理要點 ....................................................................................109 一、志工服務協會的功能 ............................................................................109 二、志工獎勵與福利制度 ............................................................................110 三、關於志工管理現況 ............................................................................111 小結............................................................................................................................116 第四章 導覽志工在故宮的學習經驗 ............................................................117 壹、自我導向的學習動機 ....................................................................................118 一、導向文化藝術的學習 ............................................................................119 二、導向生活型態的改變 ............................................................................120 三、導向中年退休的再出發 ....................................................................124 貳、認同「服務學習」的價值 ............................................................................126 一、服務學習的發展 ....................................................................................126 二、導覽志工的學習認同 ............................................................................129 参、導覽志工建構文物認知 ............................................................................131 一、建構文物認知的五個關鍵 ....................................................................132 二、型塑文物認知的展覽場域 ....................................................................134 三、具反思性的文物認知過程 ....................................................................136 肆、導覽志工的服務學習型態 ............................................................................140 一、導覽志工的SL服務型態 ....................................................................141 二、導覽志工的sL/ Sl/ sl服務型態 ............................................................143 三、導覽志工的「共學」服務現象 ............................................................144 四、導覽志工的服務成效 ............................................................................146 第五章 結論:對故宮導覽願景的建議 ............................................................149 壹、要傾聽觀眾的內在聲音 ....................................................................................150 貳、要突破現有的策展藩籬 ....................................................................................152 叁、要成為全民共享的博物館 .......................... ...............................................154 一、重視博物館整體服務的親和性 ............................................................154 二、 發展志工人力為導覽與非導覽兩類 ....................................................154 參考書目……………………………………………………………………………157

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