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研究生: CHUNWISITTIKIT, Ramonpawee
論文名稱: 泰國電台叩應節目主持人與來電者「偽親密」關係的建立
Radio Hosts Establishing Pseudo-intimacy with Callers in a Thai Radio Phone-in Program
指導教授: 張妙霞
Chang, Miao-Hsia
口試委員: 張妙霞
Chang, Miao-Hsia
Su, I-wen
Su, Hsi-Yao
口試日期: 2024/06/18
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 103
英文關鍵詞: Pseudo-intimacy, radio phone-in, Thai pronouns, Thai derogatory titles, media discourse
研究方法: 言談分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400757
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:228下載:0
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  • 在許多媒體節目中「偽親密/裝熟關係」(O'Keeffe 2006)可透過使用代詞、稱謂以及名字等語言元素構建。本研究以泰國電台叩應節目《Put Talk Put Toh》為例,探討(一)泰語電台主持人與來電者的互動中,如何利用泰語中的「非禮貌稱謂」(例如:代詞使用和/或貶義頭銜)來作為建立「偽親密/裝熟關係」的策略。(二)在來電者是未知的情況下,偽親密/裝熟關係關係是如何形成的。二)在來電者是未知的情況下,偽親密/裝熟關係關係是如何形成的。本研究所採語料共計75段叩應對話,總長3562 分鐘,內容以提供生活諮詢為主,平均每名來電者時長15分鐘。研究結果發現,泰語非禮貌稱呼用語的主要功能是減低主持人與來電者之間的不對稱關係,且他們更傾向於將自己視為來電者的朋友,而非以電台工作者的專業給出建議或警告。在觀眾來電尋求諮詢時,非禮貌代詞及稱呼語的使用,使主持人得以積極的與來電者溝通交流,達到規勸、嘲弄、立場表明及警告等目的,並迅速建立了「偽親密/裝熟」的關係。

    The establishment of pseudo-intimacy (O’Keeffe, 2006) frequently emerging in various media programs has been noticed through several linguistic cues, including pronouns, titles, and first names. In a case study of a Thai radio phone-in program, I investigate how Thai impolite addressing terms (e.g., pronominal expressions and/ or derogatory titles) are used as a strategic tool to build pseudo-intimacy during host-caller interactions and in what specific situations where such relationship is created in the radio call-in program where callers are from an unknown persona. The primary data is drawn from 50 episodes of the Put Talk Put Toh radio program. Each episode contains five call-in sessions, each lasting around 10-15 minutes, amounting to a total of 3562 minutes of call-in conversations. The results show that the Thai impolite addressing terms have the primary function of discarding the asymmetrical relationship between the hosts and callers and allowing the hosts to position themselves as a friend of the caller rather than a radio host or professional advisor working in a professional sphere. Furthermore, this kind of relationship is established in the advising, teasing, asserting, and warning. It is obvious that the hosts tend to use the impolite addressing terms while providing advice to a caller, teasing a caller, attempting to give warnings, and asserting some beliefs. Ultimately, pseudo-intimacy occurs to bring a positive exchange of communication during the host-caller interaction.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENT i 摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF TABLES iv CHAPTER ONE 1 1.1. Motivation 1 1.2. Research Questions 2 1.3. Organization of the Thesis 2 CHAPTER TWO 3 2.1. Register 3 2.1.1. Spoken register in Media Discourse 3 2.1.2. Radio Phone-in as Spoken Register in Media Discourse 4 2.2. Intimacy vs. Pseudo-intimate Relationship 5 2.2.1. What’s Intimacy? 5 2.2.2. Pseudo-intimacy in Media Discourse 7 2.3. Politeness 10 2.4. Thai Addressing Terms 12 2.4.1. Thai Personal Pronouns 14 2.4.2. The first-person Pronoun /kuu/ and Second-person Pronoun /mɯŋ/ 20 2.4.3. The Derogatory Titles /ʔâj/ and /ʔiː/ 22 2.5. Summary and Discussion 23 CHAPTER THREE 24 CHAPTER FOUR 28 4.1. Data Analysis 29 4.1.1. Advising 32 4.1.2. Teasing 42 4.1.3. Asserting 58 4.1.4. Warning 72 4.2. Functional Usage Patterns of Impolite Addressing Terms 78 4.3. Discussion 93 CHAPTER 5 97 REFERENCES 99 APPENDIX A: 103

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