研究生: |
謝廣錚 Hsieh, Kuang Cheng |
論文名稱: |
英國1988年以降官方教育政策之研究---以新右派市場機制理論分析 The study of official educational policies---An analysis of New Right’s market mechanism in England after 1988 |
指導教授: |
Yang, Szu-Wei |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 261 |
中文關鍵詞: | 教育市場體系 、新右派 、官方教育政策 |
英文關鍵詞: | education market system, the New Right, official educational policies |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:390 下載:26 |
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一、 理論上,新右派教育市場體系理論欲建立一個完美的、中立的教育二重建構市場理論。
二、 根據英國官方教育政策分析,英國教育市場體系的轉型,呈現三個時期,為三種教育市場體系。
三、 實際面向上,新右派即是新保守主義,是以強力國家為最終的邏輯思考。
四、 新右派教育市場邏輯與六0年代以降轉變的全球資本主義的市場形上學邏輯相結合,並作為解決英國經濟與國力問題的最佳利器。
五、 新右派教育市場邏輯符合上層階級的生存邏輯,不利於下層階級及多元文化的產生。
六、 新右派教育市場體系的建立,作為新右派執政黨去除學校教育保守且不利改革色彩的最佳利器。
The purpose of this study is to explore the New Right’s official education policies in theory and practice after 1988. In theory, the New Right’s official education policies use free market theory, and present dual frameworks , which is neo-conservative and neo-liberalism. Then, this study discusses how the New Right is constituted in 80s’ official education policies. Finally, based on official educational policies, this study attempts to analyze the New Right’s education market system in practice.
The conclusions of the study are summarized as follows:
1. In theory, the theory of the New Right, also well known as education market, is to build a neutral, perfect dualism of educational market theory.
2. Based on the analysis of the official educational policies, there are three stages revealing in the transformation of the education market systems in England.
3. In practice, the New Right equals to the neo-conservative, and the “ Strong State “ is the most important key factor.
4. Combined with the ontology of global capitalism, the New Right is considered the best solution to the economic and the competition problems of the state in England.
5. Even though corresponded to the survival of the higher hierarchy, the New Right is still unfavorable to the lower hierarchy and the multicultural production.
6. With the establishment of the education market, the New Right is seen as the most effective methods for removing the barriers of the educational reform caused by schools.
Finally, some suggestions are proposed based on the results.
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◎ 1964年—合併教育部與科學部(Ministry of Science)為「教育與科學部」(the Department of Education and Science, DES)
◎ 1992年5月—國會大選,保守黨重組內閣一併改組教育與科學部為「教育部」(the Department for Education, DfE)
◎ 1995年—合併教育部與內閣的就業委員會(Employment Department Group)為「教育與就業部」(the Department for Education and Employment, DfEE)