研究生: |
陳立元 Li-yuan Chen |
論文名稱: |
漢語把字句教學語法 A Pedagogical Grammar of the Chinese Disposal(Ba) Construction |
指導教授: |
Teng, Shou-Hsin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
華語文教學系 Department of Chinese as a Second Language |
論文出版年: | 2005 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 193 |
中文關鍵詞: | 把字句 、對外漢語教學語法 、難易度 、評定 、排序 、等級化 、驗證科學 |
英文關鍵詞: | disposal(ba) construction, L2 Chinese pedagogical grammar, ifficultness, assessing, sequencing, grade, empirical science |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1134 下載:552 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
把字句教學語法建立在鄧守信(2003)《對外漢語教學語法》的理論框架與方法學的基礎上﹐藉由7,710筆真實語料,參考理論語法研究成果,加入學習者這個至關重要的參數,對把字句進行了全面性的描述。建構了把字句“處意義”(disposal)、“意外義”(accidental)、”致使義”(causative)三項語義功能。“處置義”共7, 288筆語料,佔94.53%,確立了“處置義”是典型的的語義功能項。同時建立把字句七項基式結構:把1) S把OV+時態(aspect);把2) S把OV+結果(result);把3) S把OV+目標(goal);把4) S把OV+趨向(direction); 把5) S把OV+情態(extent);把6) S把OV+範圍(range);把7) S把OV+重疊(reduplication)。
通過鄧守信(1998﹑2003)所建構的多項排序參數原則與語法點難易度評定的原則,彙整出八項評定把字句次類結構難易度的原則,將把字句次類結構加以量化,評定出把字句次類結構的排序(sequencing),教學階段(cumulative phase)與等級化﹐進而建立理想的把字句教學模式,以及一系列數位式以任務為導向的情境練習,建構了把字句教學在教學語法與教學法之間的統整性,建築一個討論的平台。徹底摒除過去把字句教學建築在經驗論上的迷思,使把字句教學登上驗證科學的殿堂。教學者能夠藉此模式,在教學上循序漸進;學習者能夠藉由教學者的引領,進而全盤掌握把字句和與其相關語法點的系統,而至全盤掌握漢語語法體系,主動與目標語人士進行既適切又得體的交際活動。徹底達成L2語言教學以交際效益為導向的重大任務。
Current pedagogical grammar of the Chinese disposal construction (ba) is based on Shou-hsin Teng’s theoretical framework and methodology in his A Pedagogical Grammar of Chinese (2003), which draws on 7,710 examples from a corpus of authentic material and theoretical linguistics/grammar research, and emphasizes the learner as a crucial parameter, providing an exhaustive description of the Chinese disposal construction. In my thesis, I identify three semantic functions of the Chinese disposal construction based on Teng’s theoretical framework: disposal, accidental, and causative. (The disposal semantic function comprises 94.53% of the 7,288 examples in the Academia Sinica Corpus.) Additionally, I seek to establish seven basic sub-structures of the disposal construction: ba 1) S ba OV + aspect; ba 2) S ba OV + result; ba 3) S ba OV + goal; ba 4) S ba OV + direction; ba 5) S ba OV + extent; ba 6) S ba OV + range; ba 7) S ba OV + reduplication.
Drawing on Teng’s principles regarding multiple sequences and the assessment of the difficulty grammar of points, I posit eight principles for assessing the difficulty of seven disposal construction sub-structures, and order such sub-structures according to their level of difficulty; in so doing, I assess the sequencing, pedagogical stages, and grading of the sub-structures, and create a model for disposal construction pedagogy which includes a series of computer-based, task-oriented scenarios. I believe my thesis can help bridge the gap between the fields of pedagogical grammar and pedagogy, and provide a discursive platform on which relevant issues can be further examined. Hopefully, my research and the potential discursive platform arising from it will lend themselves to discrediting the common belief that disposal construction pedagogy is best formulated according to an educator’s personal experiences. This thesis thereby situates the pedagogy of the disposal construction firmly in the realm of empirical science. Additionally, I seek to help educators to develop their pedagogical methodology according to my sequence of the disposal construction, and to systematically improve their teaching methods. In so doing, educators will enable second language learners not only to fully grasp the disposal construction and other related grammar points, but also to grasp the entirety of the Chinese grammar system. Thus they will ultimately allow learners to actively engage speakers of the target language in an appropriate, effective manner.
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