簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 廖又閮
You-Ting Liao
論文名稱: 臺灣製傘地理的高山與幽谷
The rise and exit of umbrella industrial geography in Taiwan
指導教授: 王文誠
Wang, Wen-Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 製傘業傳統產業生產網絡動態治理區域性資產
英文關鍵詞: umbrella industry, traditional industries, production networks, the dynamics of governance, regional asset
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:324下載:20
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  • 本文旨在探究製傘業在臺灣的發展歷程、動態治理以及固著地域的區域性資產。目前國內地理學對於產業的研究多著重於產業群聚形塑的區域特色,而本研究選擇被貼上「夕陽工業」標籤的製傘業為研究主體,以全球商品鏈、全球價值鏈及三位一體理論,探討產業生產部門離開臺灣的原因以及公司部門留下的關鍵因素。經由面對面深度訪談製傘業者的方式得到的研究成果如下:一、臺灣製傘業自日治時期至今的發展歷程,可分為草創時期(1955~1972)、全盛時期(1972~1987)、過渡時期(1987~1992)及三角生產時期(1992迄今),因著傘材使用多元的特性使以及產業必須集體移動;二、生產地域的改變影響組織的治理型式,生產技術符碼化程度提高,從階層型轉為受制型,爾後,又因技術移轉促使中國供應廠商基本能力上升,轉為關係型及模組型的動態治理過程;三、在生產地理轉移之後,對於土地的認同與羈絆是使製傘業者固著臺灣的原因,並且因著臺灣的製傘業者掌握「管理能力」的優勢,透過過去生產的經驗所累積的區域資產,而仍然佇立於區域的領導角色。本研究打破對於傳統產業的刻板印象,產業外移的現象是表面呈現的結果,擴大產線才是導致現象發生的主因;離開臺灣的只是製造過程,而非產業的本體,生產的知識、技術與對於產業的敏感度一直都存在於臺灣的製傘業者身上,亦是臺灣製傘業珍貴的區域性資產。產業發展至今,陸續有製傘業者將產線拉回臺灣,未來產業在臺是否能再創佳績,有待後續關注。

    The aim of the study is to depict the development process of umbrella industry in Taiwan. Recently, industrial geography has been primarily concerned with industrial cluster and regional characteristics. This study is conducted with umbrella industry that is claimed as a ‘sunset industry’ in Taiwan as research target. Via analyses of global commodity chains, global value chains, and Storper’s ‘holy trinity’, this study has examined the significant differences among the manufacture sectors that have shifted to China and the head company remained in Taiwan. To elaborate these issues, qualitative approaches were conducted, through the face-to-face interviews and news databases. The results are shown as, firstly, the process of umbrella industry from Japan colonial period to the present can be divided into four periods: the initial period (1955-1972), the glorious period (1972-1987), the transition period (1987-1992), and the triangle production period (1992-2012) in terms of government policies and manufacturer organization behavior. Secondly, the dynamics of umbrella industry governance patterns from hierarchy to captive, and then, from captive to relational or modular, unveiled on the dynamic of geography in Taiwan. Thirdly, regional assets are the reason that firms are located in this sticky place in the slippery era of globalization. In addition, Taiwan's firm still plays the leadership role because of management capabilities, based on those regional assets. This study considers the stereotype of traditional industries not a proper explanation for the development in Taiwan. The accumulation of knowledge, technology and industry sensitivity has been presented into the umbrella manufacturers, also is a valuable regional asset of umbrella industry in Taiwan. As Taiwan remain its strength on the process of global value chains, it leads Taiwan has its competitiveness.

    第一章 緒論.......................................1 1.1. 研究動機...................................1 1.2. 研究目的...................................7 1.3. 研究對象...................................8 第二章 文獻回顧...................................11 2.1. 全球化下的產業發展..........................11 2.2. 回歸地理層面:三位一體(holy trinity)........14 2.3. 洋傘研究回顧...............................21 第三章 研究方法...................................23 3.1. 資料蒐集..................................23 3.2. 田野調查..................................23 第四章 製傘產業地理的地形剖面.......................27 4.1. 製傘業的產業發展脈絡........................27 4.1.1. 日治時期..............................31 4.1.2. 草創時期:1955~1969年..................37 4.1.3. 全盛時期:1969~1987年..................39 4.1.4. 過渡時期:1987~1992年..................42 4.1.5. 三角生產時期:1992年迄今................47 4.2. 洋傘的生產鏈與產業特性......................49 4.2.1. 洋傘的生產鏈...........................49 4.2.2. 產業的生產特性.........................53 4.3. 製傘業的生產網絡變遷........................56 4.3.1. 草創時期(1955~1972年)的製傘生產網絡......57 4.3.2. 全盛時期(1972~1987年)的製傘生產網絡......59 4.3.3. 過渡時期(1987~1992年)的製傘生產網絡......63 4.3.4. 三角生產時期(1992年迄今)的製傘生產網絡....65 4.4. 製傘業的發展與未來?........................72 4.4.1. 現今製傘業的發展問題....................72 4.4.2. 政府的角色.............................77 4.4.3. 現今製傘業的發展方向.....................81 4.5. 成果討論...................................84 4.5.1. 回應理論...............................84 4.5.2. 重新思考「傳統產業」.....................87 第五章 結論與建議..................................89 5.1. 結論......................................89 5.1.1. 製傘業的發展歷程........................90 5.1.2. 製傘業的組織變革與動態治理................90 5.1.3. 製傘業生產地域的去中心化與集中化...........91 5.1.4. 製傘業在臺灣的區域性資產..................91 5.2. 後續研究建議................................93 參考文獻...........................................95

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