研究生: |
江淑菁 Chiang, Shu-Ching |
論文名稱: |
中等教育師資培育大學音樂系學生人格特質與自我實現之調查研究 An Investigation of Personality Traits and Self–Actualization for Undergraduate Music-Majored Students in the Universities with Teacher Education for Middle Schools |
指導教授: |
Chuang, Wuei-Chun |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
音樂學系 Department of Music |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 107 |
中文關鍵詞: | 人格特質 、自我實現 、音樂系學生 |
英文關鍵詞: | personality trait, self-actualization, music-majored students |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000946 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:399 下載:4 |
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本研究旨在探討中等教育師資培育大學音樂系學生人格特質與自我實現之現況與關係,及不同背景之人格特質、自我實現差異,使用王秀美與李長燦之「人格特質量表」、楊國樞與陸洛之「自我實現量表」為研究工具,以方便抽樣方式,抽取國內五所大學音樂二至四年級學生,最後回收502份有效問卷,將問卷所得之資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t考驗、單因子變異數分析、事後比較、皮爾遜積差相關、典型相關分析以及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析與討論,研究結果如下:
一、 音樂系大學生傾向於「友善性人格」、「外向開放性人格」及「審慎性人格」,「神經質人格」傾向較低。
二、 音樂系大學生「自我實現」為中等偏高程度,其中「造福人群」的傾向較高,「悅納自己」較低。
三、 不同性別、年級及師培資格之音樂系學生於部分人格特質及自我實現達顯著差異。
四、 音樂系大學生整體人格特質與整體自我實現具有顯著相關,其中以「神經質人格」、「友善性人格」與自我實現之「創意審美」達高度相關。
五、 音樂系大學生人格特質能有效預測不同面向自我實現,對「悅納自我」的預測度最佳;「友善性人格」對於不同面向之自我實現皆有一定的預測度。
The purpose of this study is to investigate personality traits and self–actualization of undergraduate music-majored students in the universities with middle-schools teacher education. Scales and questionnaire were applied to 502 undergraduate music-majored students and the data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, post hoc tests, PPMCC, canonical correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows: (1)among those four aspects of personality traits, music- majored students tend to have the personality traits of agreeableness, openness/extraversion, and conscientiousness, while having less tendency on neuroticism; (2)overall self-actualization of music-majored students was above middle-to-high level which also indicated that the score of “benefit society” was higher and “self acceptance” was lower; (3)there are differences among different backgrounds of music-majored students with personality traits and self–actualization; (4)as a whole, personality and self-actualization were hightly correlated, and the personality traits of neuroticism and agreeableness were highly related to creativity and aesthetics of self-actualization; (5)self-actualization is predictable base on personality.
The research findings indicated that music-majored students with higher tendency of agreeableness had higher level of self-actualization. To develop self-realization, music-majored students should consider to cultivate agreeableness in personality. On the other hand, schools and government agencies should help students to develop more self-awareness toward their personalities and self-actualization, and to provide further assistance, such as counseling and psychological assessment. In the end, discussion and many suggestions were provided for music-majored students, government and future researchers.
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