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研究生: 賈思敏
論文名稱: 景美人權文化園區形象視覺設計創作論述
JING-MEI Human Rights Memorial & Cultural Park Vision Creative Design
指導教授: 許和捷
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 文化創意產業人權文化園區環境識別
英文關鍵詞: Cultural creativity industry, Human rights memorial & cultural park, Environment identity system
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:430下載:36
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  • 本設計創作研究以景美人權文化園區之形象視覺設計為主題,本創作者在尋找資料的同時也更加了解許多台灣政治的過去,這不涉及黨派藍綠相關問題,只是盡可能以客觀的立場了解此熟悉區域,在地點、空間、歷史、文化等各方向,更深一層認識。景美人權文化園區因為過往承載的歷史傷痛,呈現的印象多數是悲情、負面、充滿鬥爭與灰暗之狀況,對於目前已開發為文化園區的此地,似乎過於凝重,故希望藉本設計內容研究在視覺設計上,能給予園區一個不同感覺與新的形象。


    文化創意產業(Cultural creativity industry)
    人權文化園區(Human rights memorial & cultural park)
    環境識別(Environment identity system)

    In the research of design creation, the visual design of the image of Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial & Cultural Park was used as the theme. While searching for information, the creator understood more about the politics in Taiwan in the past. Moreover, the research did not involve DPP or KMT issues. The creator only tried to understand the familiar place as much as possible from an objective viewpoint while understanding more about the place in terms of location, space, history and culture. As Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial & Cultural Park carried historical trauma in the past, the images it shows are sad, negative and full of fights and grayness. For the place that had been developed into a cultural park, the images it shows seem too heavy. Therefore, it is hoped the research will give the park a different feeling and a brand new image in terms of visual design.

    In the design research, the First Chapter – “Introduction” illustrates the background, research motivation, vocabulary interpretation and research method structure; the Second Chapter – “Literature Analysis” investigates on cultural creativity industry, cultural park, five major creative parks in Taiwan and National Human Rights Museum; the Third Chapter – “Research Method” explains the research design direction, design structure, research structure and international and domestic human rights region; the Fourth Chapter – “Explanation for Design Creation Concept” uses basic system, application system and environment identity system as the design sections to analyze the results; the Fifth Chapter – “Conclusion and Suggestion” shows the design research is used to understand cultural parks and innovate the Human rights memorial & cultural park in order to escape from the visual design of common cultural parks. The specific research value of the design research was using new visual design to show the culture connotation of the old cultural park and escaping from original frames to show graphic logo that is different from common logo by adding image visual concept. The Human rights memorial & cultural park had a new visual imagine that was different than before.

    Cultural creativity industry
    Human rights memorial & cultural park
    Environment identity system

    中文摘要 / I 英文摘要 / II 謝誌 / III 目錄 / IV 表目錄 / VI 圖目錄 / VII 第一章 緒論 / 001 一、創作背景 / 001 二、研究動機 / 002 三、研究目的 / 003 四、名詞釋義 / 005 五、創作設計研究方法與創作架構 / 008 第二章 文化創意園區之相關分析與探討 / 010 一、關於文化創意產業之分析研究 / 010 二、文化園區意義與內涵研究 / 013 三、台灣五大文化園區分析研究 / 018 (一)華山1914文化園區 / 019 (二)台中文化創意產業園區 / 021 (三)嘉義文化創意產業園區 / 023 (四)台南文化創意產業園區 / 025 (五)花蓮文化創意產業園區 / 027 四、國家人權博物館之個案分析 / 030 (一)景美人權文化園區 / 031 (二)綠島人權文化園區 / 034 第三章 文化園區視覺創作發展研究分析 / 038 一、視覺設計研究方向 / 038 二、視覺設計設計架構 / 039 三、國內外人權文化園區比較分析 / 039 第四章 設計創作作品理念說明 / 062 一、標誌設計概念發想 / 063 二、基本設計系統 / 065 (標誌規格稿、中英文標準字規格稿、輔助象徵圖形、標準色輔助色、標準色輔助色使用比例、標誌特別色金色銀色、標誌組合橫式直式、標誌組合橫式簡稱) 三、應用設計系統 / 075 (名片、解說證、識別證、事務用品信封信紙、光碟、園區制服、活動提袋 活動傘、多媒體螢幕視覺設計、活動海報、園區海報、人權海報) 四、環境識別設計 / 083 (入口意象視覺、服務台/方向指標、樓層方向指標、展示區域指標、園區資源方向指標、停車處方向指標、活動旗幟、展示區海報張貼架) 五、展覽會場與實際展覽作品說明 / 090 第五章 結論與建議 / 092 參考文獻

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