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研究生: 潘姵璇
論文名稱: 九年一貫國民中學英語教科書活動練習設計之分析比較
Evaluation of Learning Activities in Junior High School English Textbooks for Nine-year Integrated Curriculum
指導教授: 葉錫南
Yeh, Hsi-Nan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 九年一貫英語教科書活動練習設計
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:211下載:44
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  • 本研究旨在分析比較五套九年一貫國民中學英語教科書,以作為日後
    教科書評鑑、選擇與設計的參考。這五套教科書( H, J, K, L 及N 版
    本) 自2002 年至2004 年7 月為止,各出版了一到四冊。這些教科書係特
    在2002 年教育部所頒布的九年一貫課程綱要中,明確指出「培養學生
    據Dubin 和Olshtain 的分類法。此分類法將活動分成1 到7 等級,分別代表
    1. 整體而言,活動練習的溝通程度並不高,五個版本的活動練習集中在4
    到6 等級。
    2. 聽、說、讀、寫四個技能分配並不平均,多數版本包含較多聽、說活動
    3. 聽、說、讀、寫在活動練習中,大部分能互相搭配整合,五套教科書平
    均有61.2%的活動整合了2 個以上的語言技能。

    The present study aims to investigate the language learning activities in
    five sets of junior high school English textbooks published by commercial
    publishers, H, J, K, L, and N. Each set of textbook, published between 2002 and
    2004, includes four volumes, from Book One to Book Four. They were designed
    for the first year of Nine-year Integrated Curriculum in Taiwan.
    Since the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum began, it has always been
    emphasized that teaching materials should be communicative. The purpose of
    this study is to explore if the language learning activities in these textbooks
    follow the Curriculum Guidelines in this regard. One primary focus of the study
    is to investigate the extent of communicativeness of the language learning
    activities in textbooks. The classification adopts Dubin and Olshtain’s (1986)
    scale of communicativeness for evaluating learning activities. Activities are
    categorized into 7 types, levels 1 to 7, ranging from the most communicative
    activities to the least communicative ones. The second focus of this study is to
    examine the percentage of different language skills in the language learning
    activities. It is aimed at assessing whether or not the four language skills get
    balanced in activities. Besides, whether the four skills are integrated with one
    another is also examined in this study.
    The results reveal that the language learning activities in the junior high
    school textbooks mainly fall into the categories of 4, 5, and 6. Among the five
    sets of textbooks, Textbook L has the most communicative activities. With
    regard to the percentages of four language skills in activities, Textbooks, H, J, K,
    and N are found to have put a lot of emphasis on listening and speaking, and not many of their activities actually engage students in writing. In contrast,
    Textbook L conforms to the Curriculum Guidelines in balanced emphasis on
    four language skills. As for integration of different skills, each series of textbook
    has more activities with integrated skills than those with individual ones. 61.2%
    of activities in five textbook series integrate more than one skill. Textbook K
    has the most activities with an integration of 2 skills, while Textbook L has the
    most activities integrating 3 skills.
    It is suggested that future textbook writers improve the communicativeness
    of activities, and equalize the proportions of listening, speaking, reading, and
    writing in activities. It is also suggested that similar investigations be conducted
    with the new forthcoming textbooks.

    1. Introduction……….…………………………………………………….1 1.1 Background……………………………………………...………………1 1.2 Motivation of the Study………………………………..…..………..…..2 1.3 Purpose of the Study………………………………………………..…..4 1.4 Importance of the Study……………………………….……..…..…..…6 1.5 Limitation of the Study………………………………….…………..…..7 1.6 Organization of the Study…………………………….…………………8 2. Literature Review………………………………….…………………...9 2.1 Classification of Activities………………….....…………….……..…. 9 2.2 The Focus of Skills in Activity Designing…………………….……...15 3. Methodology……….……………….……….………………..………..21 3.1 Selection of Textbooks and Activities…………...………….……..…...21 3.2 Criteria for the Classification of Activities ……………….………..….23 3.2.1 Communicativeness of activities……….…………..……....…....23 3.2.2 The focus of skill in activity designing…..…….....…………..…30 3.3 Procedure…………..………………………………….……………….40 3.4 Calculations ……………………………………..……………………..44 3.4.1 Communicativeness of activities…………….…………..……....44 3.4.2 The focus of skill in activity designing…....….……………...…..46 4. Findings……….………………………….…………..……….……….....49 4.1 Communicativeness of Activities … ….…………………….….……..49 4.1.1 Textbook H…………………………………………….….…..….49 4.1.2 Textbook J…………….………………...….………………..…...50 4.1.3 Textbook K……….…….……………..….….………………...…51 4.1.4 Textbook L…...……………………………….……………..…...52 4.1.5 Textbook N……………………….…………….……………...…53 4.2 The Focus of Skill in Activity Designing.........................………..…....54 4.2.1 Textbook H………………………….…….……………….…….55 4.2.2 Textbook J…………………… ……………....….……..….….…56 4.2.3 Textbook K…………….……………..…………………...…...…58 4.2.4 Textbook L…………………………………………………..…...59 4.2.5 Textbook N...…………………………………………….….……60 5. Discussion……………………………………..……….………………...63 5.1 Communicativeness of Activities ……………… ……….……………63 5.1.1 Scoring………………………….………………………..………63 5.1.2 The predominance of less communicative activities……...…..…65 5.1.3 Reflections on the use of Dubin and Olshtain’s communicativeness scale…..…………………………………………………………..71 5.2 The Focus of Skill in Activity Designing……………..…........….……73 5.2.1 Listening and speaking over reading and writing…………..……73 5.2.2 Integration of four skills in activities..…………………….…..…79 6. Conclusion, Implications, and Suggestions……………..…….....85 6.1 Conclusions…………………………..……………………….……….85 6.2 Implications and Suggestions…………………………..…………..…86 References ……………………..………………………………..…………...91 Appendices…..…………………………………………...………………….99 Appendix A: Integration of Skills in Activity Designing in Textbook H….99 Appendix B: Integration of Skills in Activity Designing in Textbook J. ..100 Appendix C: Integration of Skills in Activity Designing in Textbook K...101 Appendix D: Integration of Skills in Activity Designing in Textbook L…102 Appendix E: Integration of Skills in Activity Designing in Textbook N…103 . Appendix F: Integration of Skills in Activity Designing in the Workbooks of Five Textbook Series……………………………………..….104 Appendix G: Integration of Skills in Activity Designing in Both Workbooks and Textbooks of Five Series………………………..…..…..105 Appendix H: Integration of Skills in Activity Designing in the First Volume of the Latest Textbooks H and J (2004)………….…….....…106

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