研究生: |
論文名稱: |
高中已婚女教師家庭壓力、支持系統與婚姻滿意度之關係-兩地雙生涯家庭與一般雙生涯家庭之比較 The Correlation of Family Stress, Supporting System, and Marital Satisfaction of Married Female High School Teachers--A Comparison Between Commuter Dual-career and Non-commuting Dual-career Families |
指導教授: | 周麗端 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 127 |
中文關鍵詞: | 高中已婚女教師 、家庭壓力 、支持系統 、婚姻滿意度 、一般雙生涯家庭 、兩地雙生涯家庭 |
英文關鍵詞: | married female high school teachers, family stress, supporting systems, marital satisfaction, non-commuting dual-career families, commuter dual-career families |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:484 下載:30 |
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摘 要
This study is designed to examine the difference and the factors between the two types of dual-career families (commuter dual-career families and non-commuting dual-career families) in family stress, supporting systems, and marital satisfaction of married female high school teachers. The participants come from all high schools and vocational schools in Kaohsiung in 2000. They are divided into either dual career families or commuter dual-career families; the former is sampled with the return of 103 effective questionnaires, and the latter is sampled with the return of 110 effective questionnaires. The tools for study include: “family stress index”, “supporting system index”, “the scale of marital satisfaction”, and “demography”.
This study uses statistical methods of t-test, two-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and path analysis.Following is the results:
A.There are significant differences between female teachers of non-commuting dual-career families and those of commuter dual-career families, in terms of duration of marriage, number of children, period of family life cycle, and number of persons living together.
B.The female teachers of commuter dual-career families experience less familial pressure than those of non-commuting dual career families.
(a)The female teachers of non-commuting dual-career families report less child rearing pressure than those of commuter dual-career families.
(b)Female teachers of non-commuting dual-career families experience less pressure than the ones of commuter dual-career families do in marital relationship.
(c)Female teachers of non-commuting dual-career families have also felt less pressure in familial relationship than the ones of commuter dual-career families.
C.Support for participants from non-commuting dual-career family is much more than those from commuter dual-career families.
D.Participants from non-commuting dual-career families report much more marital satisfaction than those from commuter dual-career families .
E.Female teachers of commuter dual-career families experience greater pressure than those from non-commuting dual-career families when the number of children is above three.
F.When working as a class adviser, there is more support for the teachers of commuter dual-career families than those of non-commuting dual-career families.
G.Supporting for the teachers of commuter dual-career families is positively correlated with marital satisfaction, but no obvious correlation is found in the ones of non-commuting dual-career families.
H.In terms of background variables, the socioeconomic status of the teachers of non-commuting dual-career families has direct influence upon marital satisfaction;however the number of children influences indirectly through familial pressure on commuter dual-career family teachers' marital satisfaction.
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