簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳家倫
Chia-Lun Chen
論文名稱: 職業輔導評量專業人員知識領域重要性與準備度探討
The Exploration about Preparedness and Importance of Knowledge area in Vocational evaluator.
指導教授: 林幸台
Lin, Hsin-Tai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 復健諮商研究所
Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Counseling
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 職業輔導評量知識領域準備度重要性訓練需求
英文關鍵詞: vocational evaluation, knowledge area, preparedness, importance, training needs
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:378下載:9
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  • 本研究目的為探討通過職業輔導評量員培訓課程之專業人員,對於職業輔導評量知識領域準備度與重要性之看法,並藉由兩者之間的差距,形成職業輔導評量專業人員之訓練需求,採調查研究法,利用46題職業輔導評量內容變項形成問卷,取得有效樣本123人對職業輔導評量知識領域準備度與重要性問卷之資料,以因素分析將46題內容變項分為6個知識領域向度。

    Factor analysis was used as research instrument to categorize 46 content variables into 6 knowledge area factors.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the professionals’ viewpoints about the preparedness and importance of vocational evaluation knowledge area, and the training needs of vocational evaluators through the difference between these two variables. This study also explore whether the professionals’ background variables made influence on the viewpoints of professionals’ to preparedness, importance and training needs in every knowledge area or not. Survey study method was applied by using the 46 vocational evaluation item questionnaire, which was validated through factor analysis with six knowledge components.
    The investigation resulted with 123 respondents of returned questionnaires. Research findings and conclusions were as followed:
    1.Professionals’ viewpoints about preparedness and importance were significantly different in every factor. Respondents indicated their insufficient preparation in at least three knowledge components.
    2.Professionals’ viewpoints were identical about the importance, and reached the degree of “nearly important” and “more than important” in every factor. This showed the importance of knowledge area factors chosen were supported by study group.
    3.Background variables and preparedness of every factor had higher correlation with training needs, and the work seniority of professionals was the highest one. The seniors especially considered the deficiency about preparedness and higher training needs of themselves.
    4.Results showed that although vocational evaluator training program content closed to knowledge area, program duration and required hours caused the depth deficiency about its effectiveness. Therefore, the training way needed further exploration and discussion in the future to increase the preparedness that vocational evaluator training can provide.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機...................................................................1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題...........................................................4 第三節 名詞釋義...............................................................................4 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 職業輔導評量在職業重建領域中的角色...........................6 第二節 訓練與課程對專業人員的重要性.......................................8 第三節 職業輔導評量專業人員培訓..............................................10 第四節 職業輔導評量知識領域......................................................13 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究設計..............................................................................17 第二節 研究對象..............................................................................18 第三節 研究工具..............................................................................20 第四節 研究程序..............................................................................28 第四章 研究結果與討論 第一節 職業輔導評量知識領域的準備度與重要性......................30 第二節 專業人員背景變項與職評準備度及重要性之關聯 ..............................................................................................34 第三節 職評訓練需求與背景變項之關聯......................................38 第四節 研究結果討論......................................................................42 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論..............................................................................47 第二節 建議......................................................................................48 參考文獻...................................................................................................52 附錄一 預試問卷.....................................................................................61 附錄二 預試問卷專家意見表.................................................................64 附錄三 正式問卷.....................................................................................68 圖 目 錄 圖3-1 研究設計圖...................................................................................17 表 目 錄 表2-4-1 歷來研究中的復健諮商知識領域............................................13 表2-4-2 職業輔導評量知識領域............................................................14 表2-4-3 職業輔導評量員應具備能力表................................................16 表3-2-1 樣本基本背景資料摘要表.........................................................19 表3-3-1職業輔導評量知識領域因素分析摘要表.................................26 表3-3-2 各因素內部一致性摘要表........................................................28 表4-1-1 專業人員對各因素準備度與重要性的看法............................31 表4-1-2 專業人員對各向度重要性與準備度差距.................................32 表4-2-1 專業人員背景變項差異對因素準備度看法統計考驗結果 ....................................................................................................35 表4-2-2 專業人員背景變項差異對因素重要性看法統計考驗結果 ....................................................................................................37 表4-3-1 專業人員對各向度訓練需求....................................................39 表4-3-2 專業人員背景變項差異對因素訓練需求統計考驗結果 ....................................................................................................41

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