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研究生: 楊韻蓉
Yun Jung Yang
論文名稱: 以SCONUL資訊素養標準探討數學領域學科服務需求
A Study on the Subject Service Needs of Mathematics field based on the SCONUL standard
指導教授: 陳昭珍
Chen, Chao-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 159
中文關鍵詞: 數學領域資訊素養學科服務圖書館利用資料庫利用
英文關鍵詞: mathematical field, information literacy, subject service, library utilization, database searching
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:245下載:15
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  • 由於國內圖書館學科服務仍在起步階段,關於此方面的研究十分缺乏,尤其專門領域對圖書館學科服務的需求方面。本研究藉由SCONUL資訊素養標準架構設計訪談大綱,以瞭解數學領域碩博士生與教授之資訊素養行為,並探索其對圖書館學科服務之需求。本研究採用半結構式訪談法,深度訪談台灣大學數學系18位碩博士生與教授,分析受訪者之資訊素養行為與學科服務需求。資訊素養行為以寫作論文或研究計畫時經歷的各項過程為主,包括如何決定研究題目、選擇資訊工具及檢索策略、收集資訊、評估資訊、管理資訊到應用資訊各方面。
    本研究發現數學領域碩博士生與教授之資訊素養行為有幾項特點:(一)碩士生主要依賴教授指引論文主題方向(二)博士生及教授的研究主題可能是碩博士論文研究的延伸(三)Google為碩士生尋求資訊的主要途徑(四)博士生會進一步使用Google Scholar、MathScinet或ArXiv作為資訊搜尋途徑(五)同儕為教授取得資訊的重要管道(六)純數領域對新知通訊的訂閱需求不甚高(七)經由網路參與學術社群的比例不甚高(八)教授十分推崇Research Gate學術網站之交流功能(九)博士生比碩士生更能使用引用指標(如引用次數、期刊impact factor)做為論文品質評估方式(十)教授很肯定同儕審閱報告(peer review report)對擴展研究視野的回饋功能(十一)普遍使用LaTex論文寫作排版軟體而非Word(十二)碩士生大多自學LaTex或其他應用軟體,如R統計軟體或MATLAB(十三)書目管理軟體的選擇上偏好使用與BibTeX格式相容的軟體,例如Papers(十四)碩博士生論文引用篇數不多,因此較無書目管理的概念與需求(十五)碩博士生對於論文引用應改寫至何種程度才能避免抄襲並不確定(十六)教授認為對於經由口耳相傳提供研究想法者應予肯定尊重並於研究中提及(十七)教授對於未來圖書館進行資料庋用(data curation)抱持樂觀審慎看法(十八)碩博士生在分析和閱讀文獻上常遭遇困難(十九)教授認為碩博士生很缺乏科學論文寫作方面訓練(二十)碩博士生投稿期刊的選擇主要仰賴教授指導(二十一)教授對投稿新興open access期刊,基於審稿制度尚未建立完善,抱持謹慎保留態度(二十二)研討會或專題討論為重要資訊管道。
    經由訪談發現數學領域碩博士生與教授對圖書館學科服務可能的需求主要有(一)舉辦數學資料庫利用講習(二)協助LaTex數學編排軟體介紹(三)提供書目管理軟體Papers的應用介紹(四)加強學術影響力指數(impact factor)以及SCI引用次數的介紹(五)協助科技論文寫作指引(六)協助投稿指南的蒐集與推廣(七)提供人際互動的場所與活動。

    As the domestic library subject service is still in its infancy, research is lacking on this aspect, especially in the field of specialized library subject services. This study utilized the SCONUL information literacy standard architecture to design interview outline, in order to better understand the information literacy practices for mathematical graduate students and professors, and to explore their needs for library subject services. This study used semi-structured, in-depth interviews to 18 graduate students and professors in the Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, analyzing their information literacy behavior and subject service needs. Information literacy effects various behavior of writing a thesis or research project, including how to determine the research topic, select information and search strategies, gather information, evaluate information, management information to the application of information.
    The results show that in different levels of academic achievements, such as master students, doctoral students, and professors showed different literacy behaviors, as the SCONUL seven pillars of information literacy of UK higher education, showing from the novice, beginner, advanced, competent, skilled, to the experts, the various stages of information seeking behavior and library skills. Master students are the novice stage, PhD students belong advanced stage, while professors are expert stage.
    The study found that mathematics graduate students and professors of information literacy behavior has several characteristics : 1) Master's thesis topic is mainly dependent on the guidance of advisor; 2) doctoral research topics may be extended from Master thesis; 3) Google is the main way to graduate students seeking information; 4) doctoral students further use Google Scholar, MathScinet or ArXiv as information search channels; 5) peers are important source of information for professors; 6) news subscription is not highly demand in the pure math field; 7) participate in the academic community via the Internet is not very high; 8) Research Gate is highly recommended of communication capabilities by professors; 9) doctoral students using reference index (such as citations, journal impact factor) are better than master students as the paper quality assessment methods; 10) peer review report is assured by professors for feedback function; 11) the LaTex typesetting software is more popular than Word software; 12) LaTex or other application software, such as R statistical software or MATLAB, were self-guided by graduate students; 13) bibliographic management software compatible with BibTex format is preferred, for example the Papers; 14) graduate students thesis cite less papers, therefore less demand for bibliographic management; 15) graduate students are not clear on how the reference articles should be rewritten to avoid plagiarism; 16) professors think the verbal communication of ideas should be respected and mentioned in research paper; 17) professors are optimistic for library data curation ; 18) graduate students often encounter difficulties in literature reading and analysis; 19) professors believe graduate students are lack of scientific training in thesis writing; 20) graduate students submit manuscript to journals rely on the guidance of professor; 21) professors hold cautious reservations to the emerging open access journals due to the peer review system has not been well established; 22) seminars and workshops are important source of information.
    The demand for library subject services by mathematics graduate students and professors, found through interviews, are mainly: 1) holding workshops of the mathematical database; 2) introducing the LaTex mathematical typesetting software; 3 ) providing introduction to bibliographic management software, Papers; 4) strengthen the academic influence index (impact factor) and SCI citations introduction; 5) assisting guidelines to scientific paper writing; 6) assisting the information collection of paper submission; 7) provide interpersonal venue and activities.

    目次 摘要 ii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 6 第三節 研究範圍與限制 7 第四節 名詞解釋 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 學科服務的發展 9 第二節 資訊素養教育的發展 29 第三節 學術研究者的需求 50 第三章 研究方法 63 第一節 研究架構 63 第二節 研究對象及研究方法 65 第三節 資料搜集與分析 66 第四節 研究流程 70 第四章 研究發現 73 第一節 受訪者人口資料分析 73 第二節 數學領域碩博士生及教授之資訊素養行為 75 第三節 對圖書館的建議與期待 116 第四節 綜合討論 118 第五章 結論與建議 131 第一節 結論 131 第二節 建議 142 第三節 未來研究方向 144 【參考文獻】 145 附錄一 訪談大綱 155 附錄二 訪談問題細項156 附錄三 訪談邀請函 159

    一、 中文部分



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