研究生: |
白偉權 Pek Wee Chuen |
論文名稱: |
馬來西亞柔佛州新山華人社會的變遷與整合(1855-1942) The Changes and Integration of Chinese Society in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 1855-1942 |
指導教授: |
Chen, Kuo-Chuan |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地理學系 Department of Geography |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 244 |
中文關鍵詞: | 新山 、幫群 、華人移民 、華人社會 、地域社會 、私會黨 、商人 |
英文關鍵詞: | Johor Bahru, Bang, Chinese immigrants, Chinese society, territorial society, secret society, merchant |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:632 下載:90 |
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居於柔佛首府新山(Johor Bahru)的華人,共有潮州、廣府、福建、海南以及客家五個幫群。和馬來西亞其他地區的華人不同,新山華人各幫群之間不但無明顯的分立或衝突,反而呈現相對整合的狀態。幫群整合的具體指標體現於各幫協手共建的義山、廟宇和學校。
在此環境下,尚缺乏財力和人力的統治者採取「獨尊義興」的策略,依賴此潮系私會黨為國家累積政經實力,義興公司隨即成為新山華人社會的主導者。在義興為首的時期,新山還是屬於幫群相當單純的潮州社會,其他幫群的移民人數相當零星,故幫群間的分際並不明顯。進入20 世紀以後,隨著國家機器的成熟,其對國土和經濟的控制能力逐漸加強,進而取代私會黨的功能,義興公司地位下降,在新山經營各種生意且無私會黨背景的各幫商人則逐漸取代義興公司的地位,成為新山華人社會的主導者。
This article aims to investigate the formation and changes of a territorial society in the Malay Peninsula. Since the mid 18th century, numerous Chinese immigrants coming from Fujian and Guangdong Province sought economic opportunities in the prosper peninsula. By their origins and clans, these immigrants tend to divide themselves into various groups of “Bang”(幫群). Generally, interactions were stronger in ‘inter’ than ‘intra’ Bang. Economic conflicts and social tensions occurred frequently between different groups of people.
The Bang relationship in Johor Bahru (hereafter “JB”) is unique, although the Chinese here were sub-divided into five distinctive Bangs, but their relationships were rather coherent. The comparatively integrated connections could be demonstrated by communal landscapes, such as burial ground, temple, and school.
By the concept of “territorial society”, this article investigates the integrations between various Bang in JB since 1855 to 1942. To demonstrate this, this article first features the environment background of Johor. It then investigates the influx and the relationship of these Bangs to show their structuring and restructuring process.
The article believes that, the integration of Chinese society in JB was highly base on its non competition and conflict environment. On this premise, there have two difference groups who were leading the Chinese society in specific period due to the changes of politics and economic circumstance. In mid 19th century, inhabitants of JB consist almost entirely of Teochews, the simple society was dominated by Ngee Heng Kongsi, a Teochew base secret society. During the declined of pepper and gambier economy in 20th century, the influence of Ngee Heng in Chinese society began to diminished gradually, the domination role was soon succeeded by merchants (or leaders) from various Bang. Although the social component in JB during 20th century became more complex, the Chinese society did not split up, but also follow the path of integration as before. The case of Bang integration in Chinese society of JB during 20th century may be highly related with their long-term interaction in the daily live over the past. Besides, the national identity of Chinese at that phase was also cannot be ignored. Generally, the changes and formation of Chinese society can be known as a dynamic process.
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