研究生: |
陸璟萍 Lu, Ching-Ping |
論文名稱: |
法人推動產學研鏈結創新作為探討:聚焦RSC An Investigation of Innovative Measures Linking Industries, Academia, and Research Organizations by Non-profit Research Institutions: Focusing on RSC |
指導教授: |
Wu, Yen-Chun |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 52 |
中文關鍵詞: | 產學研鏈結 、研發服務公司 、產業轉型升級 、國家級法人 、衍生公司 |
英文關鍵詞: | industry-academia linkage, RSC (Research Service Company), industrial transformation and promotion, national-level non-profit institution, spin-off |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.EMBA.002.2018.F08 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:259 下載:2 |
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過去的產學合作或產學研鏈結一直有效率不彰、未能落實技術移轉產業的缺點,而國家級法人在推動產學研鏈結的角色上也渾沌不明,因此本研究針對國家級法人來推動小型研發服務公司(Research Service Company,RSC)的可能性、執行方式、及優缺點來做探討,並透過質性的研究方法,邀請在學研機構任職,並具有主持大型產學研合作計畫經驗或正從事於新創規劃之國家級法人主管以及企業公司負責人來進行深度訪談,從推動的做法、營運模式、推動效益及面臨的挑戰等面向來表達意見與建議,再將訪談資料分析歸納,主要結論如下:
1. 可由法人內部研發團隊或對外徵選優良的團隊共同推動成立RSC,也可以與業界結盟,由法人提供核心技術,而由業界提供營運管理模式,各取其優點來經營RSC。
2. 有關成立RSC的資金來源,由政府或法人來出資較易成功,也可徵求創投來提供資金,而最重要的是資金投入者不要介入營運,要讓RSC獨立運作,去面對市場的挑戰。
3. 透過RSC的成立,讓法人可將自己的技術能量移轉至產業,也可協助將學界的研發成果發揮其在產業應用的價值,產生更大的經濟效用。
4. 可提早與業界共同開發技術,利用業界對市場經驗及通路的優勢,加速研發成果商品化,創造共贏,有利於RSC的永續發展。
5. RSC成功的關鍵因素在人才的培育及技術團隊的養成,以及提供的技術是否符合市場需求與具有發展的潛能。
6. 政府應改善與RSC相關的法規,並有完備的商業機密保護機制來消弭業界的疑慮。
With the changes of the socio-economic environment in this era, the tendency to have fewer children induces great impact on the economy and society of Taiwan. To solve the problems, several recent important pertinent strategic projects carried out by the government all emphasized the policy of promoting the industry by transfer of academic research outcomes, expecting the implementation of such a measure will enforce the links between the academia and the industry, and upgrade or transform the industrial manufacturing capability. This, hopefully, can finally reach the goal of retaining domestic talents and recruiting foreign experts so as to strengthen the national competitiveness in the world. In 2017, the Executive Yuan of Taiwan proposed the “Plan of Establishing Innovative R & D Ecological Environment for Next-Generation Sci-Tech Talents,” trying to carry out the implementation strategies of “paving ways for 1000 doctoral graduates to find jobs, and establishing 100 Research Service Companies (RSCs) in four years,” with the aims of promoting the foreseeing and innovative capabilities of industries and solving the employment problem of excessive high-education level graduates.
In the past, industry-academia cooperation or linkage was criticized as having low efficiency in accomplishing the aim of technology transfer from the academia to the industry. Especially, the advanced knowledge and high-tech research did not bring well about industry promotion as well as economy improvement and internationalization. On the other hand, national-level non-profit research institutions play an undefined role in improving the industry-academia-research institutions linkage. This study, therefore, is aimed to investigate the feasibility, implementation, and pros and cons of establishing RSCs by national-level non-profit research institutions. It uses the qualitative research method of in-depth interview to collect data for analysis. The participants are directors or supervisors from the academia or research institutions, who are experienced in working on large industry-academia cooperation projects or are currently involved in new plans for RSCs, as well as a company CEO. They were interviewed in depth to offer their opinions and suggestions about the implementation methods, business models, effectiveness and merits, and possible challenges of running an RSC. The collected interview data were then analyzed to draw the following conclusions:
1. It is suggested to establish an RSC by cooperation with an R&D team inside the national-level non-profit institution or with a team of experts recruited from outside; or by the way of forming an alliance with industrial companies, with the national-level non-profit institution providing core technologies and the industrial companies offering business management models to run the RSC, taking advantage of the merits of both sides.
2. About the funding for RSCs, it is easier to become successful with financial support from the government or national-level non-profit institutions. It is also appropriate to seek funds from venture capitals. The most important is for the capital investors not to get involved in the business running of the RSCs, allowing the companies to operate independently and to face the challenge of the market.
3. Through the establishment of RSCs, the national-level non-profit institutions may transfer their developed technologies to industries, or assist the academia to transfer their R&D results to industrial applications to create more economical values and effects.
4. It is beneficial for the national-level non-profit institutions to work early with enterprises for innovative technologies, taking advantage of their marketing experiences and channels to accelerate commercialization of R & D results and to aim at sustainable development.
5. The key point of success of RSCs is the cultivation of professional talents and the incubation of expert teams. Success also relies on whether the developed technologies can meet the needs of the market and their evolving potential for the future.
6. The government should implement more appropriate laws and regulations related to RSCs, and provide better and more comprehensive mechanisms for protecting business secrets to eliminate pertinent doubts coming from industries.
It is expected that the results of this study can provide a reference for use by national-level non-profit institutions as RSCs are being established, with a hope to reduce unnecessary trial and error and to increase planning effectiveness. In this way, the new innovative measures taken by the government to strengthen the industry-academia linkages will function well in creating a new look of domestic technology innovation, leading to effective promotion of international competitiveness in the long run.
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