研究生: |
湯添進 Tan, Tien-Chin |
論文名稱: |
英國國定體育科課程制定過程之研究 The Study of the Development Process of 1992 NCPE in England and Wales |
指導教授: | 蔡禎雄 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 170 |
中文關鍵詞: | 英國 、國定課程 、課程決定 、國定體育科課程 |
英文關鍵詞: | Britain, National Curriculum, Curriculum Development, National Curriculum for Physical Education |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:447 下載:79 |
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在台灣高喊課程自主、教育權下放的同時,一個原為地方分權教育體制及具有體育運動悠久文化歷史的國家-英國,卻反其道而行,將教育權收歸中央,並積極介入國定課程(National Curriculum)的制定運作過程,而逐漸走向中央集權的方向。英國這種逆向操作、逆向思考的做法,著實耐人尋味。
一九八八年,英國通過教育改革法案,以提昇全國教育水準為號召;而體育名列為十個學科之中,故在英國此波教育改革裡,也深受影響;尤其在1992年的NCPE(National Curriculum for Physical Education)公佈實施之後,對中小學的體育課程也產生相當大的衝擊;但令筆者好奇的是,什麼樣的歷史背景下,促使英國制定國定課程?而列為基礎學科中的體育,其制定的過程、目標、內容及其實施的情形為何?為釐清上述問題,本文採用文件分析法,兼以訪談方式來進行本研究。
While we are calling for ‘the school-based curriculum development’ and the decentralized power of education, Britain, a country, which had a long history of physical education and sports and used to be a decentralized government for education, has challenged to centralize the power for education and interfered with the developing process of National Curriculum,.
In 1988, Britain passed the Education Reform Act of 1988(1988 ERA) for improving the national standard of education. Physical Education, one of the ten subjects in the National Curriculum, was affected by the 1988 ERA. Especially, the National Curriculum for Physical Education of 1992 brought about numerous impacts on the State Primary and Secondary Schools in England and Wales. The main purpose of this study is to inquire the following questions through documentary analysis and interview.
1) What kind of background brought about the NC?
2) How was the NCPE made?
3) Which attainment did the NCPE want to achieve?
4) What’s the NCPE’s content?
5) How the NCPE was in practice?
In exploring the background, we find out that the 1988 ERA was interacted by the political ideology, economic crisis and traditional elite education. The main process of 1988 ERA was to centralize the control of curriculum and weaken the power of Local Education Authorities(LEAs) in politics and to introduce the marketism to close the ineffective schools in economics.
The developing of NCPE was divided into three stages: ‘Formation’, ‘Consultation’ and ‘Conformation’. The NCPE comprised six areas of activities: athletic activities, dance forms, games activities, gymnastic activities, swimming activities and ‘outdoor and adventure activities’. The implementation of NCPE covered six parts, which are equipment, funding, staff, time, context, and assessment. Furthermore, we will analyze the NCPE from three dimensions, the process, content and the practice of 1992 NCPE.
Finally, the main findings of the study are as follow.
1) The development of the Statutory Order for the NCPE was dominated by the Secretary of State for Education.
2) The consultation procedures were a vital part of the 1992 NCPE.
3) The Working Group of NCPE, which was enduring all disgrace and insults from the Secretary of State for Education in order to accomplish its task, did successfully preserve parts of areas of activities for NCPE.
4) According to the Conservative Government’s view, physical education and sports are synonymous.
5) The Conservative Government didn’t provide sufficient backups for the implementation of 1992 NCPE.
6) The issues related to ‘health’ and ‘leisure’ were raising the highlight by the state primary and secondary schools in England and Wales.
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