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研究生: 劉凱
Liu, Kae
論文名稱: 「家長支持家長」的在地實踐–陪伴障礙幼兒家長的行動研究
The Localization of Praxis-Oriented Research: The Case of “Parent to Parent” Program
指導教授: 王天苗
Wang, Tian-Miao
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 183
中文關鍵詞: 家長支持家長以家庭為中心早期療育行動研究非正式支持
英文關鍵詞: parent to parent, family centered, early intervention, action research, informal support
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:389下載:31
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  • 以家庭為中心的早期療育服務有其瓶頸,家長自助團體也有其困境;在釐清兩者情境之後,發現「家長支持家長」服務方案是可解決問題的策略。「家長支持家長」服務方案是透過配對安排而形成的同儕支持,不僅提供了情緒和資訊方面的支持,也擴展了雙方彼此的社會網絡。本研究是透過協同行動的實踐方式,探討在地化「家長支持家長」服務方案的實施歷程。

    The “Parent to Parent” program provides emotional and informational support to parents of children with special needs by matching a trained veteran parent in a one-to-one relationship with a parent newly referred the program. The purpose of this study was to explore the process of the “Parent to Parent” services for three families with special needs and examine the results of the services. As the service of "family centered early intervention" was limited and "self-helped parent group" also had its dilemma, this study found that the “Parent to Parent” program was a strategy after understanding the limitation of the other two services.
    As a result of the collaborative action, it was necessary to consider multiple factors for matching experienced parents and needed parents in the beginning. Next, the first contact would affect the following relationships between experienced parents and needed parents. Understanding the actual needs of needed parents was the key for experienced parents to give a support. Then, a peer support relationship was built. Experienced parents and needed parents trusted each other and engaged in activities. The “Parent to Parent” program could be classified as an informal support which could be more efficient in the reduction of stress than professional or formal one as the informal support offered support that was more practical in natural. Also, both of experienced and needed parents were empowered. They made their own decisions and controlled their daily lives. At last, experienced parents need supports, too.
    During this action process, my role was multiple and the relationship with other participants changed over time. In order to serve more families, it is critical to involve more participants in this practice and dilute my influence in the future.

    第一章 行動的起源 1 第一節 自我的省思與轉折 2 第二節 早期療育服務的重新檢視 11 第三節 家長支持服務面臨的困境 17 第二章 在地實踐行動的需要與初探 25 第一節 初探的起點 26 第二節 初探的過程 30 第三節 初探的發現 38 第四節 研究的焦點 45 第三章 行動的視框脈絡 47 第一節 支持家庭的相關理論與應用 47 第二節 身心障礙者家庭的社會支持網絡 56 第三節 「家長支持家長」服務方案的實施與成效 61 第四章 研究方法 77 第一節 研究的設計 77 第二節 參與的夥伴 83 第三節 我的角色 89 第四節 行動的執行 90 第五節 資料蒐集的方法 96 第六節 資料的整理與分析 101 第七節 資料的檢視 104 第五章 行動的實踐 109 第一節 家長配對:我們要怎麼配對家長? 109 第二節 家長支持:陪伴家長如何支持需求家長? 119 第三節 從行動中看見的事實 132 第六章 回顧與前行 145 第一節 行動的省思 145 第二節 不是結束,而是開始 155 參考文獻 157 附錄 171 附錄一 「2013親子成長空間家長支持團體執行記錄」摘要 171 附錄二 桃園天使心家長領袖自我評估表 172 附錄三 桃園天使心家長領袖培訓課程主題 174 附錄四 「訪談題目」例子 175 附錄五 「逐字稿」例子 176 附錄六 「硏究札記」例子 177 附錄七 「臉書訊息」摘錄 178 附錄八 「資料編碼」例子 179 附錄九 「從資料的共通性歸納主題」例子 180 附錄十 「2014年歲末感恩會劇本:天使邀請函」摘錄 181 附錄十一 「家長支持家長」服務方案申請表 182

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